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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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It does help, strangely.:naughty:


Msn isn't working for me again. I've been yelling at you in a window for the last five minutes, but apparently, you can't hear.:bleh:

I was at the part where FNF started humping the gymnastic thing and i awkwardly looked away ... mom + RHPS + me = awkward.


I just said hi, ... maybe that'll make it work!?

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I was at the part where FNF started humping the gymnastic thing and i awkwardly looked away ... mom + RHPS + me = awkward.


I just said hi, ... maybe that'll make it work!?


I started yelling in that window too, but I don't think so...


:lmfao: Watching RHPS with a parent? Unheard of!

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I started yelling in that window too, but I don't think so...


:lmfao: Watching RHPS with a parent? Unheard of!

Oh so you can see what I'm writing?! It says you're offline still.



Oh believe me, when they get giggity, i am going to have to "pee for a while"

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I let out a dramatic cry.

"HEEEEELP!!!!" Finn caught me before I did a dramatic faint and piggybacked me then dove under being the last ones.

Calvin and Cosmo were the first to swim into the small tunnel.

Cosmo tried to motion something to us but everything was blurry and we just swam right past him. He rolled his eyes, and grabbed phunky's hand thinking it was Becky. Phunky had her eyes closed because she can't open them under water and just swam along.

"nnnphh nnph nnph BLUB BLUB NNPH!" cried Sara.

"Nnph?" I asked to the blurry sara waving her arms dramatically. She pointed up and we all realized there was an air pocket. Gasping for air, we all fit quite snugly. Cosmo awkwardly let go of phunky's hand.

"Okay, should we continue following the tunnel? There may or may not be anymore air pockets ... is it a risk we're all willing to take?"

Simutaneouslywe all nodded sadly. I grabbed finn and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

"If I die, I want you to know I love you more than anything you know. And david... he was just a fling. I feel horrible he died, but..there's not more that I can do." I turned to Amy and kissed her as well.

"I love you." My eyes started tearing up, and as my vision impaired the PPRs quickly went back to the tunnel. Amy grabbed my hand and we went back under.


We swam through the tunnel, Calvin taking the front and me bringing up the rear. I nudged M whenever she started to slow down. Time was of the essence. Suddenly, M swam almost straight up and disappeared. I followed the others up the tunnel and popped up, breaking the surface of the water with a gasp. All I saw was pitch-black darkness.

"We must be in a cave." I whispered. The others murmured in agreement. We felt around, eventually finding an area where the water was shallow enough to stand in. Surprisingly, the bottom of the pool wasn't rocky or muddy, as would be expected of a cave pool, but sandy.

We staggered out of the water and sat on the sand for a few moments, catching our breath. I could hear birds and bugs making noise. Something about that seemed odd. And it was really warm in this cave, almost hot. Another oddity.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" a voice called. I turned my head towards the sound.

"Yeah, we're all fine," Becky called back, "But it'd be nice if you had a lantern or a flashlight."

There was a silence in return.

"Hey, whoever you are, please don't leave, we need help out of here." said Cal.

"No, I'm still here." the voice called back. It sounded male. "I've got a flashlight; you guys can use it when it gets dark."

I snickered.

"Well, that's great and all, but how do you expect us to get out of here without a light?"

Again, there was a silence. I heard scuffling from my right, and the voice said, much closer,

"Hi. My name's Tristan."

"Artsy. These are the PPRs. You'll get to know all of us eventually."

Yet again, there was a silence, and this time, I felt the tinge of awkwardness that accompanied it. Then Tristan spoke.

"Hey, look, I'm really sorry. I couldn't see your eyes from here."

My brow wrinkled in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I didn't know you were blind."


Group blindness....something new, eh?:naughty:

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We swam through the tunnel, Calvin taking the front and me bringing up the rear. I nudged M whenever she started to slow down. Time was of the essence. Suddenly, M swam almost straight up and disappeared. I followed the others up the tunnel and popped up, breaking the surface of the water with a gasp. All I saw was pitch-black darkness.

"We must be in a cave." I whispered. The others murmured in agreement. We felt around, eventually finding an area where the water was shallow enough to stand in. Surprisingly, the bottom of the pool wasn't rocky or muddy, as would be expected of a cave pool, but sandy.

We staggered out of the water and sat on the sand for a few moments, catching our breath. I could hear birds and bugs making noise. Something about that seemed odd. And it was really warm in this cave, almost hot. Another oddity.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" a voice called. I turned my head towards the sound.

"Yeah, we're all fine," Becky called back, "But it'd be nice if you had a lantern or a flashlight."

There was a silence in return.

"Hey, whoever you are, please don't leave, we need help out of here." said Cal.

"No, I'm still here." the voice called back. It sounded male. "I've got a flashlight; you guys can use it when it gets dark."

I snickered.

"Well, that's great and all, but how do you expect us to get out of here without a light?"

Again, there was a silence. I heard scuffling from my right, and the voice said, much closer,

"Hi. My name's Tristan."

"Artsy. These are the PPRs. You'll get to know all of us eventually."

Yet again, there was a silence, and this time, I felt the tinge of awkwardness that accompanied it. Then Tristan spoke.

"Hey, look, I'm really sorry. I couldn't see your eyes from here."

My brow wrinkled in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I didn't know you were blind."


Group blindness....something new, eh?:naughty:

My heart thunked.

"Blind?" I askled feeling around in the darkness.

"Don't touch me there!" I heard , acknowledging the fact that it was probably Mika.

"B-b-blind?" asked rosie.

"I think I'm starting to cry."

Tristan awkwardly took a seat beside us.

"uhm, yes. Say, mind explaining why you guys swam out of the ocean?"

"Ocean...where are we?" asked Calvin.

"California." tristan said grinning.

Artsy grinned.

"Where excatly?"

"About...20 miles south of L.A."

She knew exactly where we were.

"BLIND!" phunky cried grasping onto Glow's collar.

I bit my lip.

"Tristan, on a scale from one to ten, how ugly am I ... you know appearance wise right now?"

I heard a splutter of water spit out of his mouth.

"M4l? I read about you the other day. Haha. Well, you're shirt is a bit...erm..see-through, and you're mascara is...well, all over, but i would say a 7." I nodded seriously.

"Will you navigate me to my husband. He is the-"

"Yeah, I read about finn in cosmo girl. He is over here i think."

"Why were you reading cosmo girl?" asked JJL suddenly.

Awkward silence filled the air.

"Hold my hand." he said grabbing my hand and leading me to finn.

"Now...do you folks need my help?" tristan asked.

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My heart thunked.

"Blind?" I askled feeling around in the darkness.

"Don't touch me there!" I heard , acknowledging the fact that it was probably Mika.

"B-b-blind?" asked rosie.

"I think I'm starting to cry."

Tristan awkwardly took a seat beside us.

"uhm, yes. Say, mind explaining why you guys swam out of the ocean?"

"Ocean...where are we?" asked Calvin.

"California." tristan said grinning.

Artsy grinned.

"Where excatly?"

"About...20 miles south of L.A."

She knew exactly where we were.

"BLIND!" phunky cried grasping onto Glow's collar.

I bit my lip.

"Tristan, on a scale from one to ten, how ugly am I ... you know appearance wise right now?"

I heard a splutter of water spit out of his mouth.

"M4l? I read about you the other day. Haha. Well, you're shirt is a bit...erm..see-through, and you're mascara is...well, all over, but i would say a 7." I nodded seriously.

"Will you navigate me to my husband. He is the-"

"Yeah, I read about finn in cosmo girl. He is over here i think."

"Why were you reading cosmo girl?" asked JJL suddenly.

Awkward silence filled the air.

"Hold my hand." he said grabbing my hand and leading me to finn.

"Now...do you folks need my help?" tristan asked.


"Yeah, we weren't blind five minutes ago." I said, trying to stand. I felt a strong hand grab mine and tug me upwards. Unbalanced and unable to see, I lurched with extra forward momentum and bumped into somebody tall with broad shoulders.

"Easy there," said Tristan, helping me get settled on my feet. Another large hand wrapped around mine. I stiffened before realizing it was Calvin's.

"What could have caused the sudden blindness?"

Nobody had an answer. Tristan offered to help us get to a hotel, and we began to hike to a nearby road.

"So, it just came out of nowhere?" Tristan asked. I nodded.

"It was dark in the tunnel, and it just never got light again. We have no idea what happened."

"Something in the water?"

"Maybe. I don't know."

I tripped on an unseen rock, and frantically caught my balance, then said,

"We need to find out who set the trap in the first place. I bet whoever did that is behind it. M, do you remember anything about who set us up?"

She sighed.

"I just know that someone called and..."

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"Yeah, we weren't blind five minutes ago." I said, trying to stand. I felt a strong hand grab mine and tug me upwards. Unbalanced and unable to see, I lurched with extra forward momentum and bumped into somebody tall with broad shoulders.

"Easy there," said Tristan, helping me get settled on my feet. Another large hand wrapped around mine. I stiffened before realizing it was Calvin's.

"What could have caused the sudden blindness?"

Nobody had an answer. Tristan offered to help us get to a hotel, and we began to hike to a nearby road.

"So, it just came out of nowhere?" Tristan asked. I nodded.

"It was dark in the tunnel, and it just never got light again. We have no idea what happened."

"Something in the water?"

"Maybe. I don't know."

I tripped on an unseen rock, and frantically caught my balance, then said,

"We need to find out who set the trap in the first place. I bet whoever did that is behind it. M, do you remember anything about who set us up?"

She sighed.

"I just know that someone called and..."


Suddenly, there was a massive pain in my stomache. I yelled out and then it stopped, and I was left with a light throbbing. Then I felt something wet on my leg, Tristan yelped "You're pregnant, right?"

"Erm... yes." I replied and the sharp pain came back

"When are you due?"

"Umm... 16th... I think."

"Yea. What month?"

"Whatever month this is. What does it matter?"

"Let me get this straight. You're almost 9 months pregnant, You went swimming, lost your eye-sight-"

"Well there wasn't much there to begin with, and do you know how much fireproof contacts cost?! Hey, What if this screws with my powers? Point me to a rock" I was moved and I tried to shoot, I heard the rock break and sighed in relief. "Anyway, you were saying?"

Tristan sighed. "Your in labor" He deadpanned

"Oh. F*ck." Another sharp pain- contractions really came. They were getting closer. "You know a hospital would be great. I really don't fancy giving birth on a beach... or blind but hey you get that"

"Right. There's a hospital just up the road and across"

"Blind. Remember?"

"Well I'll get you up there and then escort the rest up."

"Thanks" I said while thinking. Great. My lucky day...

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