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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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Ummmmmmmmmm.............................................yeah, I don't know where to go from there.


After Niko was dragged out, the commander looked at another scientist.

"What is the status on the others?"

"Their powers aren't responding. They are acting like normal humans. But the experiments were not a total success. Some are hallucinating and some are having muscle spasms, and there are other problems."

"But they're all easily contained?"

"Yes sir, they're much too weak to break the restraints."

"Excellent. We will begin Phase Two tomorrow."

"Sir, I don't think that's possible, their systems haven't properly recuperated-"

"If they're allowed to properly recuperate, they'll be powerful enough to escape. Time is of the essence. We must begin."

"But sir, it's too much! They might not be able to survive-"

"If they don't survive, we will have lost valuable information. You will be to blame for it. Begin Phase Two at 6am sharp tomorrow morning."

"...Yes sir."

The short, unattractive scientist stalked off to the cold room where the chemicals and experiments were held. He banged his head on the wall. He had never been too popular in highschool. His eyes slowly shut tight as he felt the tears well up in his eyes. 40 year old virgin.


We all awoke to the sound of a power drill. Everyone's eyes searched our little dungeon for what was happening. A high pitched screaming began and we realized what was happening. I searched for the time, 6am. Oh lord. "Oh my god, NO! NO! NO!!!!!" screamed phunky. My eyes widened and i looked around until I saw what phunky's bloodshot eyes saw. One of the possibly-nerdier scientists with a drill gun was drilling a hole into the head of Calvin.Calvin was screaming so loudly my hearing was at the brink of being lost. Blood poured from his wounds, and Artsy suddenly realized what was happening. She began to scream then the hole room went into a dull shade of green before becoming black. Everything was numb, everything was quiet except for the drill stopping.

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Oh god...


I woke up and came out to see an empty pudding cup and spoon and i got concerned.







Oh okay, I was just a bit confused because i had primarily written it in MY post.


Well in your post you said 'Was I raped?', and when I posted it could have gone either way but it turns out no-one was raped, Niko lurves me :naughty: And he's a liar.

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The short, unattractive scientist stalked off to the cold room where the chemicals and experiments were held. He banged his head on the wall. He had never been too popular in highschool. His eyes slowly shut tight as he felt the tears well up in his eyes. 40 year old virgin.


We all awoke to the sound of a power drill. Everyone's eyes searched our little dungeon for what was happening. A high pitched screaming began and we realized what was happening. I searched for the time, 6am. Oh lord. "Oh my god, NO! NO! NO!!!!!" screamed phunky. My eyes widened and i looked around until I saw what phunky's bloodshot eyes saw. One of the possibly-nerdier scientists with a drill gun was drilling a hole into the head of Calvin.Calvin was screaming so loudly my hearing was at the brink of being lost. Blood poured from his wounds, and Artsy suddenly realized what was happening. She began to scream then the hole room went into a dull shade of green before becoming black. Everything was numb, everything was quiet except for the drill stopping.


I woke up. I was restrained, I didn't know where my children were. And I was pissed. I felt a serious of very intense feeling heading towards me, left over from earlier when I had been asleep. Emense anger, a craving for chicken... I didn't want to know what had caused that. Then nothing. Zip. Nil. It was the same thing that had happened to Reece and it surprised me that even though I had left him, he had still been marked. I mentally went through all of the known drugs in my head, then plants, then any other things that could have caused it. Then I remembered Artsy and Cal, it would have taken something powerful to make them this way. Something like that gas that had been used on a forest over here in America, it had shot down every single animal there, even the big bears. Made them all like this. I had seen this for myself way back before I could even control my powers, and I had been so angry at these people for doing such a thing, and the anger had spread so far through the forest that it had awoken every animal there. I had nearly died when I did that, because of course the sudden anger of the animals hit me then I had passed out and couldn't be revived in that sort of enviroment. But I figured it was worth a shot, cause if Artsy could be made angry everyone but me could be saved. I wriggled my hands and found I could take it out of the shackle easy, it was good having small hands and digged in my pocket till I found a napkin and looked for a pen. I found a sharpie on the desk next to me. I wrote one thing.




And put it in my neighbours pocket. They would understand what I meant. Then I dropped all of my mental shields and barriers I'd put up over the years. And then I got angry. I thought of every single bad thing that had ever happened to me. Then they began to wake up. Slowly but surely. The Artsy woke up and I blacked out.

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I wanna post, but...I don't understand :crybaby: Juliaaaa, come baaaack!! Why is ewe getting angry waking us up?


It happens cause I'm putting all of my energy into it and it goes on into you lot... therefore I pass out.... *doesn't really understand self when in writing mode*


JJL!! *pounces* :huglove: I haven't seen you in forevah!



Becks!!!!! *glomps* I knows! How are yous??

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I think she's trying to save us, but as this was kinda the very beginning of the very long and drawn-out end, this is one doodle that can't be undid, homeskillet.:wink2:


I'm trying to save a couple of you, so they can save our children (And so my children have a father).

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