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1 year anniversary from GRAMERCY THEATRE NYC

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It's been A YEAR! since I first saw Mika live.

Oh my gosh. I really cannot believe it.

That was such an amazing night.



I remember I got off the train, I think it was around 5:30.

We had to walk a few blocks, and I remember I was so scared because I was like we're gunna be so far back in the line! I had the biggest butterflies in my stomach, but when we turned the corner and saw gramercy less than 100 yards away, I started SPRINTING but then realized..that there was no line!

We weren't aloud to start a line yet so I think there was a CVS next to it? and I saw a few girls ( ThatPinkSock, LoveToday, ext. ) and we waiting behind them, and in a cluster just chatting,and there were a few really funny gay guys in front of us. Once it turned about 6:30 or so, maybe earlier, we could form the line and a few people cut us in that process but we got over it. As we're waiting and waiting there's people on STILTS and people making balloon crowns,and animals.


Then NO BIG DEAL OR ANYTHING, but there's clearly a hundred people on line at this point, we can hear Mika's sound check and Rachel (thatpinksock) literally starts hyperventilating into a brown paper bag it was the funnies thing ever, she just started crying she was so excited.

Then we're all just standing there talking after we can't hear it anymore,...



Hahaha, while there is at least a hundred or more people on line, he just walks out and was so shocked when everyone cheered it was so sweet. He just walked out waved, high fived a few people and got into his infamous black escaldae. I was like the happiest girl ever, just seeing him so close! Little did I know it'd be a year later and I'd have had several conversations with the man. :blush-anim-cl:


So, it's around 7:30 now and doors were supposed to open at 7.

They wand us down, haha, and we walk into the theatre.

Idk why, but when we walked into where the stage was, I could NOT believe that I could see front row, and about 5 people in there, I ran as fast as I could and got a nice little spot with my elbows on the stage right below Mr. Mikey Choi. We waited....and waited....and waited, then finally..


Miss. Sara Bareilles took the stage and I was BLOWN AWAY! She was this little girl with a huge voice. I miss those Sara shows the most, with Josh Day on the Cajun and Javier on acoustic guitar. Anyways she was amazing, and after she finished, some more for them to get rid of her equiptment and set up mika's which took forever but then the opening cords to relax came on and he came running and jumping out in his big brown, embroidered hoodie and he was amazing! He had so much energy as usual and was so into the crowd!

Haha and during lollipop he got stuck in his suit and couldn't get it off haha and he got tangled in his mic wire at one point, hahaha.


afterwards we got our shirts, met Sara B at her merch table and off we were.



Before the Terminal 5 gig this past February, him being the sweetest man ever, he came out to talk to us and stuff,someone asked him what his favorite NY show was and he said Gramercy, because he really like the crowd,something along those lines. :punk::thumb_yello: Although, I have to think that it MUST have changed after Terminal 5 because seriously, I have never seen/herd a crowd like that EVER I would catch him just looking all around just smiling in almot disbelief.




Here are some videos, they are not mine btw.







LOVE TODAY: "come on new york!!"






For those who were there that night, POST YOUR STORIES!

and some pictures! :punk:

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I was a lurker when Gramercy happened, and I remember being all, UGH- "Why couldn't I have known one week earlier?!" XD.


But this is just about when I began getting into Mika. So I remember... this week one year ago. From this same exact spot at my computer. :naughty:


Didn't realize Sara B. did Gramercy, too.

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Jackie, do you know how much I suck?

I became a fan of Mika's like a week before, didn't think of looking up Mika tickets or anything.

So while you were seeing Mika perform live..I was buying his CD. (For real, I remember it was March 29)

I'm so kewl.:cool:

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