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Will and the People


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I'm not really feeling the new versions of the songs just yet :dunno:

Have to get used to them some more...

I told William the same thing, and he was like "deal with it hev xx" LMAO!! :roftl:


Anyway, I came here to say that there is a new WATP forum up!! http://www.watp.proforums.org - Droopsy I know you've joined :) But I would adore for the WATP forum to be as popular as the MFC, one day. But I'm trying to recruit as many more fans as possible!! :wub2:



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found this OLD interview... :blush-anim-cl:





LMS chatted Michael Jackson, French Kissing and Tenpin Bowling with Will Rendle of Will & The People!

14th June 2009

By Joseph C Seager







Hello Will Rendle from Will & The People. Where are you currently?


We are in London at a photo-shoot/Interview with Fashion Music Style magazine, wait for it... In a BOWLING alley!!! So there is free beer and free games of Tenpin Bowling for us all... I just got a strike so I've stopped playing so as not to finish on a low! This is the life!


How's 2009 going thus far?


I'd say absolutely fabulous darling, we are kicking about as always, playing loads of shows, and the album is finished, which is a bonus... The way I would describe 09 for us so far is: "We are on our way up on this massive rollercoaster, and as always, one's impatience makes them think they are going to drop before they do... We are about to drop, and the anticipation is weird... Let's hope it just gets weirder!!

Are you pleased with your debut single 'Knocking'?


Over the moon, to be honest it would have been our choice so it's great for us that the label are on the same page as us, and it's by no means your average pop single, there is a dark undertone to the track which I feel will give it another level...


When are we due an album?


July... It's great having set release dates but you see what I mean about anticipation... we have to wait aaaages too!!! It'll be worth it though!


If Will & The People was a Jelly Bean, what colour and flavour would you be and why?


I would say one of those purple ones with yellow dots that taste like every other bloody jelly bean in one!! They are intense but addictive!

If people don't know what you and your music are about, how would you describe yourself?

I would say we try not to take ourselves too seriously, so it's best you don't either. At this stage our music is pure and simple, we just play and organically bring our own influences to the table... But I couldn't describe our music without saying it is heavily influenced by reggae and ska music... especially Bob Marley, who in my opinion is the world's greatest poet.


How did you come to music for those who don't know?


I just found a guitar one day and realized it wasn't as hard as it looked (it isn't as hard as it looks!)... and it kind of tied into my wanting to be an actor and stuff like that... I guess I just realized after a year or so that there wasn't really anything else I did and that moment I was like... "****, am I a musician? Yes I am!"


Who would you love to perform with, past or present?


Well past would be Bob Marley, Michael Jackson is playing the 02 Arena for 50 dates...that would be trippy to do!


How was your gig in Leeds in February just gone?


I think we played in the old dressing room in the Cockpit!! Yeah it was fun and shambolic, I seem to remember not being allowed back into the venue by the bouncer and we spent a while trying to convince a big dude that we WERE in the band, and he was like... "Yeah whatever, jog on." So that sucked. But Leeds is Mental and I love Hyde Park in the summer...

Are you getting good reaction to your live shows?


It would seem so!! We are bringing the pogo back and it's always a pleasure to see people jumping around like tiddlywinks!!


What are you currently listening to on your mp3 player?

Newton Faulkner... 'Gone in the Morning' is a tuuuuuune!! And Lady Gaga 'Just Dance' is hanging around me like a bad smell that I kind of can't help loving... I love her; she just doesn't give a **** in a super plastic way!!!


Best venue you've played?


Hmmm... I would say London Roundhouse is pretty awesome... Do you know they used to use the place to turn trains around? How cool is that!!?


Where do you find your influences?


My influences are normally subconscious because you just take things in without knowing and recreate them in your own words/songs... I guess like Chinese whispers. So maybe my songs are Chinese whispers or all the bloody choral music I sung as a kid... With bob Marley being my catalyst!!


What do you miss the most when you're on the road touring?


Not much really!!! Just being at home I suppose. And French kissing... Kisses on tour are more... English!!

Some quick fire questions: Tea or coffee?


**** that's hard... If I had to choose... Tea... Couldn't live without it!!


Summer or winter?

Summer... duh!

Superman or Batman?




Possibly the most important question now, Reading or Leeds?


Leeds all the way baby... Where is Reading?


And finally, what's next on the agenda for Will & The People?


World domination and punter temptation!


Many thanks Will! Good luck with the single!

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Discovered this thread a bit late but I gotta say they are amazing!! I saw them supporting Paolo Nutini last year and bought their EP. Their singer is soooo cute :wub2:


you're telling me!! :wub2: Join the forum please and recommend to anyone who's heard of them :D x

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you're telling me!! :wub2: Join the forum please and recommend to anyone who's heard of them :D x


I'll deffo recommand them, especially in summery days like this they're the perfect band to listen to :wub2: I hope they'll play in Holland again soon

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same, but he has a gig tomrrow at soho... so i dont know what's gonna hppen... nd i think it's gonna be 8pm uk time.. so I dont know what that is for you?


Well won't they just air that gig live then ? :dunno:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ohh, I love them!

I saw them supporting Paolo Nutini in Brussels last year (=

I liked how they really interacted with the public:cheerful_h4h:

Their music always makes me happy (=

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Ohh, I love them!

I saw them supporting Paolo Nutini in Brussels last year (=

I liked how they really interacted with the public:cheerful_h4h:

Their music always makes me happy (=


You were there too??! Small world! They were awesome, weren't they?? Liked them better than paolo!


btw: sign I've been listening to them too much: People around me are starting to whistle their songs, but can't identify what it is they're whistling! :lmfao:

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