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The Boy Who Knew Too Much is out, I think we all agree its PARTY TIME!


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*hugs* I always take a asprin before getting into it and after. That makes the next morning a little less insane. However I've never had a full hangover so I'm not sure if I'm much help Hope your day gets better!



Well my dearest Muppets. It's time ofr this monkee to crawl off to bed. I'd liked to listen to Meeks album a billion more times but I have angry people to appease in the morning and a "pot luck" that supposedly has nothing to do with my birthday :aah:


I wish you guys a fabby day as I know I wont be back until the late hours of tomorow. *sigh* I miss working part time I really do.

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So we woke up at 6:00.. like 30 minutes earlier than usual to get on iTunes and download the album. Me and my sister didn't even realize that we didn't EACH need to get a copy... but oh well. We had a ton of technical difficulties but eventually got it on...


....to listen to at school! Mika is SO more important. I listened to it "in cognito" all day, and told EVERYONE about it. I know I had like more than 5 people who were going to go home and download it. We also had a totally Mikatastic dance party at lunch! It was AMAZING! :aah:


But we really counted down the minutes until we got home! Got off the bus and walked straight to the record store! There was a guy (Bob Schneider) playing live, and they weren't letting anyone in.

We went around the corner and showed one of the people that had been in our WAG video (she worked at the ice cream store) the final product. It was great!

We went BACK to the record store and they had let people in! Bob Schneider was playing so it was super loud and SUPER crowded, but we literally elbowed our way to the "M's" and picked out two albums. We were only going to get one, but they had the normal AND deluxe versions... so we got two. :naughty:


BEST DAY! The album hasn't even been out 24 hours and we already have four copies. :teehee:


And may I just say that the album is GORGEOUS!

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Sounds like a lovely day. I loved that that albumn was available on itunes RIGHT at midnight. it was fun getting to download it straight away. I had it this morning for my car ride to work and for my car ride back home. :wub2:


Yo Muppets! btw!


I did the same thing. :) Now I'm just waiting for the special edition to arrive in the mail.


I love that it takes me four minutes to get to work, but I HAD to have it in my car so I could hear "one foot boy" at least once. :blush-anim-cl:

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So shall i send in my "report"?! :teehee:


Hokay! :naughty:


Woke up in the morning all excited but i knew i won't get the album till 7 hours later, went to school...was freaking out for the last few minutes...didn't go to my locker and the best part: my last class is right in front of the entrance door! :biggrin2:


Ran across the street got to the car, drove to the mall...but we parked in the wrong entrance so as i entered the mall my eye went wide open and i was horrified!! i thought there was no HMV in our mall :shocked::roftl: so i quickly looked at the map and i couldn't see it!!:shocked: then after 5 mins i finally found it...wow my mind was frozen at those moments...:naughty:


Finally got to the store and picked up a copy, and i noticed someone's been there before me and took the other one from that shelf :blush-anim-cl:


Ran back to the car, almost breathless...! opened it then i released i completely forgot to buy the deluxe edition instead :doh:


Any ways came home, listening to it nonstop baby!! :mf_rosetinted:

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