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MIKA on Italian TV magazine


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translation....many thanks to Nezza!!!! :huglove:


The mask he wears is that of an eternal child. But the singer confesses to having had a difficult adolescence. "I was dyslexic, they made fun of me at school." And on his sexuality he says "I hate labels".


With one song, We Are Golden, which is already one of the most played songs on the radio; and an album, The Boy Who Knew Too Much, released on the 18th, Mika's preparing to conquer the world for the second time. In 2007 he succeeded with two gripping singles (Grace Kelly Relax, and Take it Easy), and a debut album which sold six million copies. In the new CD, the 26 year old Anglo-Lebanese who grew up in France and England, re-proposes his cheerful pop, made up of choruses which get in to your head straightaway, often sung in falsetto, in the style of Freddie Mercury.


"In my first album I wrote about my childhood", he reveals to Sorrisi "The second one focuses on my adolescence, from first kisses to the inevitable identity crises which accompany that phase of life. All of the lyrics are written from the point of view of a teenager. Euphoria dominates the songs of The Boy Who Knew Too Much, there are also nursery rhymes. Altogether it's a true pop manifestation, even more than the previous album. However, Mika's adolescence was not one of the happiest ones. "I hated school" he remembers, "I was dyslexic, and my classmates made fun of me. But there were also happy years. Actually, during that period I started having piano and singing lessons."


Used to taking care personally of every details of his records (lyrics, music, arrangements), this time Mika has accepted the help of some well-known names in the pop world; from the producer Stuart Price (Madonna's collaborator on the Confessions on a Dance Floor album) to the English singer Imogen Heap, who duets with him on By The Time "It wasn't my intention to sing with her on the song" Mika reveals, "I don't like duets because my voice isn't suitable. But it worked with Imogen, it had never done before." Also, the choir in We Are Golden, is the Andrae Crouch Choir, the same one that's heard at the end of Like a Prayer, one of Madonna's biggest successes.


"I could have done everything that everyone advised me to do, which would have been a more reflective, less poppy record to show that I was more mature. "But instead, I did the opposite. Because you shouldn't be embarrassed of pop, actually, you should celebrate it. It's because of this I'm jumping around like a loon in my room, wearing only a pair of white boxers and gold shoes in the video for We Are Golden. I still feel like a little boy who has fun pulling silly faces in front of the mirror.


As the lyrics of the new album deal with adolescence, many people will read references to Mika's presumed sexuality (especially in the song Toy Boy); a subject which he has avoided dealing with in depth up until now. "I can't be labeled and that's fine with me," he declared to the English newspaper the Daily Mail "You should talk about sexuality without feeling that you have to label it. My favourite artists such as David Bowie and Prince can't be labeled. The important thing is to be able to be free to do what you want."

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I bought this magazine! :thumb_yello:

I'm happy that he's again in the italian mag!:boing:


And on his sexuality he says "I hate labels".


REALLY? What interview should I believe? This or http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19924 :roftl::roftl::roftl:


Thanks for posting :thumb_yello:


well.. me , I'm not so much interested on His sexuality. I don't care if HE's gay, or not or if HE's bisexual. I like HIM for HIS music and for the lovely and wonderful person who HE is...:wub2:

(I hope you understand what I want to say cause my english is not good)

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I bought this magazine! :thumb_yello:

I'm happy that he's again in the italian mag!:boing:




well.. me , I'm not so much interested on His sexuality. I don't care if HE's gay, or not or if HE's bisexual. I like HIM for HIS music and for the lovely and wonderful person who HE is...:wub2:

(I hope you understand what I want to say cause my english is not good)


You are so right! Mika is a wonderful person and he makes great music and his shows are uncredible good which make us happy! :wub2:

It seems for the interviewer the only interesting thing is to know his sexuality - its boring!

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You are so right! Mika is a wonderful person and he makes great music and his shows are uncredible good which make us happy! :wub2:

It seems for the interviewer the only interesting thing is to know his sexuality - its boring!


you're right too! :thumb_yello:

every single gig is a great emotion and HE is relly a lovely and sweet boy when you meet HIM after the show :wub2:

You know? I don't think that for a fan ( a real fan) it's important that HE says : " yes I'm gay or not I am not". I think that a real fan accepts HIM for what HE is. (I'm happy if HE is happy! :wub2:)

But interviewers don't think the same thing; they want that HE says clearly it.



(this is my opinion)


anyway... I like so much last pic:wub2:

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Mika: "The important thing is to be able to be free to do what you want."

That is a very powerful statement for Mika's young fans & everybody but especially young teens where it is particular difficult!


Bravo Mika!!

Congrats on TBWKTM - I love it as will millions around the world!:thumb_yello:

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you're right too! :thumb_yello:

every single gig is a great emotion and HE is relly a lovely and sweet boy when you meet HIM after the show :wub2:

You know? I don't think that for a fan ( a real fan) it's important that HE says : " yes I'm gay or not I am not". I think that a real fan accepts HIM for what HE is. (I'm happy if HE is happy! :wub2:)

But interviewers don't think the same thing; they want that HE says clearly it.



(this is my opinion)


anyway... I like so much last pic:wub2:


I agree with you!!


Mika is a special guy and I don't care if he is gay or not... I like him for his music, character, sweetness sympathy... :wub2:

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