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"The Go-go Mika Project" Let's make this thing happen!


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Right basicially this all started off in the random thread based on the topic of xmas toys and this year the most wanted toy of 2009 is these hamsters that are interactive (they talk and walk, etc.) called "Go-Go Hamsters"..


Well how about if we could try and possibly get a Mika version of that, a "Go-Go Mika" or "Yo-Yo Mika" whatever you'd like it to be called...


Suggestions and thoughts on this would very handy & come on now wouldn't we all want to wake up on Xmas day and recicve a Mika toy and which was suggested by Rainbow Girl in the random thread comes complete with braces, white boxers and pink bowler hat!


What do you think of the idea, could this work? Could you see every MFC'er with a "Go-Go Mika" in reality??..


If this works, who knows we may have here the future most wanted Christmas toy of 2010!

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Right basicially this all started off in the random thread based on the topic of xmas toys and this year the most wanted toy of 2009 is these hamsters that are interactive (they talk and walk, etc.) called "Go-Go Hamsters"..


Well how about if we could try and possibly get a Mika version of that, a "Go-Go Mika" or "Yo-Yo Mika" whatever you'd like it to be called...


Suggestions and thoughts on this would very handy & come on now wouldn't we all want to wake up on Xmas day and recicve a Mika toy and which was suggested by Rainbow Girl in the random thread comes complete with braces, white boxers and pink bowler hat!


What do you think of the idea, could this work? Could you see every MFC'er with a "Go-Go Mika" in reality??..


If this works, who knows we may have here the future most wanted Christmas toy of 2010!


THIS COULD WORK!!! AND I'M REALLY EXCITED!!!!! :boing::woot_jump::boing:

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sorry- no clue what this is though... I feel silly... :naughty:


Well technically it's idea of a toy of Mika which can talk, sing, walk ,etc. which is based on these hamster toys that are the most wanted christmas toy this year which talk, walk, etc.


They look like this:



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:lmao: he just needs the right outfit and then we're good to go!


Yep! :thumb_yello:


Dragonball toys were the only thing I could think that wouldn't be 100 miles off Mika, Goku is half naked his hair is simluar shape to Mika's but not curly but isn't wearing "white boxers" :blush-anim-cl:..white boxers...

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Well technically it's idea of a toy of Mika which can talk, sing, walk ,etc. which is based on these hamster toys that are the most wanted christmas toy this year which talk, walk, etc.


They look like this:




ahhh I see... kinda like a modern pull-my-string kinda toy? that can walk? :naughty:


nice idea... :biggrin2:

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ahhh I see... kinda like a modern pull-my-string kinda toy? that can walk? :naughty:


nice idea... :biggrin2:


I don't know exactly whether they have a string to pull to make them go but there's something in them that makes them go :wink2:


I would personally like the Mika toy to have a button to a different range of settings such as one is for stay still but still talks + sings & the other setting moves and talks + sings,etc.

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Yes :biggrin2:

Shouldn't we check with Mika before trying to make this happen? We would need his approval for something like this. Also if the doll is in his image, he should surely benefit financially from the sales of the toys.

It is a sweet idea, but I'm not sure how viable it will be.

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there is already a Mika doll, i take it you want one that does everything that Mika does? :naughty:


like twitter? :biggrin2:


We want a Mika doll which we can all own and play with which yeah does the things like Mika.. and also comes with "white boxers"... now we can't forget the white boxers!! :biggrin2:

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