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In honor of my best friend


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Hi Mika fans,

My name is Audrey and I am from The Netherlands. My friend and I will visit London from coming Thursday to Monday.

This trip will be a special one for us. My friend Mark and I will visit London, but originally Mark was to go with our friend Marcel.

Marcel was my very best friend and sadly, he died 2 months ago. He was a very big fan of Mika and always commented that, when he would visit London, he would also visit Mika’s house in London.

Once, Marcel attended a concert of Mika and afterwards he had a short meet and greet with him outside the venue (it was winter). When Mika asked him ‘’how are you?’’, Marcel said ‘’cold’’. And that was all. Afterwards, he hated himself for not saying more, but he was just flabbergasted at that moment. During Marcel's funeral we played ''Happy Ending'' and ''Blue Eyes'' (Marcel had blue eyes).

Mark has asked me to go to London with him in Marcel’s place, since we were his two best friends.

In honor of Marcel, we would like to visit Mika’s house. Just to take a picture and just to remember him and do this in his name. However, it seems impossible to find the address on the internet.

That’s where you guys come in. I realise that the ones who know his London address are not going to splatter this all over the internet, but maybe you can help me out by sending me a private message.

We would never ever use the information for anything else than a quick photograph from the street and we will not harass Mika in any way.

I really, really hope you can help us. Thank you so much!

Best regards, Audrey

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Hi Audrey,


Sorry to hear about your friend's passing. :sad:


However, Mika's home address is not public information. It would be disrespectful to Mika, his family, and his neighbours to share his address and encourage people to linger in his street taking photos of his home.


I hope you and Mark enjoy your trip to London. It really is a beautiful city.

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