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Hey everyone! (I'm not sure if anyone even remembers me because I haven't been on here in so long...also I'm not sure if this is in the right place, if not it can be moved haha) But I'm a senior in highschool now and I have to do a senior project. I decided to do mine on British culture, specifically looking at London and I thought MFC would be a great source since I think many of you are from England! Now I'll get to the point :blush-anim-cl: (I've missed those smilies haha)


I was wondering if anyone whose been to/lives in London (or England in general) could tell me a little bit about the culture and things like the food, fashion, music or people or anything thing else. How do you define the culture of London?


Also any tips or experiences you guys have would be great too!

Thanks to anyone who went through and read all of this! :huglove:

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Hiya I remember you. :bye:


I lived in London for a couple of years. The thing is London is sort of the least British place in Britain if you know what I mean. It's an island unto itself that is quite different from the rest of the country in many ways. I am not British, most of the people I socialized with were not British and I worked for a British culture university program which of course was full of American students and professors. :wink2:


I go back fairly often but I imagine daily living has changed quite a bit in the past 15 years. The demographics in London have definitely changed with a lot of eastern Europeans moving in. I was there during the dot com era and Tony Blair's Cool Britannia and the sense was that London was the centre of the financial world with so much prosperity and growth at the turn of the millennium. But I'm guessing it's a different reality now.


Unfortunately we don't have many Londoners on MFC anymore (I know a few who moved to Canada actually) but if you have some very specific questions I can try to help.


I don't live in England but I live in Britain. Any questions? :mf_rosetinted: I'm pretty sure British culture applies to me too. :naughty:


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