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(+16 ONLY) This Ones For Us Girls


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hey guys this is the cover for the fanfic




its not the actual thing, i was just drawing out some ideas, i want to change it a bit cos i don't like it much but i don't know what to do with it, any ideas?


edit: btw the white bit there will be the mikagasmic pic of the man himself :naughty:



WOW! It looks great!! :thumb_yello: I'm crap at these things, so no, sry I don't have any ideas :boxed: but I really like it the way it looks now!! :biggrin2: (wish I could draw.... :blink::bleh: )

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that is so awful. and i know just how you feel, adn i know people say that, but i really MEAN it. my best friend was a boy - he was killed when i was 8. some one threw a wooden stool at his head because he was my friend.

This story is kind of yours, but in reverse. i was the one being bullied, and he always stood up for me. our mums met at kindergarten and we'd been friends since we where born - but we where always made fun of because girls and boys 'are'nt meant to be friends' and everyone thought it was pretty stupid of him to hang out with such a wierd kid like me. but he did, and he stuck up for me - even when i got hit . that made him really mad - and it only happened once. i was walking home ( we lived very close to school) when i was pushed from behind down a hill into the road - i nearly got hit by the school bus! he punched him and told him to go using language that 7 year old' should'nt know. he got punished. the kid who pushed me didnt even get suspended.

it got worse, and we left school for a while. but when we got back nothing had changed - the only difference was now the kids where old enough to use really hurtful language. a romour went round that i was pregnant - at 8!-and that he was teh father! honestly, how do kids that young come up with this stuff? i found it funny at first, but it began to wear me down . And him too.

The same year, we where on a science trip with our classes when this really mean bastard who had endevored to make my life hell since i got to the school decided it would be funny to pour hydrochloric acid on my head. i screamed and jumped up, but at the same time my skirt was caught on my stool, and when i jumped the skirt stayed And i was standing in my nuddy pants in front of my whole year with my scalp burning off. He went mad, and started yelling at the thug - and everyone was silent. he threw acid at the thug to show him how it felt. (i was being rushed out by this point - luckily for me the acid was very dilute) As i left the thug picked up his stool, and chucked it. it don't think he meant to hit him, or maybe he was just so angry he could'nt control himself - funny thing with 8 year olds, very volatile emotions- but the stool hit him in the head, and knocked him over. that's not what killed him. he has very rare blood type, and sclap wounds bleed a lot. he simply bled to death. I did'nt understand - and i sometimes think i still don't - but after the funeral, we moved away for good - a whole new country, a new life, and new school. A new bully.

I have'nt changed. i'm still the wierd kid who everyone thinks is just a bit too strange to really like. luckily for me, i have friends who really love me. they don't stick up for me - they dont need to, i do that for myself - but everytime someone picks on me now - even the tinyest thing, like ' ginger' , i feel all the anger 7 years of blaming myself has ingrained in me.

I'm still the same me, the only difference is that i no longer have Tommy to stop me screaming at them.



:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: I'm crying right now.. Have no words, eccept this must be the sadest thing I've ever heard!

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that is so awful. and i know just how you feel, adn i know people say that, but i really MEAN it. my best friend was a boy - he was killed when i was 8. some one threw a wooden stool at his head because he was my friend.

This story is kind of yours, but in reverse. i was the one being bullied, and he always stood up for me. our mums met at kindergarten and we'd been friends since we where born - but we where always made fun of because girls and boys 'are'nt meant to be friends' and everyone thought it was pretty stupid of him to hang out with such a wierd kid like me. but he did, and he stuck up for me - even when i got hit . that made him really mad - and it only happened once. i was walking home ( we lived very close to school) when i was pushed from behind down a hill into the road - i nearly got hit by the school bus! he punched him and told him to go using language that 7 year old' should'nt know. he got punished. the kid who pushed me didnt even get suspended.

it got worse, and we left school for a while. but when we got back nothing had changed - the only difference was now the kids where old enough to use really hurtful language. a romour went round that i was pregnant - at 8!-and that he was teh father! honestly, how do kids that young come up with this stuff? i found it funny at first, but it began to wear me down . And him too.

The same year, we where on a science trip with our classes when this really mean bastard who had endevored to make my life hell since i got to the school decided it would be funny to pour hydrochloric acid on my head. i screamed and jumped up, but at the same time my skirt was caught on my stool, and when i jumped the skirt stayed And i was standing in my nuddy pants in front of my whole year with my scalp burning off. He went mad, and started yelling at the thug - and everyone was silent. he threw acid at the thug to show him how it felt. (i was being rushed out by this point - luckily for me the acid was very dilute) As i left the thug picked up his stool, and chucked it. it don't think he meant to hit him, or maybe he was just so angry he could'nt control himself - funny thing with 8 year olds, very volatile emotions- but the stool hit him in the head, and knocked him over. that's not what killed him. he has very rare blood type, and sclap wounds bleed a lot. he simply bled to death. I did'nt understand - and i sometimes think i still don't - but after the funeral, we moved away for good - a whole new country, a new life, and new school. A new bully.

I have'nt changed. i'm still the wierd kid who everyone thinks is just a bit too strange to really like. luckily for me, i have friends who really love me. they don't stick up for me - they dont need to, i do that for myself - but everytime someone picks on me now - even the tinyest thing, like ' ginger' , i feel all the anger 7 years of blaming myself has ingrained in me.

I'm still the same me, the only difference is that i no longer have Tommy to stop me screaming at them.


Oh my god! thats terrible! that must have been so awful for you!! *hugs*

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that is so awful. and i know just how you feel, adn i know people say that, but i really MEAN it. my best friend was a boy - he was killed when i was 8. some one threw a wooden stool at his head because he was my friend.

This story is kind of yours, but in reverse. i was the one being bullied, and he always stood up for me. our mums met at kindergarten and we'd been friends since we where born - but we where always made fun of because girls and boys 'are'nt meant to be friends' and everyone thought it was pretty stupid of him to hang out with such a wierd kid like me. but he did, and he stuck up for me - even when i got hit . that made him really mad - and it only happened once. i was walking home ( we lived very close to school) when i was pushed from behind down a hill into the road - i nearly got hit by the school bus! he punched him and told him to go using language that 7 year old' should'nt know. he got punished. the kid who pushed me didnt even get suspended.

it got worse, and we left school for a while. but when we got back nothing had changed - the only difference was now the kids where old enough to use really hurtful language. a romour went round that i was pregnant - at 8!-and that he was teh father! honestly, how do kids that young come up with this stuff? i found it funny at first, but it began to wear me down . And him too.

The same year, we where on a science trip with our classes when this really mean bastard who had endevored to make my life hell since i got to the school decided it would be funny to pour hydrochloric acid on my head. i screamed and jumped up, but at the same time my skirt was caught on my stool, and when i jumped the skirt stayed And i was standing in my nuddy pants in front of my whole year with my scalp burning off. He went mad, and started yelling at the thug - and everyone was silent. he threw acid at the thug to show him how it felt. (i was being rushed out by this point - luckily for me the acid was very dilute) As i left the thug picked up his stool, and chucked it. it don't think he meant to hit him, or maybe he was just so angry he could'nt control himself - funny thing with 8 year olds, very volatile emotions- but the stool hit him in the head, and knocked him over. that's not what killed him. he has very rare blood type, and sclap wounds bleed a lot. he simply bled to death. I did'nt understand - and i sometimes think i still don't - but after the funeral, we moved away for good - a whole new country, a new life, and new school. A new bully.

I have'nt changed. i'm still the wierd kid who everyone thinks is just a bit too strange to really like. luckily for me, i have friends who really love me. they don't stick up for me - they dont need to, i do that for myself - but everytime someone picks on me now - even the tinyest thing, like ' ginger' , i feel all the anger 7 years of blaming myself has ingrained in me.

I'm still the same me, the only difference is that i no longer have Tommy to stop me screaming at them.


I don't even know how to react to this

how can that even happen. my god...


this is too much for me right now, I'm seriously crying...

I don't know what to say.


plenty of hugs to you

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bugger. i meant to do that anonymously..... now you all probrably think i'm i wierd kid. i'm so hyper all the time. i've just forgotten it. when ever i think about it i cry and have to listen to mika



we don't think you're wierd!! not in a bad way anyway! :wink2: wierd is good! wierd is different! different is special!! special is one of a kind! one of a kind is truly amazing! being like everyone else is just boring!

I can't believe how much you've gone through already at the age of 15(?)!!

yeah, Mika is the greatest when you're sad! or at any mood really. he always makes me happy!

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:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: I'm crying right now.. Have no words, eccept this must be the sadest thing I've ever heard!


i'm crying too, that is like the worst story i've heard.. that is beyond mean.. words can't even describe it.. do u still see these people kiwiabroad?

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that is so awful. and i know just how you feel, adn i know people say that, but i really MEAN it. my best friend was a boy - he was killed when i was 8. some one threw a wooden stool at his head because he was my friend.

This story is kind of yours, but in reverse. i was the one being bullied, and he always stood up for me. our mums met at kindergarten and we'd been friends since we where born - but we where always made fun of because girls and boys 'are'nt meant to be friends' and everyone thought it was pretty stupid of him to hang out with such a wierd kid like me. but he did, and he stuck up for me - even when i got hit . that made him really mad - and it only happened once. i was walking home ( we lived very close to school) when i was pushed from behind down a hill into the road - i nearly got hit by the school bus! he punched him and told him to go using language that 7 year old' should'nt know. he got punished. the kid who pushed me didnt even get suspended.

it got worse, and we left school for a while. but when we got back nothing had changed - the only difference was now the kids where old enough to use really hurtful language. a romour went round that i was pregnant - at 8!-and that he was teh father! honestly, how do kids that young come up with this stuff? i found it funny at first, but it began to wear me down . And him too.

The same year, we where on a science trip with our classes when this really mean bastard who had endevored to make my life hell since i got to the school decided it would be funny to pour hydrochloric acid on my head. i screamed and jumped up, but at the same time my skirt was caught on my stool, and when i jumped the skirt stayed And i was standing in my nuddy pants in front of my whole year with my scalp burning off. He went mad, and started yelling at the thug - and everyone was silent. he threw acid at the thug to show him how it felt. (i was being rushed out by this point - luckily for me the acid was very dilute) As i left the thug picked up his stool, and chucked it. it don't think he meant to hit him, or maybe he was just so angry he could'nt control himself - funny thing with 8 year olds, very volatile emotions- but the stool hit him in the head, and knocked him over. that's not what killed him. he has very rare blood type, and sclap wounds bleed a lot. he simply bled to death. I did'nt understand - and i sometimes think i still don't - but after the funeral, we moved away for good - a whole new country, a new life, and new school. A new bully.

I have'nt changed. i'm still the wierd kid who everyone thinks is just a bit too strange to really like. luckily for me, i have friends who really love me. they don't stick up for me - they dont need to, i do that for myself - but everytime someone picks on me now - even the tinyest thing, like ' ginger' , i feel all the anger 7 years of blaming myself has ingrained in me.

I'm still the same me, the only difference is that i no longer have Tommy to stop me screaming at them.


I'm just speechless. I don't know what to say, it's so horrible...


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a huge thank you to mika.... this year, i've really regained my confidence. HE always makes me happy. even now. i was crying all the way through writing that, but i put lollipop on, and i feel SO much better already. i wish i'd had mika when i was 8!

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im seriously gonna go hide in a corner now.... i did'nt mean to make you cry.....i'm crying....


no no, didn't mean it like that...

only, you're story is so horrible

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im seriously gonna go hide in a corner now.... i did'nt mean to make you cry.....i'm crying....


no don't! this is what we're here for: to talk about what ever ppl need to get off their chests, happy or sad. and don't worry about the crying, we'll be fine :wink2: you're the one that had to go through it all! you really are a strong person!

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a huge thank you to mika.... this year, i've really regained my confidence. HE always makes me happy. even now. i was crying all the way through writing that, but i put lollipop on, and i feel SO much better already. i wish i'd had mika when i was 8!


yeah he would've mind everyones life better, but hey we got him now :biggrin2: so we'r still lucky

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i'm crying too, that is like the worst story i've heard.. that is beyond mean.. words can't even describe it.. do u still see these people kiwiabroad?


no. if i did i would probrably kill them. we moved right afterwards....my whole family, all five of us kids had to uproot our lives becaus esome arrogant bastard thought it would be funny to pour acid on me! !!! i get so angry when i think about it....

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a huge thank you to mika.... this year, i've really regained my confidence. HE always makes me happy. even now. i was crying all the way through writing that, but i put lollipop on, and i feel SO much better already. i wish i'd had mika when i was 8!


tell me about it... I wish I had Mika at that age as well..

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have any of you ever been bullied?


oh yeah!

but it never got physical, except for like one fight and shoves...



I'm really sorry girls, I have to go, my head is killing me. really, I haven't had a headache like this in years...


bye girls!

I love all of you! *hugs*

stay strong



and Kiwiabroad, I'm so glad you haven't changed, even though everything that you've been through you're still you. applauds to that!

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oh yeah!

but it never got physical, except for like one fight and shoves...



I'm really sorry girls, I have to go, my head is killing me. really, I haven't had a headache like this in years...


bye girls!

I love all of you! *hugs*

stay strong



and Kiwiabroad, I'm so glad you haven't changed, even though everything that you've been through you're still you. applauds to that!


bi bi bi Monshi!!!! *waves*

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oh yeah!

but it never got physical, except for like one fight and shoves...



I'm really sorry girls, I have to go, my head is killing me. really, I haven't had a headache like this in years...


bye girls!

I love all of you! *hugs*

stay strong



and Kiwiabroad, I'm so glad you haven't changed, even though everything that you've been through you're still you. applauds to that!


Take care and see you here tomorrow xxxxxxxxx

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oh yeah!

but it never got physical, except for like one fight and shoves...



I'm really sorry girls, I have to go, my head is killing me. really, I haven't had a headache like this in years...


bye girls!

I love all of you! *hugs*

stay strong



and Kiwiabroad, I'm so glad you haven't changed, even though everything that you've been through you're still you. applauds to that!



aw hope u get better, bubi xxx




and yeah u are really strong! seriously, to not change even after that hell u are brave and i'm proud of u, i know a lot of people would've just change so that they wouldn't go through it again, but not u and thats good, that would make mika v proud too :thumb_yello:

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