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(+16 ONLY) This Ones For Us Girls


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HELL yeah.. words can't even describe it, when u can see him don't waste a single minute looking anywhere else cos u will regret it :naughty:


:bleh: corrrrrr if i ever get to meet him im gona have to touch him too :bleh:

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ha ha yes u must, i tried so hard to touch him, all i maange to get was a small brush of the fingers.. :( lol


i bet it was nice though :wink2::bleh: haha!! i love hands so that would do me nicely :naughty:


yes i'm being very slow today :) .. brain delays


you're not the only one :wink2:

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i bet it was nice though :wink2::bleh: haha!! i love hands so that would do me nicely :naughty:




you're not the only one :wink2:


hehe well espesh mika's hands :wub2:




oh good, i don't feel so odd now

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hey guys!





Bearing the cold is still VERY MUCH IN TACT! My nose is all blocked and shizz! hahahaha


anyways its sorta like an acapella recording because im using my sisters headset with a micorphone connected to it because she doesnt have JUST a microphone. u can still hear music with the headphones on, if its really loud, but because the music is pumping loudly in my ears i couldnt hear myself sing. so im afraid u wont be able to hear any music, apart from when there's an instrumental because i turned that up especially for you lol.

anyways. i kinda went wrong on a word in the first verse but that was coz i was reading ahead xDDD

but apart from that...meh its not bad i suppose. at least ya got it after like...what...3 days now? lol xDDD



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hey guys!





Bearing the cold is still VERY MUCH IN TACT! My nose is all blocked and shizz! hahahaha


anyways its sorta like an acapella recording because im using my sisters headset with a micorphone connected to it because she doesnt have JUST a microphone. u can still hear music with the headphones on, if its really loud, but because the music is pumping loudly in my ears i couldnt hear myself sing. so im afraid u wont be able to hear any music, apart from when there's an instrumental because i turned that up especially for you lol.

anyways. i kinda went wrong on a word in the first verse but that was coz i was reading ahead xDDD

but apart from that...meh its not bad i suppose. at least ya got it after like...what...3 days now? lol xDDD





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the global warming theory?


let me tell you how it is.


Yes, we are speeding up global warming. There is so much pollution going on nowadays that is DOES in fact heat up our planet. Don't forget about the greenhouse gases either. These can come from anything; pollution, aerosols, etc. These create holes in the O-Zone layer, making the suns rays stronger on our planet, also heating up the Earth. Because of this heat, the ice caps in the north/south pole are melting making the water rise which will in time create more floods.






It's to do with Nature itself as well. Soon, the Earth is going to tilt on it's axis, if it has not already, and that itself will change the weather.


You watch - in a good few years time (maybe 100 or so) they'll be saying we'll be landing ourselves in another ice age. It will all go round in a vicious circle.


Not only that the sun is swelling up anyway because the hydrogen is running out, eventually causing the sun to explode which will wipe out our solar system. (don't worry, not for anothe billion or years or so yet).


However, this is why scientists are frantic, looking for another planet capable to support our life. Although we have a billion years for the sun to explode, we don't have much time until Mother Nature, and us, destroy Planet Earth and ourselves.




I love you :biggrin2:

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