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Everything posted by chloe

  1. Am coming now presuming the tickets I've just bought off ebay are ok seems reputable.
  2. If you'll risk ebay there are some on Just put Mika in the tickets category.
  3. After Mika, who I must say is my fave umm in no particular order Queen Scissor Sisters Keane The Kooks Kaiser Cheifs Killers Snow Patrol The Feeling Razorlight U2 Franz Ferdinand and a bit of Lilly Allen Jack Johnson Folk/ Irish music also into alternativey stuff, like the Incredible String Band which hardly anyone has heard of :( hehe
  4. Having a slight panic now. Just bought some off ebay- seller seems reputable and other people have bought tickets from him... but am still worried, couldn't not buy any tho oo I hope they're ok... here's his feedback http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=wood1beez anyone dealt with him before etc? *is worried* (am I stupid?) But assuming they are ok... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!
  5. Lovely thanks so much for that I'm dying to hear the full "My Interpretation"
  6. I know but they won't "belive" that and won't be bothered to take me... if you know what I mean. Can't really get there meself as I'm about as un streetwise as you get and have no one to go with.
  7. haha cotswolds how cool, I go up there with my friend for her horse riding lesson, I'd have to persuade her to take me to visit
  8. hehe mikamaniacs is good. I've got mikaitis
  9. I'm dying to hear the full "My Interpretation"
  10. I think mines got the banner on. It annoys me and I don't understand it so haven't put much on lol (the Mikaness doesn't annoy me, the myspace does )
  11. I'd try that but mom n dad wouldn't take me unless they were sure we'd get in and get a ticket. Darn parents. Can't make other gigs as are too far (once again, parents) but would deff. go to another when he does one nearby. Thank you tho, I may ask if they'd take me on the off chance. Still looking, obviously
  12. Ah I haven't heard Stuck in the Middle yet. Thanks for the lyrics I can't wait for the album
  13. I know it's part of a line in Billy Brown but otherwise no idea
  14. I'll keep my eye on that thanks. Saw some end at a not too bad price earlier but of course missed end of auction as was at school. Just found out my friend's going too *sob*
  15. I was wondering if anyone got a recording of the bit he did on radio two a week or so ago on Saturday night. With the Shakira cover. I went looking on listen again again and I can't find it
  16. Sigh... I'll never get tickets now will I
  17. I like the newer ones... superaudio wotsimibobs. I always accidently stab myself on the corners of the other ones when I'm trying to get them out of our CD holder thing
  18. Watched it awww so lovely Wasn't keen on the rest of the show... wish I'd known it was just at the end lol
  19. I'm going to put E4 on now, thanks!
  20. They have pairs of tickets for Glasgow on BIN for about £30, but no BIN's for B'ham I'm watching a few.
  21. I shall be buying a proper one when I top my phone up
  22. Arg I tink I've missed it damn late night and getting up late. Any chance anyone's recorded it and could upload it in some way...
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