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Posts posted by vixenbbw

  1. guess human nature is greedy and everyone from everywhere just wants MORE! nasty but fact of life, survival of fittest me me me n all that crap n stuff.

    I can't go to these ones, so I will just hope who ever does has a blast, I'll think bout you all on my cruise (dam selfish of MIKA not to give me a private gig on my ship for my 25th weddng anniversary don't you think, what a tight mean camp bastard :mf_rosetinted:)


    Happy Annivesary and congrats on your video!! Just watched it and LOVE IT!!! :roftl::roftl::roftl:

  2. Wow no good deed goes unpunished eh? :boxed:


    I hate to break it to everyone here but Mika has 6 million paying fans. He never said anything about putting this show on for MFC. There were 18,000 people at the London shows on his tour in 2008 and there will be plenty of album-buying, concert-ticket-buying fans who will benefit from this free gig.


    Yes it would be nice for all of us in far flung places if he played in our backyard according to our schedule but he had to play somewhere and this day it happens to be in London so the people who can be in London will be the lucky ones. That's life. :dunno:


    The idea that Mika has to give weeks or months notice for a free gig of 700 is ludicrous because the laws of supply and demand dictate that most of the people who could turn up with that kind of advanced notice are not going to get a ticket anyway.


    When Mika gives months notice it's called a tour. And when he tours you can expect him to play from 10,000 to 20,000+ people. If you want to see him (for free!!!!) in a venue of 700 people then you need to be prepared to drop everything and go.


    Some of you can, some of you can't. It is not up to Mika to sort out which category you fall into. He's there giving a free gig and you can take it or leave it.


    Sometimes I think Mika fans are the most petty, ungrateful moany lot of people I have ever encountered. Jeezus!!!! :aah:


    here! here!! You beat me to it.


    The sooner he stops pissing about with free gigs and calls it a tour the better then


    Even though I can't go I will always treasure the golden(!!) opportunities like this over bog standard gigs any day. The difference between going to a large venue with thousands of other people doesn't even compare to being in a little gang of people at a unique event....whether that be a secret gig, a video shoot, a sigining, a showcase, a TV program...the excitemtn fro those lucky few who make these events is contagious for us all.......it's like we all share the experiences of the few.


    It's not really Mika's problem though is it? It's ours.

    If we really really want to go there then we have to pull out the stops and possibly make sacrifices.

    To a large degree it's about how much you want to go.

    I really really wanted to go to the LA show, but I couldn't justify spending that amount of cash, but that was my choice and my decision.


    Make yours, but don't blame Mika.


    Thing is, the free gigs won't affect the tour in any way. They are independent of it. And so far how many have there been? LA in April and now this? So 2 a year?


    I'm happy that he does it. I will try and get to it.


    Yes, some will say 'oh, you're lucky' but the fact is, I have had to work for it like anyone else-I had to change things around at work that took a lot of effort, in order to get the afternoon off for the POG thing at first, and now I will have to wrangle this one to get there on time.

    It's not luck. I am doing it.

    I even have to pay out of my own pocket for a work trip that was meant to happen on Monday and that I am postponing to Tue now, because going to the POG filming and now the gig on Monday is worth it for me, so I really fought to change my trip at work.


    On Tue, I will have to wake up at 5 am after hardly any sleep and a long day, to travel up to Notthingham for another long day (:biggrin2:work this time) until I get back down to London late on Tuesday. And then of course work normally on Wed. Oh and not to mention that I had to convince MY boss of the change, and then he had to convince HIS boss. It wasn't easy believe me :lmfao:

    The reason why I am posting this is not to moan, far from it, as I'm REALLY happy that I can go to these things, and to me paying this price is worth it; I'm just saying it to illustrate the point that I wasn't sitting on my couch having tea and Mika materialised in front of me with some cakes and tickets for Monday :roftl:.

    I think that it's great that he does these things, and I am grateful, but some people will always miss out and that is how the cookie crumbles. I don't agree with complaining about it, that's all. We could all sit and moan now about his Paris signing or the Belgian and German showcases, etc, etc...Now THAT is something to be jealous about, no? A mini gig with only a few audience members, in the double digits. Funny how nobody complained about that. I just don't get it :boxed:.


    I couldn't agree with you both more.......if I could find a way for this one I'd be there but my work commitments are unusual on Monday and can't be broken....without being in the naughty corner for a loooooong time!! :naughty:

    So, I will sit heartbroken and await the next fantastic opportunity that comes along and hope it is do-able!


    Sari, like you described for your day on Monday, when we shot the Big Girl video we got up at 2.30 am after going to bed at 11.30pm!! Then drove through the night to be in London for 8am!!!!!! We were five mins late and it was brain frying getting through the day and finishing after 9pm at night only to have to drive back upto Chester through the night before getting up the next day and driving to Preston for the radio1 Big weekend that were were also very lucky yo have got tickets for (I still think we were ther only MFCr's there(???)). It was so tiring but well worth it and another example of what you have to do if you want to be part of these things. It's making that decision to just do it!! We can't all be at every event (although Sari you probably hold the record!! :naughty:) but we have to get off our arses and make some of them happen when they are within our reach.

  3. I was one of the mfc'ers' plus one..


    Oh well.....was just a thought!


    I really can't get there so don't know why I'm even looking at this thread but it has been so long coming that I can't believe that I now can't make it!!


    Ice cream van give aways..pah!! Beautiful Ballrooms...Hurumph!! :sneaky2::roftl:

  4. I was just thinking...when they did the icecream van give away in LA didn't they allocate some tickets to the MFC so that they didn't have to get there to collect them in person??


    Sari didn't you only just make the gig after flying in?? What happened with yours??


    I'm just living in hope here as I really can't practically get to London in time but.... :wink2:

  5. Nope it wont be hammersmith, that the opposite side if london. Brick Lane is east london :wink2:. Im assuming that the gig will be somewhere in the brick lane, shorditch area. Its a nice trendy area :biggrin2:


    Couldn't the gig be anywhere in London though?? The ticket give away ends at 2.30pm and the gig won't start til 9ish which gives averyone time to travel.


    As they are giving away 700 tickets and presumably they'll have a decent sized guestlist the venue is going to be a 1000 capicity or less place.


    As Hammermith is 5000+ what about somewhere like Koko? Maybe there is somewhere of a simliar size around Shoreditch...anyone know the area??

  6. you seem awful pale by the way you type are you sure you aren't coming down with something? you might need to take Monday and Tuesday off to recover?? :wink2:





    If only my whole office didn't know Mika's every move due to me going on and on and on about it....I could get away with that!! LOL!!


    I am gutted but C'est la Vie!!!

  7. ooooh, I'll be feeling sick :blink: all day at work on Monday wishing that I'd been able to find a way of getting there for this!!


    I hope lots of MFCr's get chance to go too...GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!! :thumb_yello:


    BTW An ice-cream van in the LA sunshine is one thing but down Brick Lane in late Septemeber??? :roftl::roftl::roftl:

  8. Something that is interesting is the Album sales in the UK. The No.1 Album this week sold less copies than Mika's single WAG. So i can't wait to see how the Album peaks, if the same people who bought the single and hopefully more....buy the album aswell.



    ALBUMS Top 10


    32826 Vera Lynn

    27806 Jamie T

    19282 David Guetta

    18736 Arctic Monkeys

    17830 Beatles - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

    16507 Beatles - Abbey Road (6)

    15955 Kings of Leon (7)

    14823 Cribs (8)

    14568 Beatles - Revolver (9)

    13203 Beatles - Rubber Soul (10)


    You're kidding me??! :shocked:


    You know Mika bought this album and twittered about it last Saturday?? Coincidence???? :naughty:


    I wonder if the Cribs album will be No1 next week as he's now twittered about that one too!!

  9. It's like the journo is in a 2007 timewarp! :roftl:


    I wonder whether he's read some of the "cooler" music press's fab reviews and decided to be a BBC rebel and be controversial!:naughty:


    Whatever he says...Pick up off the Floor is gving me such a thrill just now and I know it's going to be my fave from this album.........theatrical or not!


    I'd pick up any one of the other current chart artists albums from the top 40 shelves in HMV if I wanted ordinary/predictable/samey pop....but I don't.


    I'm 40 years old and I have literally waited a lifetime for Mika to come along and I wouldn't want the world of music without him in it for anytihng!


    He's got my five stars for what it's worth...:wub2::wub2::wub2::wub2::wub2:

  10. Hmmm...lovely!!


    Someone else mentioned it but my fave, Pick up off the floor didn't get a mention but I wonder if the target audience for the making of video wouldn't like that one??


    Just how lovely did he look when he was watching the orchestra playing?? Yummy!!:wub2:


    Oh, and I got very excited when I saw real sheet music for Toy Boy!! Me want!! me want!! :mf_lustslow:

  11. Glad that Mika wasn't severely hurt and that you all had a good time.


    And I don't care about him going to gayclubs etc. when he was young...buut isn't 16 illegal in the UK? :naughty:


    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! You be quiet there missy!! :roftl::roftl::roftl:


    We've all done it! I started going regularly to clubs (ie 5 nights a week!!) when I was 16! :naughty:


    Amittedly, that was back in the dark ages before electricity had been invented!! :roftl:

  12. It will be...if not a coming out for his fans...a coming to terms...:wink2:


    But the whole subject is sensetive and I hope we all can "play nice!"



    About the video, yes there is one happy boy in the end, lovely to see!:wub2:




    Have just watched Racha's vid and it seems to be "six of one half a dozen of the other"....I hope non-UK peeps will understand that phrase!!.... in that it was dangerous, and it potentially is everytime he let's the stage invasions happen and no doubt watching it from a close up persective could have made you reel in shock as to just how close to an accident he was BUT he looked like he was having the time of his life and I doubt he'll have thought anything of it.


    I was all grumbley on Facebook and Twitter lastnight after reading stuff on here about how awful it was that people "did that to him" yet now I've seen the footage I think he'll be wondering what all the fuss was about!!


    As for everything else....I LOVED the topless/face sequins look!!!!!!!!! :wub2::wub2:


    It does seem to have been a big night for him...just thinking of his twitter the other night saying he was off to bed all excited about doing it! It's great that he can be himself more and more each day as he realises that it makes no difference to his fans/public at large as his talent outweighs anyone's opinions either way in the way it obviously made a difference for his peers when he was growing up but I personally never see things in a black and white way so I don't really get the "he has DEFINITELY told us he's gay" thing. Just me, and no, I'm not in denial!! :naughty: There are so many shades of grey in this modern world that I just don't get then need to pigeonhole him especially as he keeps saying he doesn't want to be! He will be so aware that every comment will mean someone says..."oh, that means this...or that" that I think it must be very hard for him to ever say anything of substance about his personal life without the "you're either one or the other...make you're mind up sonny" brigade jumping on it.


    It's been said oooodles of times before but...is it so hard to just let him be Mika and not have to have him align himself with any particular group??


    Anyway....all this will rumble on as usual but I am all hyped up having seen him last week, had loads of stuff to look at on here and all over the net this week and being days away from the new album....that's the incredible effect he has on us all....and that's the bit I will never tire of discussing on here. More Mika...that's what I say....bring it on!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :mf_lustslow:

  13. I simply think he wrote this song about himself... I mean really- think about it...


    Blame it on the girls who know what to do- his sisters

    Blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you- he is very popular among the gay population


    I wont add anymore- because I am most likely wrong- but its just stuck in my head in the most funny way... :naughty:


    I agree that it's about himself but I suspect that the reference to girls who know what to do is more likely to be in the biblical sense!:wink2:


    Just like the girls in Love Today! Too worldly wise let's say!!:naughty:

  14. AMAZZINGG night everyone


    Hope everyone had a great time , got back safe and had fun


    We did...we did and we did!! :thumb_yello:


    However...I do want to say it was lovely to see everyone..old friends and new ones The MFC is the BEST ever group of people.. no wonder Mika is happy!!! And huge huge thanks to Vixen....:wub2: Love you xxx


    Thanks once again vixenbbw for the ticket :thumb_yello:


    You are so welcome! :blush-anim-cl:


    One smart lady Christine. My 2nd Mika gig (Sadler's Wells was my first), but my first proper MFC gig experience and it was AWESOME !!!! :thumb_yello::biggrin2:


    Great pics!! The one of me is funny!!!!!:roftl:


    Hello everyone. Wasn't it a truely amazing night?:wub2: Thanks to everyone who has posted pics and reports. it is lovely to read them all.


    It was lovely to see so many MFCers. The gig was amazing...Mika was in brilliant form. It was fantastic to see him wearing the jacket.


    The M and G really was great.................as people have said, so relaxed and civilised. Mika is just so generous with his time and is just such a delight to be around.


    The whole day was great......lovely to be indoors and to be able to move around and mingle.


    Thank you MFCers.....................you really are Golden. I just LOVE being a part of such a wonderful group of people.:wub2:


    I think you should be awarded an MFC medal for getting the hats!!!!!!!!! They made the night! :wub2:



    Pics to follow shortly....:wink2:


    Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Can't wait! :biggrin2:

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