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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. Yep she was good live, we'll have to go see her again next time she does a gig here Same here...maybe it's just been updated or something...
  2. Oh yeah I know not everyone is able to do it thats why I said for me personally I prefer them to seated. You're not gonna please everyone no matter what happens
  3. and yet no matter how hard you try to get front row tickets when they go on sale you always end up having to settle for a few rows behind only to find the front row ones are all on ebay a few minutes later.... I've never been able to buy front row tickets to a seated gig yet there's only been one time when I've not been front row at a standing one. Obviously it's different for different people but with my experience I'd rather do the queuing and have more chance of getting to where I want to be than to rely on luck when the tickets go on sale
  4. When he was on the UK part of that tour I had to pay 4 times the ticket price just to get 4th row....It's hard to get good tickets for seated gigs here.... I hate it - it's so much more stressful trying to get front row tickets online as soon as they go on sale that standing in the cold for 10, 15, 20 hours or however long it takes to get front row at a standing gig. I personally hate seated gigs
  5. It's not finished yet... It's still a bit rough but we had to take a photo and use some certain photoshop techniques on it for our class at uni to practice
  6. Lots of new things http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSCilqvJLRI& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqrzVcNi9-s (I hate it when they do this!!!) slightly better but worse.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frKa__i5Bgk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T3u7t6H6r0 Oooh
  7. listen to SaraB instead? Okay I think we all agree to some degree. end of topic
  8. I like both... I think most people here know that. However..... I have both of both of their album and prefer Sara's I've seen them both live and preferred Sara each time I've met them both and I'd say Sara 'wins' hands down on the being nice to fans side of things, There are artists that I prefer to Katy and there are artists who I prefer Katy to. I'm not making it out as some kind of competition...it doesn't really matter to me if I like one more than the other (I haven't slept in over 30 hours so that probably made NO sense...sorry)
  9. ...and Rhianna wasn't even there haha poor Sara
  10. Ugh, they should put us on the judging panel next year. We're not biased, just fair (and not deaf)
  11. ...who decides who wins these things anyway. Grr
  12. Ooh that's the worst possible person to beat Jason
  13. Yep. I can't understand how anyone could not want to move to London though
  14. I had tickets for his last london gig at the royal albert hall...but I forgot I was in America I'm goin to see him in April though so it's all good
  15. See I didn't even bother trying to look up if he was up for anything else because I knew you'd beat me to it. You're making me lazy!
  16. I'd join you! I can't remember if he was up for anything else.... screw Mika... Jason and Sara all the way
  17. Well I'm planning on staying up all night to regulate my sleep pattern anyway since I've gone nocturnal I figured missing a whole night should fix it up..... If it is one of the last ones she'd better win it for making you stay up all night!
  18. Oh I thought they were all done now... It's hard to keep up when you're not actually watching them
  19. What about him? what's happening? I hate not being able to watch this
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