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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. No it just makes sure that I'm slightly awake by the time the happy song comes on half an hour later
  2. Me too ... I'm just setting my alarm on my phone and that's my alarm tone
  3. I met him at an airport once... he's such a nice guy I actually miss Blue Peter....
  4. Like the whole male/female queue thing at Brixton..... If it wasn't for Aurelien snagging the front row and spreading out I have no idea where I would have ended up.... They should reallly do something about that system...crazy
  5. Am I the only one who enjoys standing outside all day talking/sleeping/finding ways to pass the time with random people you would never have spoken to otherwise? I've preferred the queuing part to the actually gig more than once. And what I like about standing gigs is no matter if you're at the front or not, if you're stuck directly behind a really tall person you can usually shuffle a bit to either side during the gig and find a direct viewing path. I've been to a seated one once at Wembley where I was 4th row...and presumed I'd be able to have a pretty decent view only to be stuck behind a 6 ft 3 woman wearing an extra tall top hat and not being able to move or see anything the whole time.I actually ended up just sitting down
  6. The first London date took a few weeks to completely sell out I think!
  7. I'm going to one in London and Birmingham
  8. Happen to know anyone who owns a private jet?... that'd probably save me a bit more money
  9. It would be like when we saw Katy Perry in a church hahah I'm so jealous you're going by the way. If I had a spare £400 lying around I'd so be there with you:thumb_yello:
  10. I was wondering that.... I wanna know how far away mine is from everyone elses I'm so bad at guessing things
  11. Or we could just break into that piano shop in Chelsea and steal the amazing pink piano and wheel it onto the bus and buy a paddling pool and put them both in your garden......
  12. Oh yeah the singing's your part.. I can't sing and play at the same time I find it hard enough doing different things with both hands lol I'm no Kelsi..as much as I'd love to be her I'll let you paint the piano pink... I don't think I'd be allowed to show my face in your house ever again if I did it
  13. I've just listened to LICM for the first time in about... 11 and a half months. It's good to be back in business
  14. Danikaaaaaaa can I have permission to play an amazing song for you on your piano at your house next time I'm there please? You'll love it
  15. I took her to a gig last year and when we spoke to him after she couldn't think of anything else to say.....Well I think her exact words were 'You'd make such a good son-in-law' ' He just laughed...I'm not sure whether to be offended or not
  16. Well just be glad your mum didn't actually say that to Mika... (mine did )
  17. Okay I'm back too My doubts are slowly getting flushed away I think
  18. Ours was about the same as yours... only we had to wear a blazer all the time...and we weren't allowed necklaces, especially with a cross or religious symbol as it apparently creates religious conflict within the school and we weren't allowed hats.
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