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Everything posted by jengafer

  1. My Dads scottish he wears a skirt(on occasion) and plays the bagpipes but he is not ginger
  2. There arent even any secret things in the secret society:blink: the stuff in there has been the same for ages....this is def the place where all the decetive work happens:bond:
  3. Can someone please explain? TOTALLY CONFUSED... I may be dim but i just dont get it, are you talking about the mika sounds site that has a link to this forum, doesnt that make it related or the same? also are you taking about the sign up bit and secret society..i did both ages ago as confused if the same thing or different and so i get email updates and can access the "secret society" BUT there is nothing secret in it:blink: I am confused completely. I am not even sure which clubs I am a memebr off Decided to check out the Forum link as not much of anything from the others, so now I am here and moved in...am I doing something wrong.. also Mika my space is okay but this by far has the best info and people...
  4. I know you dont want to get into it, but will universal not become more flexible in time, once the first major gigs are over and everyone has purchased over priced merchandise at the gigs and made them loads of money? I think we would all like advance notice of gigs, competitions and for you to sell merchandise would make money for this site. I dont really know how all this works, but its fab site and I think £1 a month is fair, but maybe not sustainable taking into account getting new members? The badges on joining are good idea as long as they are exclusive otherwise ppl would not be too bothered, I think that for those of us who are here already(unless we get admitted to rehab) we will stick with you. But if CW leaves and we dont get all the fab knew news on Mika, then we have to get something else...How do other forums do it, I dont really understand why universal arent wanting to help, you are after all working VERY hard to promote their artist right? I am afraid it leaves me all rather Sorry to be of no help!
  5. esperia So fab well done!! I loved the high kick he did at the start of Grace Kelly and as for the french Killer Queen! Mika is so smooth and polite and refined and a totoal rocker, oooohhh i him
  6. jengafer


    Welcome Pygmy:thumb_yello:
  7. Attendees so far, in order of posting... Jenga Kata Steph Yoshi FreddieD (Captain) Jem HappyE(seats:thumbdown: ) Carri Babs Mei hope not missed anyone:blush-anim-cl:
  8. Who’ll believe me, won’t deceive me, who’ll try to teach me?
  9. We wil be at the front, plans to make, See you there Mei..
  10. that video clip is fab dissapointed about his feelings on an affair. never gonna happen is it:thumbdown:
  11. I do wonder if Liam is just an act but why would he keep it up, it was cool(maybe?..) back in the 90's but now he just appears very childish. HOW RUDE he is. I missed all the swearing, the tele kept going silent though..they said at the end due to bad language. Funny how Russel can talk for hour about ejaculating over his grans fav china..or whatever.......etc... but one F*** the sound techs hit the button!! I suppose thats a triumpth of the clever and polite(?)Russel over the 'less clever' and rude Liam. I think Oasis should have their award taken away, i may be wrong but was it not the lifetime acievement award or somehting really good, that had previously gone to bands like Queen and to Sting(Police). No cool:cool: You are right Fred the attitude is all wrong.
  12. Jem , i cant believe that he looks so very sweet....very impressive claim to fame though, I wonder if Mika would do that, thinking prob not(def not me!!) and might piss of the other half too, blimey what if he picks my other half:blink: ...bit harsh having to get over mark owen, first loves tend to stay with you....must be funny seeing him now on the brits....
  13. freddie just read your reply, this is excellent the more and the bigger the better. Hoooray!!
  14. Does that mean you have been to the Empire before? What time should we plan to get there do you think? I will inform Ben of your excellent plan!
  15. I am planning on being at the front too, maybe it is too early to plan yet but it is just so exciting, what time is everyone getting there.. freddie are you going to all the gigs? Id like to meet up with anyone who wants to, I am going to be in london from mid afternoon. You will recognise me cause my other half is 6ft 6!!! He will happily stand at the back of us lot and fend off anyone moving in on our place! Dont know how successful he'll be though he may be big but he is very gentle..Whoever of us is meeting up we will have to all have an identifying thing, lollipops would not be good as lots will have them, maybe a gareth gates badge or something!!! noone will have them:naughty:(sorry if offeded anyone:wink2: ) .......I am getting myself far too excited, if not before def meet in bar in the venue, will have to work out which one. I might dress up, not sure but feel i should, will give this more thought. Got tickets in post today:original:
  16. He is celebrating them and there size...see the interview on the radio 2 show, he expalins where it came from. I dont think he is a piss taking sort of guy:thumb_yello:
  17. I think the success of everyone around Robbie is prob part of the reason he is finding himself so miserable. He was doing so well, when there was no one else really spectacular around and now there is a good amount of talent about, he has alot to compete with and he cant paly his drunken/high stunts anymore as he is trying to stay clean....but he had done well for himself, maybe he needs a good song writer to chirp up his next album, i think he needs public adoration and prob gets jealous when it goes elsewhere. As far i can see loads and millions of people adore him, but maybe not for the reasons he wants to be adored? I thought Oasis were really bad last night, what was Liam doing with his voice? other than that they were good but he had a funny voice on. Ive always liked Oasis, never loved , I was more into Blur at that time but I have heard that their live shows rock and when i have seen them on tv they have been fab?? Seemed to me like he was taking the piss...not sure they desrved that award! Think NOel and the rest did maybe..unless i am missing something.. I think they're named after an Oasis like you get in the desert, not sure the soft drink was around back then? Love Russel Brand, he is just so quick and calm yet manic he has an answer for everything, saw him live in Brighton he was so brilliant, noone else could get away with half of what he says :thumb_yello:
  18. A agree with babs, onlradio 2 session am sure i heard whore with cheeky smile and bore on CD...
  19. Makes me feel like he looks, chirpy, carefree, very desirable and like bouncing about the room. He must have some of those happy chords in there...apparently they really exist according to proper musical people, I expect loads of you on here will know what i mean..I heard it on a documentary:blush-anim-cl:
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