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Posts posted by kk448

  1. I just started reading these books and I've read the first two. Maybe it was a mistake to read them after I heard who was in the movie, but I'm pretty sure I pictured Edward to be basically exactly like Robert Pattinson. Also, after seeing Kristen Stewart in the movie Speak playing a teenager (I think) with a similar personality to Bella, I think she's the best choice. Also, I like who they chose for Jacob...and for Laurent, Victoria, and James.


    However...Nikki Reed for Rosalie? Why not just get someone who's actually blonde? Novel concept I suppose. She looks ridiculous, just saying. So does the guy that plays Jasper...and Carlisle for that matter. I guess they really wanted those actors...


    But anyway, I am very excited...still pissed about Harry Potter but oh well.


    Edit: I forgot to mention that I think Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson look damn good together. I was in the library and saw the Entertainment Weekly from awhile ago, and I think they make a hot couple.

  2. That doesn't neccesarily mean anything. I was single last summer, and I still am. Just because I don't complain doesn't mean I have a special someone in my life.


    But if you're Mika, you complain about everything. :mf_rosetinted:

  3. Chiiild, shut cho mouf.


    I really do agree with you, though. One time I threw a baseball bat at my sister, but I didn't post it on YouTube. Sometimes the world doesn't have to know how much of a brat you can be.


    Gosh, you are a brat.

  4. yes but if you take all of that out , he will look like a saint and he clearly want to show he's not


    Well, I already know he's not a saint. It's just my opinion that I really don't want to see him arguing with his sister about who sits in the front seat of what car.

  5. Yep. I don't like him very much, mostly because my sister's ass ex-boyfriend would keep telling the "Hot Pockets" joke over and over, like he made it up.


    Oh I love him...mostly because he's from Indiana so I get the jokes he makes about it.


    That's probably the main reason why I don't like Dane Cook...I don't know how many different people have told his jokes.


    Anyway back to Mika and Adele.

  6. Well he's not spectacularly good looking, and he acts somewhat like a brat. So I wouldn't be too picky if I were him.


    I think he's good-looking (as you know) but after seeing the Welcome to Syria video, I'm not sure I could deal with the whole "get out of my car" thing. :mf_rosetinted:

  7. :naughty:


    She did say that he is a bit of a jerk. He doesn't seem like it though. I don't know. I'm not the one who worked with him.:bleh:


    I could see that. I think he does seem a bit smug in the interviews. It's easy to be nice when you're the best. :wink2: However, I'm not sure if I was as good as him if I could be very humble. :naughty:

  8. I'm so proud of Michael Phelps. He's amazing!


    Was disappointed about the women's gymnastics. It was so close. I was shocked to hear the commentator say that the it's well-known that the Chinese lied about the girl's ages. That's pretty bogus. :-/


    It doesn't surprise me coming from Bela Karolyi...he's never been shy about exposing cheating, which is why I think Bob Costas sometimes cuts him off. He even talked about how some of the scores for the US weren't as high as they should be and that it's easy to cheat when it comes to gymnastics scores.


    As far as the age thing, I know they did say that they found articles from one of the girl's hometown which said she was only 13 or 14 last year, making it impossible for her to be of age. Just looking at the Chinese girls compared to all the rest of the girls, you can tell. But like Bela said it wasn't caught on time so there's nothing we can do.


    Even so, the US lost it for themselves when they had a chance to come back and started making mistakes. I think Alicia (the girl who fell off the beam) gets too frustrated and thinks about her mistakes too long, which causes other mistakes (like falling in the floor exercises).

  9. :mad: how come everytime i turn the tv on i see weightlifting?..since the olympics started i only watched 5 minutes of gymnastics, 5 minutes of handball, 5 minutes of polo, hours and hours of weightlifiting, and nothing else :blink:


    I haven't seen any weightlifting at all. Do you have a lot of people from your country in weightlifting? Maybe that's why. It doesn't sound all that exciting to watch though...

  10. OMG ! did you just saw the Swimming competition ! It was so good , i was screaming to the tv Go Michael !!! , He is my new crush I cant wait to be Mr. David Phelps


    Haha, I was waiting for someone to say this. I was obsessed with him four years ago during the Olympics in Athens. Get in line David! :roftl:


    and woahhh did anyone see Micheal Phelps face when he realized he won? :naughty:


    His face was really funny. I liked his face right before when he's looking up at the clock to see if he won. It's like it took him a couple extra seconds to process that they had won because the other guy had already starting cheering. I can't find a picture of what I'm talking about but here are two that I did find.





    I am so glad they won...not just because they're Americans but because apparently the French team was talking crap about how they were going to crush the Americans. Anytime somebody gets that cocky, I hope they lose. :naughty:


    They said the two gold medals Michael Phelps already got were going to be the hardest and that he's the favorite in the rest of them so I hope he wins all eight. Park Taehwan from South Korea is already saying that he'll beat Michael in the 200m freestyle after he finished before him in the semifinal. I hope he knows that Michael was saving himself for the relay later that day....


    I also saw that India got its first individual gold medal which is very cool. I bet the guy who won is feeling like he's on top of the world! As much as I like to see USA win, I also like to see countries win gold when they normally don't.


    And to be completely honest...I hope Spain gets the medal for men's tennis. Is that bad? I can't root against Rafael even in the Olympics. :naughty:

  11. Oh. My. God. What a race! Did anyone watch the 4 X 100m relay?! USA came back and BARELY won. I was jumping up and down, screaming so loudly that I woke up everyone in my house. I couldn't help it. It's not my fault it comes on live at 11:30 at night. :naughty:

  12. Good old Dubya :naughty:


    And I'm not liking our chances of beating the US in basketball... we might pull off a minor miracle and do it, but it's unlikely...


    He was also at beach volleyball and was trying to play with the women's team...looked like a complete fool, though he kinda always does. I will give him credit though, it's great that he's going to all the events and seems to be into them.


    Ugh, I know I won't be watching basketball...too many egos involved. :naughty:


    I mostly stick to swimming, some gymnastics and volleyball, track and field and those odd events that you never knew there was an Olympic team for.

  13. Izzy was the mascot in Atlanta...


    I still have a little stuffed animal version of Izzy. My mom went a little Olympic crazy in 1996 and bought a bunch of Olympic themed stuff for my brothers and me. I guess it had to do with the fact that my uncle had a girl that he coached go to the Olympics.

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