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Everything posted by Sou

  1. Indeed it is Babs!! Thanks sooooo much Titiana!!!!!!!!!!! Of courrrrseeeeeee!!! Omg, Ahhhh!!! I'm so excited I almost fainted!!!
  2. Babs told me and when I was replying my internet died!!! First of all, I just want to say thanks so much to Titiana for posting the best news I've heard since...FOREVER! Second of all, thanks to everyone for thinking of me when they read the news!!! As I type this I'm on the phone with my best friend making plans for October!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'M SO EXCITED I'M CLOSE TO TEARS!! If Mika cancels....I'm going to..well I'm too happy to think of anything negative right now!! Dubai...Mika...HERE I COME!!!!!
  3. I totally understand the Gabbly addiction! I'm logged on there, and I'm the only one, but hey, who knows someone might bless the chat room with their presnence and I wouldn't be the only one! And stop talking about food!
  4. I saw Kate on TV!!!! KATE, I SAW YOU WAVING YOUR POSTERRRRR!!!!!!
  5. Our Lollipop Girl is probably there now!! Exciting!!
  6. Wow!! That's great Minkey! Bas bi Lebnan? Teen World magala? If it is, I'll look for it in Kuwait!
  7. Love the poster, and the iPod cover! I'm sure you're going to stand out bigtime!! I'll look out for you; we get GMA aired the day after, so August 11th, I'll look out for you in the crowd!
  8. Mar7aba! I've been up for 2 daysss!! NOT GOOD! I'm so sleepy, yet everytime I go to bed, I stare at the ceiling Just heard the BBC interview..I'd do anything to hear Mika speak Arabic, and akeed to perform in Lebanon - or anywhere closer to where I live hehe Ooooh, or maybe he could have a Middle East Tour! *faints at the notion* Eshta2telkon kteer!
  9. It's his first time at #1 here!!! I actually screamed in public when I picked up the magazine and saw him at #1!
  10. Mika has reached number one in the Kuwaiti Top 20 chart with 'Relax (Take it Easy)'!!! Last month 'Relax' was #6; so in a month he's moved up to top spot!!!!! I'm over the moon with the news! I picked up the magazine with the monthly updated chart, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that he was at #1!!! YAY! :yay:
  11. Right...my recording was absolute crap Sorry everyone
  12. Yeah, I've got Windows Media Player, and I also found out why it's buffering every nano-second, my brother's on my wireless connection downloading stuff, so my bandwidth has plummeted! Arghhh!!! Twenty minutes left, I'll figure something out!
  13. I was planning on recording it, but it keeps on buffering every few seconds! grrr! I wont give up though!
  14. Marianne, WOW!!!!! That's all I can manage to say, because all the words went flying out of my head! hehe.. WOW!
  15. Marianne, that's AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!!!!! YESSSS!!! TABOULEH AND SHISH BARAK!! YUM!!!!!!!!
  16. A. How can they have two different sites for different browsers; just seems strange to me! B. Those aren't "similar" circles, they're IDENTICAL!
  17. Haha, yes nothing wrong with having 3 different copies of the album...nothing wrong at all!! *cough * I do *cough*. I got 'Big Girl', which means I have all the singles so far! Showtunes, thanks for always keeping us updated on Mika's rankings on the charts!
  18. OOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!!! How cool!!! That looks fab!! Why oh why dont they sell these things? WHY?!
  19. Wow!! Amazing reports everyone and lucky you Mirti!!!! Ahhh, it took me forever to read this thread, but it was soooo worth it!!!!
  20. Aww, that's so sweeeeet!!!!!! That's the coolest b.day gift, EVER!
  21. Thanks Paula! That was fun to read!
  22. When I first heard this remix, I was totally against it, and I said that he "butchered" the track. A few weeks after I made that prejudged statement I fell in love with Wolf's album, 'The Magical Position'. What I learnt? To trust Mika when he says somebody is a "genius"
  23. Umm..no, no, no. Doesn't work for me ;p hehe
  24. Hahaha! I don't like paint because it's a hassle mixing them to get a specific colour. I prefer pencils and pencil colours
  25. Sonjalovestoday and Clare, you're innnnnnnn! Oooh Mika art! Do that, doooooo!! But with paint? Ouch, hard! I hate, HATE paint!
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