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Posts posted by leighhodgson

  1. Sorry to disappoint as I'm sure I'm going to. I'm sure most of you know this already!


    Remember on the lyrics thread, when someone posted the lyrics to over my shoulder and they were wrong, then a poster called 'overmyshoulder' came on and corrected the lyrics. Well, that poster hasn't posted ever again, have they? And leezy tells me they aren't registered anymore.


    That's it! Sorry, hope you weren't expecting me to say it's........Mika Mad! Or someone who posts regularly.


    Tis true, check out the members list and that person has vanished! mmmmmmm:shocked:

  2. WE ALL WANNA KNOW!!:naughty:


    Was watching Er, adverts on! Don't know if I can say as it was girlintheblues thoughts.


    When I checked out the person she thought, they were no longer registered!!!!!!!!!!! That convinced me!


    He knows we were all on the case so had bowed out! I would watch out for new members in case he sneaks back on.


    But ask Girlintheblue, she might reveal all!

  3. is it a plan for your holidays ?? or



    i think i've guessed * very proud * :


    you've been searching for a long time who mika was on the forum, and you've nearly found out !!!! :shocked:



    Girlintheblue had very good idea who it was, i checked out further and am now 100% convinced she was right!:mf_rosetinted:

  4. And puts them on underneath - thats how that last sentance finishes.... right???:shocked: No, seriously, if its Newcastle, then your help would be great. Will PM you nearer the time to make any arrangements - looking forward to it!! :thumb_yello:


    Wendi, sure me and girlintheblue would be happy to help in any way we could.


    If it's Newcastle (fingers crossed), I would probably take the car!

  5. I really am confused now.:boxed:

    I've been reading this thread on and off since it started, but I haven't followed it consistently.

    Has anything been decided yet?

    Is it November or May?

    Do we have an idea which end of the country it will be yet?

    ......I need to plan something like this in advance because it involves kids, school, husband, work, hoilday etc. -I just don't want to be left out!


    Hiya Mika Mad, the ideas are flying left, right and centre. The venue will be decided once the poll closes.


    It's not wise to rush into this. I want it organised properly, and seriously, would extend an invite to Mika.


    My wish when I suggested this was to get a room somewhere and have a Mika night and stayover somewhere. If there are a lot of people, it would be better to wait, not a mad rush job for May. Our Mika is gonna be around for a long time yet, so later in the year I think is the best option.


    It will give us all something to look forward to once his touring in the UK is over! We all have gigs to go to in May, so November still sounds good to me!


    Mika, check your diary and let me know the best date for you!

  6. *looks at watch, freaks, only 3 hours till MIL arrives*


    Must go and tidy my house, mother in law coming for tea and sleepover!


    Fingers crossed for Scotland tonight!


    We'll be coming, we'll be coming, we'll be coming down the road

    when you hear the noise from the tartan army boys

    we'll be coming down the road!


    Er, even though I'm a girl!


    Bye for now Mika, PS, email me whenever you want!

  7. *sits down with nice cuppa and fun sized packet of Mini Eggs, pinched from daughters treat box*


    Wendi, am so fussy with my tea, was better I made it myself!


    The film is only a 12A, but the music made it really tense, and the subject matter was a bit disturbing. Don't know if I can honestly recommend it or not:boxed:


    Go see it Mika and tell me what you thought!

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