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Posts posted by suzie

  1. I don't think anything like that ever was mentioned on Queenonline, as I have been checking the Mika related posts there......

    so it must only be speculations...:sad:

    I thought so, anyway.


    It's so funny everyone associates Mika with Queen - like the Canadian Idol article title 'Mika, Queen...etc to appear..'

    also, on the first posters of the Sziget festival back in MARCH they placed the then unknown Mika's name so that it was right above the word QUEEN (Damon Albarn's band The Good The Bad and the Queen will be playing there)

  2. I don' t necessarily think it is true but if it is, he has the right to choose what he signs.

    Why would he sign just about anything? He needs to consider

    1., if the cause is something he agrees with or not

    2., if the charity collecting money is reliable or not (why make money for con men)

    3., if he wants to be associalted with the 'artists' also involved... it does matter. He is not the boy next door. Anything he does can be taken out of context and used against him..

    :cool: :cool: :cool:

  3. well i got the single big girl yesterday & the version of Instant Martyr sounds the same as the demo to me


    Thank you for the update... I was really really curious. :wink2:


    At the same time, I still can't wait to buy the first song he has ever recorded and make sure he gets money for that.

  4. Ehm... people are not supposed to actually have that version... as it is just what it is: an illegally downloaded version. :wink2:


    Well, it is an illegal version but it was on youtube, so you can still easily get it... I think fans not buying the single because they already have the version somehow is more of a concern. I am sure all members of this site has the demo version of IM, so my question was simply: is it the same version on the single? Judging from the response, people have not bought the single, otherwise they would have been able to compare....:cool:

  5. Can anyone tell me what version of Instant Martyr is on the CD, please?:wink2: I wonder if it's it the demo version we already know or a another edit...


    Well, that's exactly the same question I asked on 2 threads yesterday and no reply came.. :thumbdown:

    I hope it's not because fans are actually not buying the single because they have already downloaded the demo version 'illegally'..:sneaky2:

    Anyway, I will definitely by the single towards the end of the week in the UK (you can't buy it here and I want the real thing instead of the internet download), so I will update you on that later this weeek :wink2:

  6. Can someone tell me which version of Instant Martyr the single includes, please....Is it the one we might have all heard by now or has it been changed a bit???

    I can't wait till Thursday when I can put my hands on the single and listen to it...

  7. ..Just a reminder that this thread should be updated with Big Girl single...

    And... can someone tell me which version of Instant Martyr the single includes, please..

    Is it the one we might have all heard by now or has it been changed a bit???

    (there are no singles available in my lovely country and I can't wait until this Thursday when I can finally purchase it in good old London.):cool:

  8. Do you know the "We will rock you" Musical ? It plays in the future and there is no music anymore only computer music. Well there are the Bohemians the ones who try to bring back the real music and they call themselves after famous stars from the past. But they don't know the stars they only heard the names :wink2: The leader of the Bohemians for example calls himself Britney Spears ( he thinks that Britney was a male hard rocker :roftl: ) and there is also Ozzy, John Lennon and Meatloaf for example....


    Is that the story of WWRY??? I have never heard that. I assumed it was half biographical...etc.. It actually sounds funny...

    At the same it it shows how ignorant I have been to any 'new' Queen related stuff since the early 90s...

  9. And practilly all the vids with Mika have a lot of views! Come on fans: let's Mika and Grace Kelly hit the number one spot on Youtube: everyone watch it over and over again....and mail it to a lot of people!


    Such a great idea!!!: :thumb_yello:

    Let's make history :wink2:

    Keep clicking and downloading

  10. Currently the newest member is number 5670:biggrin2:



    That's interesting, though one third of members have never posted anything...I checked that last week..:cool:

    It can be that they are just too shy or perhaps only use the site to find downloads..


    I am not a top poster, either, but I do join the conversation sometimes when I have a little time...


    No.1600...:thumb_yello: ( and I joined in February)

  11. ok i'm sorry but you cant say Patricks music is crap and i'm not just saying that because i'm a fan his music thake a little time to get uesed to but its amazing and you should juded until you have sat a listed to it all thats fine if your not in to that but please dont say its crap thankyou


    Well, I do have the right to tell my opinion, but I did not say that PW was crap. I simply stated (even before he started to bitch about Mika) that if I had to choose between contemporary classical music (which I normally don't like and at most I find it 'interesting'), and PW, I'd choose the first.

    I have heard about 4-5 songs from him, including the catchy Magic Position, but I believe he would have gone unnoticed with them if it hadn't been for his weird looks. PW might be 'interesting or different' but I'd still call him as an artist rather than a musician, and I don't think that being 'different' in itself is enough to call someone a groundbreaking musician - maybe an artist but not a musician :cool:

  12. Wow, the song "I Should've Been After You" by Rooney *really* reminds me of Queen. The intro seems like it's trying to mimic Brian's RS and the chorus reminds me of a 70s John song...like You're My Best Friend or something. I totally love this cd!


    Hmmm, it's definitely 70s sound, but I wouldn' say Queen...

    However, I checked their other stuff on Youtube and they perform Underpressure with Dan from the Feeling....obviously both bands love Queen..

    And that just reminded me of a previous post on this site, claiming that the best song of The Feeling's gig was Radio Ga Ga....:blink: ... and that must have come from a Queen fan, too :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

  13. Well, alright. I have said it on another thread but let me repeat:

    I’d rather listen to a modern classical music piece in which someone plays the piano wires with a ruler than listen to Patrick’s crap music again (I have tried both, so I can compare).:thumbdown: :thumbdown:


    Who the hell does he think he is?


    1., calling Mika overmarketed?

    Fact 1 – Marketing of Mika: The Mika ’phenomenon’ started on the radio and he did receive critical acclaim before the ’album push’ started – and here I only refer to silly stories like mentioning Mika’s possible collaboration with other Universal artists – so it obviously came from the record company. His first performances (Jools Holand, BBC, Virgin radio..etc) were mainly accoustic ones and you could feel the jaws drop in he audience when he was playing.

    Fact 2. – Marketing of Patrick Wolf: First time I heard of him was when Mika mentioned him... so I thought I’d better listen ’cause Mika must know what’s good... Well, I did and I wasn’t impressed... Then I received the mail from Mikasounds in which they recommended me to listen to Patrick Wolf – it was a colourful mail, so I thought perhaps they thought that Mika fans liked colours because I saw no other connection...Then I heard the LoveToday remix by PW and I remember thinking there must have been something wrong with the recording as there is no way Mika would play that ****, so I thought maybe Mika was just provoking people..

    2., being confused might make Patrick Wolf a respected ’artist’ in the eyes of many but being an artist is different from being a musician

    3., PW is marketing himself by slagging of a popular and obviuosly talented musician who is not accepted by the indie crowd, in the hope that he will be accepted by the indie scene just because of doing this....


    .. I must go back to work now...

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