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Mika Owns Me

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Everything posted by Mika Owns Me

  1. merci Danie!! um? PLUS DE CONVICTION SHANICKA! eheheh
  2. bon... après l'immense post habituel de Véro... j'ai oublié ma question. euhm. MERDE! ah oui! Danie, c'est quoi ce site là?!?!
  3. thanks Nicka!!!!!! wow!!!! congrats Amanda!! I had those grades.. back in elementary school!! XD anyways now I'm going girls... the forum is too slow! and I'm playin guitar so doing both things at the same time is kinda too much multitasking. plus I chat. I mus be a godess anwyays GOOD NGIHT ALL!!! XXXXXXX
  4. hey hi also to Nicka and Hilary!! NICKA. WHAT IS THAT SHAMPOO? I NEED IT.
  5. ahah well hello Jess and Mandi!!! what do you say?? flirting with some cuties in France? there's no cutie in France. they're all here, in Quebec. and they're named Rufus Wainwright. and they are on my avatar. and yes... POSTING IS SLOW GODDAMNIT.
  6. I've never been on this thread, and not even knew it existed! great that Hollis and Sarie finally find a place for me! hello all btw...
  8. je voulais t'envoyer un PM mais ca a l'air que je peux pas pcq y'en a trop ds ta boite de réception
  9. ooooooOoOoooooooOOOOOOOOOH! CARO T'AS LES BILLETS!! tu vas pouvoir me l'envoyer?? merci beaucoup!!
  10. MERVEILLEUSE IDÉÉÉE CARO!! merci j'espère juste que ton auto sera pas trop loin ahah!!
  11. bon. j'ai des questions. est-ce que toi tu vas mettre tes bottes pour aller au show? pis va tu genre te changer en snick? pcq moi ça me tente vrmt pas de rester tout le show en bottes!! en fait c'était pas mal ma seule question XD ah pis oui vas tu t'acheter un boa finalement???
  12. *yawns* *yawns* I alined two yawns but that doesnt count. I gotta go to bed all... Hope I didnt scare you too much Jess!! I always do anyway. goodnight!!!!!! xxxxxxx
  13. oh my god. you gave her your adress?? and you have hers? RUN JESS RUN!!
  14. yes and I know you think about me while listening to it ok ENOUGH WITH THE LESBIAN THING XDDDD I really hated this song when I first listened to it. I thought it was just... long. and he repeats the same thing over and over. I thought it was Paul who sang it at first XD I was not so much into the beatles at that point I think ahah OMG!! THE QUEEN OF ALINED WORDS IS BACK! "I thought" HAS BEEN ALINED... ON TWO LINES!!
  15. I see right through you... you are nervous... YOU WANT ME SO BAD HILARY YOU WANT ME SOOOOOOOOO BAD. oh god. watched too much gay interviews today
  16. goodnight!! I don't know your name but goodnight!!
  17. TU PARLES!!! QUOI DE MOINS EXCITANT! omg I had never seen this
  18. you live near eachother?? (I really doubt I can say it like that in english XD)
  19. ahah I am gifted. I can aline 3 "I bought" that's MAGICAL
  20. loll I am here Hilary XD YOU WANT ME SO BAD DON'T YOU??!! I knew it. ooooh goodnight Mandi!!!!! xxxxxxxxx
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