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Mika Owns Me

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Everything posted by Mika Owns Me

  1. you can't get fat Jess. My bladder's full and I don't have a valentine.
  2. EHEHEHEHEHHEEHEH the random people troup = LOVE so how are you all doing?
  3. ahah new night owls are always welcome! we understand each other XD I live in Canada. Quebec precisely! Shahd is a cool name!!! Mine is Marie; pretty boring ahah
  4. ahah it's quite late indeed! only 8:40 pm here!! what's your name btw? I've never seen you here!!
  5. Heyyyyyyyyy Mandiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Met Mika. And That's The Only New Thing In My Life. What About You?! P.S: it doesnt want to write in capitals.
  6. I Don't Want This Thread To Die!!!!!!!
  8. OH GOD CARO THAT PIC OF ME IS AWFUL!! MARY LUNE TOOK THE PIC TOO QUICKLY, I WAS NOT READY OK! will you be able to send me the 2 lil vids? I thought there was only one! WOOOT! Mary-Lune has told me that after having my pic taken with him, I walked to her and said "OH GOD HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!" The thing is, I can't remember saying that must have been in another state of mind. I'm sure he heard me!
  9. I was wondering if you guys would like a report from one of the MFCers who have met him after the show (my english sucks tonight, I am sorry) So after the show we just went outside, waiting for the lollipop girls. We ended up in the parking, under the Bell Center. Maryline (she's a MFCer but doesnt post often!) called I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY TIMES Véro to know where they were and if Mika was coming out. So after a couple of minutes, like at 12h am, Véro called back saying that Mika and the band has just gone from backstage and were MAYBE coming to see us. So we waited... we were tired of waiting so we went outside. Then, we heard a guy and a girl yelling something in the parking, so we were like OMG THAT CAN'T BE HIM!! so we ran. we were like erm ok there is no Mika... but you know what? ahahah there was like a very tall barrier that separated us from where the tour bus was and Mika was behind it, but we could not see him, because there were like big panels on the barrier that would not let us to see the other side ahahah so there was a door, but it was locked! Mika was locked inside the parking with the tour bus, not able to go see us. The funny thing about that is there was like a space between the door and one of the panel, and we could see a lil part of his face, and he looked so tired we were all "awww poor lil sweety he's locked in the other side!" ahahah so we decided to throw him a pen XD and we gave him some things to sign from between the barrier and the door. I gave him my poster to sign from under the door XD AAAAHAHAH I could have imagined him like kneeled on the floor signing my poster XD and so he asked my name and THAT WAS COOOL. and after, he just hopped in a car, and we all ran outside to catch a last glance of him, but finally the driver stopped and we were talking to him by his window ahah THAT'S LOVE. so I took like 2 pics with him with Carolollipop, that was sooo great I was like 2 cm from his face ahhah and he asked us if we were cold XD some said yes, but I wasnt XD he must have been frozen poor lil Mika! anyways so he drove off and said bye and take care... sighs. sorry for my bad report!! My english is bad, I can feel it Oh and... PICS (Caro has the pics where we're with Mika. Does not look like she wants to post them )
  10. je crois pas que ce soit compliqué! je vais t'en reparler pour le nom de la rue et tout! Merci!
  11. it's strange... 'cause the girl who does the contest sent me a message and asked me a few questions after I sent mine and asked me to answer her as soon as possible! Marie-Hèlène (Mary-Lune) has told me that she was maybe a bit too tall for the costume and that she will have to try it backstage! What if it doesn't fit? Do you think they will select more than two persons?
  12. hey!! tu parles pour nous faire un lift jusqu'à l'auberge? ce serait vrmt cool merci!
  13. YAY! 5 jours J'ai hâte de toutes vous voir c'est juste trop fou!! pis 2 nouvelles chansons tu dit Caro? Lesquelles? J'ADORE CREATURE, JE CAPOTE C'EST JUSTE TROP BON. en passant.
  14. But you do think you're an atomic bomb btw... je trouve ça vrmt bon Creature! (oubliez ça... JE CAPOTE LITTÉRALEMENT!) En plus de Montréal! Je sais pas pourquoi mais j'écoute de plus en plus de Canadiens... pis je me sens pas mal fière ah oui j'ai une question... vous connaissez une place où moi et Marie Hélène pourraient coucher après le show? Marie (l'autre XD) avait pensé à l'auberge jeunesse du gîte Mont-Royal. Elle dit qu'on a pas besoin de réservez d'avance, mais si on arriver tard je me dis p-e que ce sera fermé... est-ce que vous connaissez cette place là? et puis sinon est-ce que vous auriez d'autres suggestions? Il paraît que c'est à 20 minutes à ped du Centre Bell... mais si l'une d'entre vous a son auto et voudrais aller nous reconduire ce serait apprécié LOL pcq 2 filles tard le soir dans les rues de Montréal.... je sais pas trop hein! XD tk Merci d'avance!
  15. Luke just said Canada I feel all warm inside. and... REHEARSALS?! NEW SHOW?! THAT WOULD BE SOOO GREAT! :D:D:D:D
  16. aaahahahahah je vais le dire à Marie-Hélène XD Becks will arrive as an atomic bomb here and will be so excited that she'll explode and we'll all die
  17. nous on avait pensé arriver à genre 10h30 11h! mais comme tu dis si tout le monde arrive vrmt plus tard ca sert à rien d'arriver si tôt. Et au centre bell ils avaient pas dit que pour les GROS bands les premières personnes arrivaient juste à 3h? ca sert à rien d'arriver si tôt si c'est vrai!!!
  18. ahahahah merci! je comprends donc pas... c'est le beau Rufie! eh Caro je voulais te dire que j'avais reçue les billets!! MERCIIIIIII!!! et puis vous penser arriver vers 3 heures ou...?? Moi et Marie Hélène pensaient arriver beaucoup plus tôt... je pense qu'on va laisser faire ahahah. hmmm je vais voir si ça fais dur mon chandail turquoise avec mes pantalons rouges eheheheheheh je suis toute excitéééée!
  19. Un problème avec ça Nicka? J'AI TROUVÉ DES SKINNY ROUGE!!! JAMAIS JE CROIRAIS EN TROUVER ICI!!! eh non je ne les aient vrmt pas payés 88$... l'affaire c'est qu'ils fittent vrmt pas avc mon chandail turquoise ahah. Alors, je fais quoi?
  20. ... QU'EST-CE QUE VOUS ALLEZ TOUS PORTER?! que je vous croque toutes crues
  21. VRAIMENT PAAAAAAAAS UN GROS POST. Je tenais à dire. ah oui et en passant, J'AIME PAS DU TOUT YELLE. Non. Mais alors là pas du tout!
  22. I DON'T HAVE AN IDEA WHAT YELLE IS! XD Je vais aller faire ma petite recherche!
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