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Everything posted by sunshine931

  1. lol thx for trying anyways!! oh well, off to bed now... baby and I need our beauty sleep! night!!
  2. Lol I know all those people were babies once... but you know when I hear a name like "Yvette", I immediatly think of a grand-mother... not a little baby! lol!! I see there are two trends right now in Québec as far as names are concerned... 1- European names, mostly from France... 2- "Old names"... I'm very fond of trend number one... but not trend number 2 lol!!
  3. lolll!!! Well I think mostly it's hard to suggest names for someone who doesn't speak the same language and is not from the same "culture"... meaning you may end up suggesting names that can't be pronounced properly in french or old people's names :roftl:
  4. I'm quite picky with names... I don't want it to be a very common name, meaning I don't want 3 other little girls in her class to have the same name as her... but at the same time I don't want it to be weird and have people pick on her because of her name... and I don't want it to be the name of somebody I know... regardless of of the fact I like the person or not...
  5. Well I don't know about the rest of the continent... I do know that some names are used for young people amongst the "english speakers" in North America and those same names are mainly used for older people here in Québec for us "french speakers"
  6. Yvette is my grandma's name!! :roftl: Yvettes's in Québec are mainly over 70 years old
  7. Same comment applies... in Québec, people named Nicole are mostly over 40! Once again a name I can't imagine for a little baby... plus my aunt is named Nicole lolll!!
  8. There are indeed!! I have another ultrasound on March 15th, I'll get to see my little girl again!
  9. Well actually in Québec we do have some people named Louise... however they're mostly over 40!! So to me it doesn't sound like a name for a little baby hehe... sorry!
  10. got it Yes it goes well with the last name... I'm one of those who make sure the first name and last name wound well together hehe... I don't want anything that rhymes with it... and all names that finish with an "a" are out of the question cause my bf keeps messing them up the way he says them...
  11. hehe Penguin pj for sure! Yep treated her to not only one, but two Mika concerts for free! Ain't I a great mother already? No names yet, my bf and I can't seem to agree... I want Méliane, he wants Éloïse... Neither of us wants the other one's name so I guess we'll have to find another one that we both like... so far we have a thing for Ophélie...
  12. December 24th, 2009 My daughter's first Christmas!!! Well... kinda I know she was pretty excited for this because the night before, when I went to bed, she was moving around like crazy in my belly lol!! My parents made her cute little Christmas stocking and she also already received a lot of gifts from my parents and my sisters! It almost felt like a "pre-baby-shower" lol!! Here's my bf with some of the things our daughter got for Xmas: She still doesn't have a name... my bf and can't agree on one
  13. December 21st, 2009 Second ultrasound yay!!! I was looking forward to this one because we would know the gender for sure and mostly, find out if the baby's doing well and growing at a normal rate. I was kinda worried because people kept telling me how small I was for 20 weeks and all... I was beginning to worry that the baby was too small for its state... But!!! Thankfully the ultrasound proved them wrong!! The baby is perfectly normal, all the organs are at the right place and seem to be functionning properly and the baby's the size it should be for 20 weeks!! What good news and what a relief!! And... it's a.... girl!!!! Yessss a tiny cute little girl!!! Pink frilly stuff, here I come!! To know for sure that it's a girl now makes it all "more real" to my bf and I. We can start calling "her" instead of "it" and we can start trying to imagine what she will look like! My bf is thrilled to be having a daughter. In fact, he knew it all along. When I told him I was pregnant, one of the first thing he said was: I'm sure it's a girl! It was once again so wonderful and special to see our little baby move on the screen! Now I can feel her move and I know for sure it's her, it's getting clearer and clearer that what I'm feeling is indeed movement and not gas...
  14. December 14th, 2009 My belly's gotten bigger!! I think I'm starting to feel the baby moving, but I'm not sure if that's really it or simply gas lol!! The second ultrasound is in a week, we're gonna find out if it's really a girl or if it turns out to be a boy!
  15. November 12th, 2009 A little belly showed up, out of nowhere!! It kind of appeared suddenly!! Time to buy maternity pants, mine won't zip up anymore!
  16. November 3rd, 2009 First ultrasound!! We got to see our tiny little baby for the first time!! My bf and I were in total awe, we couldn't believe what we were seeing on the screen! Hard to believe it's so well formed already, since I'm only 13 weeks pregnant and I still don't look pregnant! It was moving and kicking around so much, it gave the technician quite a hard time lol!! It's still too small for me to feel it moving though... it's exactly 6.4 cm long from the top of the head to the butt... that's 2.5 inches! Technician says she thinks it's gonna be a girl, but it's 75% sure... so she tells me not to go shopping right away cause it may turn out to be a boy at the second ultrasound lol!
  17. October 20th, 2009 First appointment at the doctor's... we heard our little baby's heart for the first time!! My bf and were very touched and it made us realise there really is a tiny life in there!!
  18. October 13th and 16th, 2009 My baby attended its first Mika concerts in Montréal and NYC!!! A mini decadent MFCer on the way!!! It's a shame the earing is not developped yet though... But I bet it could feel me dancing!!
  19. September 13th, 2009 I'm 6 weeks pregnant, and it's hard to believe since I don't look pregnant at all!! See for yourself : Is there really somebody in there?!?!
  20. Back from NYC!!!!! Don't really have time to report right now but I can say that it was AMAZING!!!!!
  21. ok... It's 3am now and my pregnant self is exhaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuusted... and I have to go to work tomorrow... so I'll do my report tomorrow, if you guys don't mind... I'm sorry I wish I could do it right away but me and mini baby need some rest!!! one thing I can say is I had a FANTASTIC time and I already miss my fellow MFCers!!! night all, I'll be back tomorrow with a report!!
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