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Posts posted by Lolliepop_girl

  1. Fair enough.


    all we can do is hope NZ accepts his awesome music and prepare for if they dont.


    I think we should see what happens with BIOTG because i think if we have any chance getting Mika on air it will be with that song.


    has anyone got any ideas as to what we should do if that doesnt work?

    There isn't much we can do except to wait for the next single he brings out unfortunately.

    Not that I can think of anyway.


    Probably the only thing we can really do is appeal to the public. *Cringes* and do something incredibly outragious to get them to think we're awsom enough to look Mika up and reaalise he's awsom... But I doubt any of us are willing to go to the extents required :roftl:

  2. Are you saying that he created a new one recently, after he deleted the old profile ages ago? Was this one public or private? And are you certain that it was him for real?

    Sorry for the many questions :naughty: but I just find it all quite strange- In 2006-2007 he had one, and he added tons of fans (it wasn't a private profile) but in the end it must have gotten too much and he deleted it all, which is why I find it curious that he would go and make a new one and add fans to it as well. Weird.

    IDK how recent it was created because now my computer hates me, I can't get on his myspace anymore :sad:

    This one is a public account but I'm not sure it is Greg's Real account. It has pictures but I can't see them (stupid computer!) but if you look "Greg Wells myspace" up on google, it'll take you there.


    RE. the stuff in bold: Yeah but isn't that what he kind of did with Twitter?

    Besides, who would pretend to be him?

    Not to be mean of course but Greg's not like... HUGELY famous so why would someone create a false account?

    PS. I'll have you know that page was started BEFORE I went public with my fangurliness! :shun:

    Yeah when I saw his tweet, I thought, ooooooo someone's going to be all :fangurl:






    Pfft, I'M not a Greg fangul! :mf_rosetinted:


    JUST because I started the Greg Wells fangroup on facebook, created several fanpics, follow his twitter, post in this thread, have all of his Humber College clinic videos, remember most of his life story, was the reason everyone knew when his birthday was, got 3 replies from him on twitter (did the most recent count as a reply? I think it did. EITHER WAY he acknowledged my existance!), am hoping to go to Humber College in Toronto and am posting this long list.............


    ..... It doesn't mean I LIKE him :roftl:

  3. Yes....we need to advertise our cause....

    Im positive once "grace kelly" fans hear BIOTG, they'll be like.

    "OHMYGAWD mika, yeah! i remember him. lets tell c4 to play him"


    thats what im hoping anyways...

    Always prepare for the worst though.

    See my siggy? I'm a cynic :roftl:


    See, I think NZ may possibly reject him fullstop because of the sexuality thing. In which case it's THEIR loss. We need to figure out all possible outcomes so we can try to be prepared for each one in case NZ doesn't go "OMG Mika, love him"


    But I would LOVE if NZ did do that :wink2:

  4. That's a really good idea! :thumb_yello:

    I don't have a c4 account, but I would def create one if Mika would get more airplay :biggrin2:


    and Thanks :blush-anim-cl:




    yeah, diffrent accounts would work bur we don't want them to think that we're spaming them :blink:


    again, thank you :biggrin2:




    Make that three I saw Lollipop_girls' name on the winners list too!


    CONGRATULATIONS RosinaKiwi & Lollipop_Girl !


    Don't suppose we ask a few others who arn't Kiwis for a bit of help?

    You know, creating accounts and asking so it looks like there's more of us?

    Cos there's like... 5 of us at the most...

    It's not going to get noticed.


    I'm going to delete this in a little while. I get super suspicious about who's watching but just say yay or nay?

  5. Hey guys, I have an idea about how to get Mika on C4. Im not sure if someone has come up with it before, but i'll suggest it anyways.


    First up, does anyone have an account on c4? i do, but im not sure one person will make much of a difference.


    So, when BIOTG comes out, we could post on "Drews Blog" and ask to play it on Select. Thats how that tokio hotel song got on, cuz lots of people posted on his blog to play it (thats what he said on the show anyways) I think BIOTG will be more of a hit, im not sure why, maybe cuz its my mums favourite song on TBWKTM.


    But yeah, theres my idea. yes? no? I can post a link to drews blog if anyone wants.


    Oh, and CONGRATS RANDUMB! saw your name on the list of signed CD winners! :yay::yay::yay:

    I can get on my account and BIOTG will prob be a good song for NZ because it's more accessible to people who are into more "conventional music" due to there being no falsetto in it.

    People find falsetto-singing guys who were colourful clothes are gay and people don't much like blatantly gay people so BIOTG might get a few more hits.


    That's what I think anyway. Also it's very catchy :wink2:

  6. sure, no problem... as long as you send in your message to john or gig report about a gig that's not covered yet til feb 5th, you can decide on that day if you feel like it. :bleh: just if you want to write about a gig together with others, of course you'd have to arrange it with them in time. :wink2:


    soo... anyone any ideas for the voodoo doll? :fisch: i think what we had so far was "don't give mika more presents than he can carry himself" :naughty: and "one single line, no pictures" - any ideas of phrasing those in a funnier way maybe? :dunno: and we need some more. just has to be short. like here:



    Sadly, no gig report for me as I've been to none :no:

    But I will do a message :wink2:


    "I could've been a doctor..." :roftl:

  7. I will have to think about this so will give you an answer in the next 2 or 3 days if that's ok?

    If you have too many people by the time I get back to you then I understand, but I am way too tired to trust my own judgement and I'm doing several things already.


    Great idea to you Mellody and to the original Ingie. If I can't help then I fully and completely support you! *Holds up cheer pompoms and dances round in little skirt*

  8. I hopes so too...mum said there might have been drugs in there...and it sure would explain why im (litterally) allergic to her house!


    urgh dialup sucks! mums friend tried to ring while i was online and she sounds pretty upset about something when she left a message on her cellphone! I kinda feel bad!

    Oh dear. That sounds... Ooowach, pretty horrid tbh!


    Aaaw poor friend :sad:

    But you wern't to know though. Maybe take regular intervals.

  9. heres one...count the number of plastic bags filling a hole in the wall behind my mums cupboards we only found while packing up to move out...:boxed:



    I mean seriously...you can reach through and touch the outside wall! theres no insulation in there at all...I swear this place is going to fall to pieces!

    Wow jeez!

    Lucky she's moving right?


    Hope her next place is better...

  10. A pin up thread ? Oh! This is my thread! :mf_lustslow:


    My favorites:



    I'm so in love with Marilyn



    Her skin is so perfect :mf_lustslow:



    I just love Betty so much



    The perfect woman !


    *suscribed to this thread* :wink2:

    Where did you get that pic of Dita?

    I've been trying to get this particular picture. I had it several times but it kept dying on my. DAMN YOU PHOTOBUCKET!

    But now I'm on tinypic :boing:


    NVM I found it :wink2:

  11. (lol, my social studies teacher is obsessed with alpaca's :roftl:)

    Does that mean I can associate teacher?

    I'll do it anyway :mf_rosetinted:



    Yes. For the same random reason, I'm associating it with a teacher who watched me from her kitchen window when we lived across from her.

    She remembered what time and what my Nana was wearing one time when my Nana went out to the market. CREEPY!



  12. I got a whole load of my friends to love mika :woot_jump:

    One of my friends was making a hottest celebrity list and she put mika first! :biggrin2:

    I put posters around my school about mika :teehee:

    So, can i join?

    Oh and instead of drawing myself in art i drew mika :naughty:

    Hahaha I did the drawing thing too. The art teacher was against it but she gave up after I refused to use the picture she'd taken of me because I had refused to smile, open my eyes or look directly at the camera so she let me use the picture of Mika I had conviniently put in my bag from LICM :roftl:

  13. That's FUNNY! We always say the same thing . . . in a way it is as if Rufus is 'classy' . . . .and Yeah totally NOT that Mika isn't . . . it is JUST so different! :roftl: I LOVE the outfit you are gonna wear! Sounds fabulous!




    As a 'rule' venue staff are usually a pain . . . BUT there are always exceptions - THAT is why I KEEP saying that all venues are different because it is SO true! I have encountered GREAT staff - and then JUST once had the WORST and that happened to be a Mika show! :sneaky2: I did see the pics of the broach! Funny to think they have the same taste! :naughty:


    Here is the poem I wrote for him . . . .

    (there are only 2 copies in the world - I have the autographed one and he has the original! :wub2:)


    Wandering aimlessly like a ship without a sail. Holding my head scarcely above water with seemingly no avail. Blue skies fade to darkness - not a single rainbow in sight... rough waters await me, as I firmly close my eyes. When out of the darkness there comes a sound so bright. It was the sound of the song, that became my light.


    His words are with me, even on the darkest of nights. Comfort and calming - still much like suicide. When he sings, oh how my heart does melt. When he opens his mouth to speak - I can feel my soul burning like hell. He tortures me with his talent, then murders me with his sight. So beautiful is the angel who sings to me the music of the night.


    Music be with me, like the drug of my choice. Fallen hook, line and sinker from merely the sound of his voice. He moves me in a way which could never be described. The desire of every woman - blind to his gay pride. How could one blame me, when it was his music that brought me to life.


    Powerless to his perfection. Even his flaws are seemingly as such. My

    O N L Y wish within this life is to let him know how 'profoundly' my life - he has touched.



    Thank you for the music and the words that lit a fire within my soul. Thank you for the passion and may your conviction never grow cold. Thank you from the depth of my heart, which is far too heavy to hold. One last thing in closing - which could have been written all it's own .. thank you for being RUFUS, and writting the greatest songs the world has ever known. ♥

    Thanks, I'll see if I can upload a pic sometime before then. I think a pink or red rose. But then also a fuscha maybe. Sadly, they're really LITTLE!


    I'll keep that in mind. It made my Granddad's girlfriend laugh when I told her I'd wear something showy and stuff my bra and then use my pretty colours and big innocent eyes to make the male staff put me in the front row seat of someone who had not shown up :roftl:


    That is SUCH a gorgeous poem! I really feel your passion and sincerity through your writing. You're talented!

    and Martha Wainwright HERSELF told Tanya that she: QUOTE: "has serious problems" So you KNOW that is bad! :roftl: She is totally obsessed with the whole Wainwright family. :mf_rosetinted:


  14. Dances of Vice is the art of nightlife revived. The creation of Shien Lee, Dances of Vice began in 2007 as a venue showcasing an exotic melange of performances from and influenced by that special time in history, the 1920s and 30s. Since then, it has blossomed to include Victorian and Rococo themed events with a New Romantic flair, and has established a decadent community of elegant dandies, aesthetes, romantics and ne'er-do-wells who gather in shared enthusiasm for the music, fashion, culture, and beauty of times forgotten.

    The grand vision that is Dances of Vice is more than the name implies; it is the Dance of decadence, of opulence, of glamour in the old-fashioned sense, and the unique bringing together of such like minds through themed evenings that combine Art, Music, Spectacle and Dance. Dances of Vice brings the myriad of magnificent influences of the past together in one club in a context that encourages originality and the avant-garde, challenging the notion of historical re-enactment.

    Named after the expressionist Rosa von Praunheim film "Anita: Tänze des Lasters" about Anita Berber, the legendary nude dancer of Weimar Berlin, Dances of Vice carries the theme of rebellion, creative expression, and the triumph of madness and pleasure over societal restraints.

    For more info on the New York Club Events and Festival please visit http://www.dancesofvice.com











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