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Posts posted by Lolliepop_girl

  1. hahah! that's my video!! good times, very good times.

    i like that it only has 69 views :das:


    EDIT: i just watched it, and had a tiny freak out because I MET RUFUS WAINWRIGHT!!!! it just hit me again! :naughty:

    Hahaha aaaw, I actually said "Aaaaw" when I read that!

    I met a hero of mine when I was 11 and I started crying because suddenly I felt like nothing mattered accept for THAT MOMENT and all the bullies at school and the teachers who marked me wrong could wait because time had frozen for all but the three of us (him, me and my mother who took the photo :wink2:) so I always love to hear other people's stories because it makes me feel happy to know that other people experience such happiness :tears:


    Hmm, wereally need a "Wipes tear* smiley...

  2. Okay - this is the BEST example for you!!! I should have thought of this earlier!!!! :lmao: Here is a video of my FIRST time meeting Rufus!!!! :fangurl:

    You will see how the typical signing goes!!!! Aaaahhhh . . .

    I am with him from 1:45 - 2:15





    I can't see the whole video because my computer keeps going to the start and then refusing to play it again each time I refresh but I saw the British lady get her moment! AAAH He's so lovely!

    Do you think I could give him a pretty flower? Like a rose or something? A huge bunch would just take up heaps of room I think maybe...

    Ahaha I loved how she was like "Aaaah :fangurl: when she stepped away!


    Thanks, I'll have a look later when the server isn't so busy and maybe it'll let me see you :wink2:

  3. Ok, picture, autograph, *Remembers* I'll go away and find something for him to sign...


    Ugh, from my experience, venue staff are a pain! But I know from reading reports on MFC that security and staff often tell you he's not coming out. But what goes in surely MUST come out! :roftl: so I'll take an umbrella just in case. Jee this is going to be a big bag I will take! I could put Rufus inside it and run away :mf_rosetinted:


    Oh what poem did you write? I don't think I've seen it...

    Did you se the thread I made ages ago where there is a pic of Rufus at glastenbury (I think) and Mika at the EMA's and they are wearing the same broach?

    I love that they both did that though I doubt anyone else could carry that broach off half as well as they did. It's not the prettiest thing but they made it beautiful :fangurl:


    I will wish it to come true and for you to meet him again! I can see that you are an even bigger fan than me!

    Well, I think the poor woman who sold me the ticket would depate that but I broke down in front of her and cried when I saw how far away I'd be sitting and was doing a terrible job trying to suck it up :roftl:

    Karma is a wonderful thing to wonderful people of which you are one Holly :huglove:

  4. Okay for starters no body really 'queues' for a RuRu show. :rolls_eyes: The earliest I have ever seen people arrive is like 30 minutes before the doors open. So that is roughly an hour before show time. So, Of course just as I am always one of the first there for a Mika gig - same goes with a RuRu show! :teehee: As far as the fans - that is a tricky one. All I can really go on is experiences in America. Although I would not be surprised if some of the people that were at my shows would be at your also! He has this 'group of fans from the Rufus Wainwright message boards <boardies>) and he calls them: 'The Britt Pack' they go absolutely EVERYWHERE! Boy, would I like to have one of their jobs to be able to travel all over the world like that! :doh: Anyways . . . they are the kind that are nice enough to your face, but REALLY not very 'nice' at all . . . and they are SO OVERprotective of him - it is ridiculous . . I swear they THINK they own him! It's pathetic really. When waiting for the venue to let us in . . . no one talked to us - people just stood around and stared at everyone. WEIRD. BUT - once we got into the venue (only to stand and wait half an hour to go to our seats) the people behind us were SO friendly and we chatted with them the whole time - it was great! So really it is a judgement call on your part. You can kinda tell (for the most part) the ones that will WANT to talk with you - and not look at you like a total FREAK! :roftl: Definitley try and talk - cause you will FIND the 'good eggs'. A LOT of Rufus fans are just plain weird! In my experience . . . okay - all the MIKA fans that are RuFans are FANTABULOUS! Beautiful people!!! It's the ones that are just RuFans . . they are mostly gross. SNOTY people with HUGE attitudes! Oh, I do hope it is different where you are! I mean WHO knows . . everyone at your show might be GREAT! *fingers crossed*


    If he comes out in the vehicle he will get out. What happened for us was . . . okay - the vehicle pulled out and his assistant (Kelly) got out and told us that he had to be somewhere but, he would do a quick signing! :biggrin2: He got out and worked his way down the line. MY ADVICE . . . do not stand at the beginning of the line!!!!! Stay towards the back . . . you just seem to get more time and attention there! Just be yourself!!!! Rufus can TOTAL take a joke! He is AWESOME!!!! Just goup to him and say whatever you want - ask for an autograph . . .and if you ask for a picture he WILL say Y E S! :wub2: SO, GET a pic . . .cause then you will have it to cherish for the rest of your life!!!!


    Questions for the venue staff . . . just try and find out where the backstage entrance/exit is located. If you see a security guard anywhere go and talk with him (MAKE NICE) cause that could play a key part in you meeting Rufus. <again ALL venues are different> Just don't RELY on any staff as far as beleiveing he is not coming out - BECAUSE they ALWAYS tell us that he is NOT coming out - then we JUST stay there and wait . . and GUESS what - sure enough he comes OUT. So NEVER beleive security if they are being jerks! Just don't give up. I really don't KNOW why they say that . . but, they DO!


    Yay :clap: I can't wait for your report!!!! I hope that Rufus makes your dreams come true the way he did mine! :fangurl: And that is SO SO SO sweet o you to ask . . . BUT, this is Y O U R time! Take it and enjoy it! I have my autographed copy of the poem I wrote for him . . . and I have HIGH HOPES that I will get the chance to see him again one sweet day! GOOD LUCK!!!! :huglove:

    LOL, I'll still be there several hours before :roftl:

    Yeah I was thinking about the Twilight fans when I went to the premiere of New Moon where I was there at 8pm when the before screening of Twilight was on at 9:30 and the ACTUAL premiere was at 12:01am and I met up with a friend who happened to be there and this stupid woman started talking to us and asked me if my friend, Alicia, was my little brother. Poor alicia was like "Um... I'm a girl..."

    Ruru gives me the air of having fans who are a little snotty (the only-RuFans) because he is quite um... Classy?

    Not that Meeks isn't classy but he's also quite different to Rufus if you know what I mean :wink2:

    LOL I'm pretty sure the KiwiRuFans will be the same. Kiwis are known for having tall poppy syndrome. I was thinking of wearing a red and white striped blouse under a denim halterneck dress with waistcoat and 1930's circa men's jacket with tails. It looks better than it sounds, honestly! I bed someone's going to look at me funny for that but I bet Rufus would like the red and white blouse and the contrast with the dark colours of the denom and black jacket.

    ANHHOO He sounds really sweet! I really love his music and I read heaps on him after I saw the video for "Going to a Twon" (it took me THAT LONG because I knew Mika liked him but H HATED him until I saw that particular video and for some reason something clicked and I suddenly really liked him. The same thing happened with Mika and GK video. I hated Meeks at first too!) But I don't know the first thing about Rufus Etequit so I'm a bit blind here.


    -CONTINUED BELOW (damn smileys)-

  5. Definitley - go and scope the venue out before hand!!! That is ALWAYS a MUST! That way you can find the right spot - and after the show, you can just go there immediately and wait!!!! REMEMBER - all the venues are different, and it dosen't necessarily have to be a 'door' where he will come out. THAT is why it is imparative to scope it well. My first time meeting Rufus - he came out in a vehicle through a gate in the back of the venue. If by ANY chance you happen to see any one around that works there - 'get in good with them' and ASK questions! :thumb_yello: Yeah, I imagine that there will be like 10 people waiting and EVEN that small number will dwindle as the minutes tick by! :rolls_eyes: Try not to be fangurlie in front of him (it makes him uncomfortable) Save that for when he leaves!!! :teehee:




    You are gonna MEET him! And I want a detailed report! I miss him SO much! :tears:

    I was planning to get there quite a few hours before because of my sight imparement and I wanted to give Granddad and his lady friend some time alone while I go be scary-fan before Ruru comes in (get it out of my system :fangurl:) and so I'll go check out the venue during such time. Also is it worth me trying to chat to fans who will inevitably join me in the que? Or will they just think I'm a weirdo?

    I know that on average, if a Mika fan (the typical sort with the typical atributes such as the dress sense and singing at random and artistic, indavidualist type) meets with a typical Fratallis fan, though I love both acts, they probably won't have much to talk about and would probably get a bit awkward.

    So will I just be looked at funny? I'd love to make some new Ru-friends :wink2:


    Ah, ok, how do I approach if in a vehicle? Surely that's undoable? Or did he actually get out?

    Ok, I won't be fangurly. How best to be? Can I be flirty or cynical at all? Can he take a joke or a teasing jab? I know Mika can but I know some celebs get a bit funny about it.

    Ok, what questions to ask people who work there?


    Of course! This'll be the first place I go afterwards and YES a detailed report, I promise you that for all your helpful and kind advice and help :huglove:


    Can I see if I can get an autograph for you maybe?

  6. before the shows, i have no idea. maybe stop into the restaurants or bars that are in the area? as for after the show, look for a large group of people that are hanging around the building, or go around to the stage entrance. he'll usually come out from there. he has to leave sometime :thumb_yello:

    Hahaha sorry, I read that with a picture of a fangurl foaming at the mouth saying that particular line :roftl:


    (Not that I think you're a scary Ru-stalker it was just funny)

    Thanks :flowers2:

    did anyone watch the prima donna documentary that was on sundance, last week?

    Was that the vid they/he posted on the Facebook page?

    Wow! What a story! So sorry to hear that your mom didn't tell you that he was coming! The thing is to focus on the positive!!!! NOW, you HAVE a ticket! :clap: You are gonna be there in the SAME room with him! :swoon: And to tell you the HONEST truth - it really does not matter WHERE your seats are cause as LONG as you can hear him that's ALL that matters! TRUST ME . . . I spent 90% of the time during my shows with my eyes closed anyways - just taking in the music and letting his voice run through me like a freight train! :wub2: And the other 10% of the time I was crying and could not see a thing anyways cause my eyes were beyond blurry! IT'S SO worth it! His voice is AMAZING live. It will bring you to your knees! AND just as meeting him is pretty much a miss or hit - just like with Meeks . . . the chances are GOOD and definitley on your side! SO FIND the back entrance after the show and WAIT! Rufus seems to come out quicker then Mika - I never had to wait for Rufus more then an hour, and usually NOT even that long! AND it is SO worth the WAIT!~:swoon: He is aaahh okay I can't find the words. I just KNOW I am NOT the same person I was BEFORE I met Rufus! He has touched my life in ways that are indescribable! As far as seeing him before the show - that is most likely not going to happen. I mean it would be a total MIRACLE if it did! And the venue is seated - so there is NO going down to the front. People do not 'stand' during a Rufus show (unless it is General Admission) like they do for Mika. Everyone will stay seated throughout the show. So like I said: THINK POSITIVE! You are going THAT is the first big YAY!!! And after the glorious show - wipe the tears from your eyes . . . find the back entrance and commit to the location! I have a GREAT feeling you WILL meet him! I wish you the BEST of luck!!! :huglove:

    I am happy to have my ticket and, as I said, that's $15 more to go to Mika's show! :boing:

    I am incredibly greatful to be seeing him at all, it's just that I'm a visual person and I always watch when I go to shows because I want to be a performer when I'm older and going to his and Lady Gaga's show (in April) I feel may also be benaficial to my, as Greg Wells put it in his masterclass session, knowledge tank. But Granddad is going to give me his binoculars to use which I did when I was 7 and going to Hi5's concert.

    Yeah I think it is seated. It's a shame that it is seated (I checked the plan again) but I'm glad to be there in the first place :wink2:


    Do you advise scoping out the place a few hours before the show and seeing where the back entrance is?

    I will do some digging to see how big exactly the Rufus fanbase is in NZ because if it's anything like Mika, there'll be about 10 people who'll be like us (fangurls and what not).


    Anyway, thanks so much for your advice, it means the world to know you say you have such a good feeling :huglove:

  7. So I was sitting in a pub, the second thursday in a row and it was karaoke night. I was immediately accepted into the group of musical theatre lovers after my first performance of Love Today. I happened to mention to a starlet girl named Catherine that I wanted to do a really theatrical version of Release the Stars one day when I learned how to reach a few notes that I'm having trouble with and she said "Oh yeah, he's coming to Wellington isn't he?" I was like :jawdrop: and screamed. I turned to my mother who sat at another table and said "RUFUS IS COMING TO WELLINGTON!" with eyes bright.

    She looked at me with a smike and said "I know."


    This was only about 2 weeks ago and I was quite hurt that she hadn't told me that he was coming as she knows how much I adore Rufus. But lets face it, she doesn't like him and she's a bit selfish when it comes to musicians she doesn't like. I did ask why exactly she hadn't told me and she simply said because she didn't want to drop me off and pick me up from the venue. To which I turned to Granddad and said "Will YOU pick me up and drop me off?" and he said if I got the tickets, he'd take me.

    She would have known THAT too but this isn't about my anger at my mother, it's about Rufus's show.


    So I started saving but I knew I wouldn't get enough before Christmas. The front tickets were $98 and before Christmas, I had only $36 but I knew I'd get a little from some person as gifts and I could make the rest selling homemade fudge to the oldies in the retirement village. My mother wouldn't help me because she said she hates his music and makes her want to top herself. I kept going.

    So I got the money for Christmas and Granddad called ticketek this morning and the front row seats are all sold ut. It turns out the tickets have been on sale for a long time now and my mother had really kept if grom me for a while.

    I am legally blind and would have had so much trouble so as far as I could see, it was over and I couldn't go. But she was so selfish a monster to have not told me and now I couldn't actually SEE Rufus. I know she isn't very happy in her life and she makes herself feel better by making others feel really bad, but that was harsh even for her. I decided she was being a horrible person and I wasn't going to let her win. So we went to the ticket office and saw where the closest available seats were. The best one was a seet in row E.

    That's like the back of the back. Granddad was really sad for me but I bought it. He found some binoculars for me and said that I should try and sneak down during the start of the show and stand in front. I decided that because the back row was $15 cheaper than the front row, that was $15 to put towards seeing Mika.

    She hates Mika too.


    So I was wondering what advice the Ruru-meeters may have for getting to where he is before/after the show or if you might know a thing or two about typical venues.

    I was drawing on my experience with James Blunt's show last year (April 30 2008) that I could wait for a few hours beforehand and be front of the que and just go down the front. Do you think I might have an usher by chance?


    Thanks :wink2:

  8. I know, I just said it because charlie was saying "were getting nowhere"

    I dont quite get your explanation here...explain plz


    I was just meaning that like. after a while we should figure out the ones who seem to be more receptive and then target them! more FM is more into playing rain/wag than the edge is it seems, and so I think we should start targeting them together, (not just more fm that was more of an example) soon enough c4 will have to add it to select if its getting airtime!


    its a matter of figuring out who will take you seriously and actually play it!


    I also wanted to suggest to try get it played on Taste Test Tuesday with clint on the edge! hes pretty rad!

    Yah more fm are great. We've also got Juice and J2 which play lots of stuff. It's a pity they canned "Alt TV' cos they would have played it.


    I mean like if we had

    More FM


    The edge


    ... etc


    Then we can go through and request on each and do that once a week or more and then we can target many and do it easily.


    The edge are like people from my town. They're like.... I'll do them if you think it'll help but I mean, I don't think they'll be too receptive you know?


    I'm off on holiday now, see you later thisweek! :huglove:

  9. ok I said this on charlies facebook group but id say it here too


    we all know radiostations want numbers...and if we all do different radiostations they dont see the numbers! just an idea!


    I say we have to collctively work at one radiostation at a time,maybe a different one each week...cos Ive been working at the edge madhouse morning show and they just laughed cos nobody else was there to back me up!


    its not spam if we show a collective front! it is however spam if there is only one of us constantly emailing, txting and calling requesting the same song!:thumb_yello:

    We could do whay we appear to do best: Go at 10 projects at once :wink2:


    So if we have a post with all the radi stations and tv stations we are using, we can kind of go through them all, once each through each week so that we get them all done if that makes sense.

  10. OMG 92 pages!

    That's 920 posts!


    Need to update the first post with a non-perrishable picture from tinypic but thanks to all who made it such a success of a thread and who continue to do so and a VERY special mention to Alice (A.Clay) who makes this thread so mouthwateringly delicious with her daily posts! :flowers::bow:

  11. Hope you all had a great christmas


    Santa/mother gave me a dishcloth and baking soda...Bloody cheepscate! :roftl: I think it was a hint!


    And whats with christmas crackers...I mean, SERIOUSLY! who puts a shoe horn in a christmas cracker? (they even spelt it shon horn) :boxed: WTF??


    I hate christmas for one reason...FOOD! too much of it, and the fact that everyone gives you chocolate when Im trying to be good!

    and some a** in the boxing day sale decided to say "lose some weight" while I was in like buying a boxing bag for my mums new garage (How obvious can it get?)

    *Slaps that guy*

  12. ..so , you're saying you're leaving facebook, twitter, everything ? why?

    Not leaving Facebook. I said my avatar was going to change to that picture for everything.

    I was considering leaving Twitter because I'm sick to death of having holes picked in me by my aunt and 140 characters per post seems to have gotten me into a bit of trouble Greg-wise :wink2:

    It's not really thr Greg thing anymore. the few comments about Greg (all but one were joking but it bothered me) were what made me reconsider my presence on Twitter but now (look at my twitter - I'm having an argument with my aunty right now!) I'm really feeling a lot more like it wouldn't be such a bad thing.

    I just wanted to share some of the good experiences while I'm dealing with the bad because in bad times we usually tend to forget the good things and only see the bad.

    But the truth is I'm really at a loss because the way I felt when I first got replied by Greg - That and that alone - Counteracts my bad feelings now and it makes me want to stay. I won't delete my account unless it's totally nessisary but it looks closer and closer to it.


    Honestly, I just want to leave twitter mainly because now everythign I say gets picked apart by someone and now I've gotten to a point where I'm writing something honest and sincere and I delete it before posting because I don't want to get crap for it. I shouldn't do that and twitter is something I once enjoyed.

  13. My new Twitter/Facebook and soon-to-be everything avatar:




    Ava Garter (who was Mika's burlesque opening act at the Roxy back at the not-so-secret gig. She was saying her kids were playing with "Legos" on her twitter which I follow and I said "Isn't the plural of lego just... Lego?"

    She DMed me:




    I started following the Roxy and Island records during the not-so-secret gig week and they both DMed me. The Roxy's first reply to me was that they'd check if the audiance could bring in video cameras.




    GREG WELLS REPLIED ME..... TWICE! :boing::boing::boing::boing:



  14. yes...exactly...I think mika is too much of a guilty pleasure people will never really admit to listening to it unless theyre talking to someone else who likes!

    When I talk to people they say they like him but when I pretend I dont like him others dont like him...secretly they do but they dont think its acceptable to listen to him!


    oh right! yes... your one of the ignoring people! a lot of people didnt talke me all that seriously back then...then again...back then I was righting Fanfic that was quite bad I cringe when I read it now!





    I had an idea for a youtube...I have quite a few videos of places in new zealand and it could even evolve into stuff from all of us...ima trust yall with the password! we could do a Kiwi mikafan colab channel!

    it could even be just to post things for eachother...and/or post videos/pics of meetups, gigs etc!


    lemmy know what you think about this idea!

    Not that I didn't take you seriously, but you know what I'm like about New Zealand and admitting to being Kiwi. For the first few years (oh look, I'm still doing this:) I put something about London in my whereabouts because I didn't want to say where I was really from.

    Not that I have anything against NZ, just that all my inspiration came from the UK but primarily London.

    Oooh I LOVE my fanfics! I still write them in my head and if I had anything truely special to say, I'd post it on Quizilla (but never here - Can't do that after the "I respect Mika" faze :roftl:)


    Good idea for a utube Ro, I'm in and I'm off to Taupo soonish so will try take pictures and upload them though I've not a clue how to make vids!

    There are some great ideas. Im sorry im not verry good at coming up with ideas, but im fully ready to support them in any way i can!


    I just sent in a request to ZM for Rain. Its the only radio station played in this house, so i went there first.


    And yes Mika definately is a guilty pleasure. Whenever i manage to get "the boy who knew too much" into our car CD player, my little brother is singing along, but when i notice, he starts mocking it. XD


    I think sending him a maori doll necklace is a good idea, i think he would love it!


    I like the youtube idea too! :) I think i put a vid of kariotahi beach photos that i took on there. Its not good, but its not bad either. Im petluva319 if anyone wants to add me? :)


    I told my friend to join the fan club, its just a matter of how long it takes him to remember!



    I'll add you when I get a spare moment. I'm lollipoplyonesse


    Cool, you're doing great! :boing: The more support we can drum up (without being a pain) the better!

    we will get there in the end!

    Agreed :original:

  15. Hey guys, just to let you know that I personally have left Twitter.

    As far as my endeavor to be a performer goes and also my fanship to Mika (though NOT Greg Wells), I am still going to be an active member as @Liyonah.


    @vampirelyonesse will be deleted if anyone follows my twilight vampire roleplay account and basically, my @Liyonah self that is my daily life and feelings about people in my world at school and where I live, will now disappear.


    Just so as you all know and nobody thinks I've turned cold hearted or anything :wink2:

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