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Everything posted by paula.pop

  1. There are loads of remixes available from today but still you don't see the damm video under his name!!
  2. pure sugar mixed with honey:naughty:
  3. for goodness sake! what?! no way! Mika is gorgeous!
  4. about those tickets...mine looks different,it has a code.
  5. I knew it would jump up after that fab performance on Popworld!
  6. wow,Freddie,you're certainly unique! metrosexual:) good for you!
  7. I would like to see him as a romantic lover:naughty:
  8. Relax! OMG,I loved it!I've heard the 30sec sample on iTunes and it just sounded so good...
  9. true.But I have never found any girl attractive in sexual way.I think Jolie is stunning and I would love to look like her and get to sleep with Brad:naughty:
  10. Boring but true:Angelina Jolie leaves me cold while Hugh Jackman (especially in Swordfish...) sets me on fire:naughty: Straight as you can get,I am afraid...
  11. aah! wicked! I will buy one:naughty: thanks Sou:thumb_yello:
  12. Niestety to jest serwis tylko dla mieszkancow UK i Irlandii,trzeba podac kod pocztowy itd...Szkoda zachodu,nie zadziala...
  13. surprise,surprise,I've been sleeping with Mika for more 2 months now:naughty:
  14. You have to download software and like in UK or Ireland but hey,it is worth it! The newest episode is not there yet but should be available soon.
  15. Aww,I can watch that over and over again...is it available on youtube,anybody knows??
  16. gosh,I didn't realize there are so many of us with same experience of being in a very dark place before Mika came with his music...
  17. As soon as I get home from work I will write and tell you if has mentioned the necklace or not:thumb_yello:
  18. I am sorry I can't help-I am gonna be at work,doing a night shift...
  19. lucky for me I am always at home when Popworld is on as I do eve and night shifts:naughty:
  20. Ahh! thanks! now I will have to see next Popworld too!
  21. tv what?! I haven't seen anything:boxed:
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