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Everything posted by ziema

  1. Hello! How are you? ^^ What's the topic? ^^
  2. Yeah thats fun ^^ I speak with a blekingsk accent with a little bit of småländska ibland of some reason? No idea why, my grandparents are därifrån and I might have read Utvandrarna too many times, lol. And I like the local words as well ^^ My latest favorite old word is "förvisso", används på tok för lite! Så jag ska försöka börja använda det Goodnight everyone, Im leaving! Hopefully Ill get some sleep after that horrible picture See you! ^^
  3. I had no idea how to express that in English so jag turnade to svenska ^^ Lol Now I wonder how to say that in English, or something that means nearly the same thing and captures the feeling in that expression. Because I really like that expression
  4. Lol, please do ^^ But I think I will get nightmares anyway
  5. Lol ^^ I cant understand why you want "exotic tanned sailors" when the scandinavian sailors are heta så det räcker och blir över ^^ URGH! I think I wont be able to sleep tonight o.O
  6. Lol! Im just fine thank! I had a look at the sailors today Only two ships left though, but damn handsome sailors And you? ^^
  7. Im very fine thanks How about you two?
  8. Yes and it wasn't any good... Have you read the last Harry Potter book yet?
  9. People should waste their time on better things than negerbullar (except for eating and making them ^^) It just so riddiculous really... I think I'll go to bed now. Hope I'll dream of some hot sailors ^^ Goodnight everyone!!
  10. That so true ^^ I like to buy old things that I don't really need... My mum doesn't like it but I love them And they smell old! I kinda like that smell though it isn't so pleasant... I think it was some kind of chokladrulltårta. Seemed to taste really good ^^ They would never be allowed to call it negerkaka nowadays, though everyone says negerbullar anyway...
  11. Hello! The topic is pretty much, sailors, Mika in sailor uniform () and ages. I think ^^
  12. Lol, I know But they had to snåla with everything in those days ^^ I found two "ransoneringskuponger" that were between the pages. They had a recipe for "negerkaka" too, very interesting ^^
  13. Yeah, Scandinavians are in general good-looking. I think scandinavians and japanese are at the top of my hottest nationality list ^^ LOL I get what you mean and I just love old things ^^ I bought a cookbook(is it called that in English? lol) from the 20's today. Really funny, but I've no idea where to find some of the ingredients. Have anyone got a spare "half head of a calf" for a fake-turtlesoup? Mika in sailor uniform, OMG, you're making me faint girl
  14. Yeah I know. I should try and get there tomorrow when they're leaving. It's my cousin's birthday and he lives in that town so we could go there just a little bit earlier...
  15. Lucky you! ^^ Uniforms are such a turnon, lol ^^
  16. : Sadly not :/ I haven't been in that town this weekend...
  17. (Sorry, they are swedes, norwegians, danish and finnish.) But Danish boys are quite hot, and since they are sailors, all of them are hot ^^ Makes me think of the Swedish song "Engelska flottan har siktats på Vinga, oboy oboy oboy!" I love that song ^^
  18. But they're sailors. And since they're in the military they were "all over the girls" as my friend expressed it. Maybe even one of them could be so drunk that he would snog a bit with me, lol. And they wore their UNIFORMS for God's sake
  19. But it feels much worse when I'll be 18 in December :/ Lol, no. But a friend who's not 18 got in o.O Unfair! But the sailors are gone by tomorrow I hope they'll get back when I'm 18, lol!
  20. Lol, you never know ^^ Damn! I wanna be 18!!! There are sailors from like 5 countries in a town not far from here and like everyone was on the club there where everyone in my age go to! And they were in their unifroms And I'm not 18...
  21. Very nice, I still get to listen to your swearing *hugglihuggli*
  22. No nice lady of you dear But I shouldn't say anything I wasnt quiet... Lol, I thought it might had been a british saying or something
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