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Everything posted by ziema

  1. I wanna have that kind of relatives too ^^ Especially foreign relatives, it's pretty boring to be only Swedish... My mum's aunts and cousins always says "Oh, you've grown up so much blablabla" everytime we see them ^^ And they talk with a funny accent too which makes it sound even more annoying. But they're always so happy, I can't believe people can be so positive about everything o.O Btw, I thought first cousins were allowed to get married ^^
  2. Hi girls, how are you? I'm so mad, they changed the time for "So you think you can dance"! It started half an hour earlier than usual! Luckily my mum was watching tv, so I only missed about 10 minutes. But anyway, so annoying! Sorry, just had to let that out ^^ What are you talking about tonight? ^^
  3. I see, good that you can hang here in the meanwhile ^^ I got to go now, my sis wants the computer ^^ Byebye!!
  4. Oh I see... Good then that you can chat at work, lol Have fun tidying tonight, lol ^^
  5. Lol, I guess so ^^ But there will probably a lot people here tonight, as usual ^^
  6. Yea sure, 40 posts are pretty much nothing if you're here all day ^^
  7. Ah noo, I think you look very good ^^
  8. Yes, it's so cute ^^ Do you wear socks right now? ^^
  9. Here they are, the quality isn't any good though. I uploaded three so you can chose
  10. Oh, Shall I put it on here, or maybe I can send you it over msn, if you got that?
  11. Lol ^^ I guess naps are overrated Btw, did you get the picture of you in the paper, I can't remember? o.O
  12. Lol, I woke up at 9.15, all by myself. And I fell asleep at 1 o'clock last night. And I'm not tired ^^ You can always take a nap at lunch
  13. Lol, then I'll really try to be here all night
  14. I'm here, but not so sure if i'll be here so long ^^
  15. Damn, I missed the 6000 celebration ^^ I've missed alll of the celebrations ^^ But you've seemed to have a ehm, interesting night, lol And someone posted the ding ding dong song o.O It was very popular here a couple of summers ago, and I hate that man who sings it
  16. We'll see ^^ The swimming trunks are kinda 50-60's style, that's why I like them ^^ Way better than those surfer shorts people wear in those days, lol
  17. Lol, weird videos are ok, not scary ^^
  18. Eeew... You should watch this video instead: No animals and everyone looks normal ^^ (except Alexander Bard of course, lol) I'm very fine thank you, and you?
  19. I hate that video It's so silly, but Martin's swimming trunks is kinda cute ^^
  20. Then I wont tell you that two storms will collide over Sweden on Wednesday ^^ I was quite a big fan when they were in Melodifestivalen the first time, and I really liked their first album. But the second album didn't have that BWO feeling at all and I was pretty disappointed.
  21. I'm fine ^^ I'm fine thanks ^^ I haven't been at the beach at all this year, very sad... I see ^^ I like Bwo, or used to like them kinda
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