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Everything posted by ziema

  1. You've just made dinner and I'm nearly off to bed I'll never get used to nor stop getting amazed/confused or what so ever of time zones They're just weird
  2. Stupid STUPID VH1. We want Mika too! Should send an email to them... Checked a site with all tv shows, no Mika there. (jävlans satans bajs) ^^
  3. Exactly what I'm thinking too!! I want to watch Mika, not some bad songs from the 80s!
  4. I see... Those cancellations... Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!? So lucky I got here, I gotta watch that! And the Koko gig, it's a classic Then I'm off too
  5. Lol, that's an interesting wish I understand that you want a british accent(it's damn sexy) because swedish accent in english is really ugly I have a pretty good idea for one of my patches, but I have to come up with something as good for the other one ^^ I had so many ideas when I first heard about this, but now I don't like them as much
  6. Hello my dear girls! ^^ How are you? Haven't been here for over a week, what has happened lately?
  7. I'm going to start on my patches tomorrow. Just checking, it's 8.5x8.5 inch + 3cm border(not so good at english sewing words )?
  8. What a great interview!!! The pics are great too! But that girl could have brushed her hair a bit better, she's interviewing Mika for God's sake ^^ Damn that it's too late to get that magazine, I think my sister was goign t buy it back then, but changed her mind. Damn... Thank you so much!!
  9. I hate dubbed films!! We're lucky here ^^
  10. If you are, what are you doing in the girls thread????? :shocked:
  11. When I hear Humphrey I think of an old man who is a bit chubby and has a big moustache ^^ And wears something really tacky ^^ I hope you're not like that
  12. No, I think the one you are thinking of is "How to loose a guy in 10 days" (or something like that), but that one is good too This one is with Heath Ledger () and I think it's based on a Shakespeare play ^^
  13. Oh Sofie, I photographed the newspaper! Is it ok if I put them here as attachments for you?
  14. I'm really fine Just finsihed watching "Ten thign to ahte about you", I love that movie ^^ And you? Hello Sherry!! ^^
  15. Thanks, I'll post the picture again when it's finished, I hope it will be much better by then I so need that book! It's not out yet so it's an uncorrected version and there are four books to win, and not much activity on that forum ^^
  16. Compared to the official forums this one is million times better ^^ I think I registered there once, but I'm never there and I don't think I even read 5 threads... It's so much better in here ^^ I'm not on any other fanforums, I'm not posting anyway... Mikafanclub forever in my heart ♥ lol
  17. Ok ^^ This is what it looks like now ^^ THe colours are only so I could see the different twigs(???) of the tree ^^ I'll colour the pic in PSP when I've finished the outlines It's for a competition, I really want the book that is the price So this is supposed to be the cover of that book...
  18. I've no idea where she went but I went to bed after a while ^^ I was drawing a picture but then I got tired of it Trying to finished the picture now, but I've no idea how to draw trees, especially not in Paint ^^ I hope she gets online soon, because I photographed the photo of her ^^
  19. Hey girls! What's the topic for today?
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