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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. I just got off the phone with an admissions counselor from Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbra California, and it sounds amaaaaaaazing. She told me it's the "Harvard" of photography schools. John Russo who is a famous celebrity photographer,teaches the celebrity photography course there and he takes you to LA to tour his studio and then you get to shoot a celebrity client. How amazing is that? Besides the fact that I'm sure it's super expensive, I love new york. As beautiful as california is, it's so different from new york and so far from home. Suggestions?
  2. Not as creepy as the previews make it seem, but it makes you think.
  3. Have you seen the movie the number 23 with jim carry? those stairs remind me of it for some reason.
  4. Look at that, this threads on fire tonite...well, for THIS thread anyways. eee! chat and post away lovelies!
  5. I'm absolutley clueless when it comes to photoshop, so no. but I do use a simple little photo program run threw google, that came with my computer (and i believe is a free download in case youre interested:wink2:) to edit lighting, if i want it black and white..extc. If not picasa, I make do with what lighting fixtures I have around my house.
  6. Hehe, it's a beauty...worth every penny, for sure! I must sound so lame and cheesy but hearing your feedback on my photos makes every inch of my heart smile.
  7. Digital:canon rebel xti, and thank you so much,again.<3 but I love my polaroid and minolta SRTfor film.
  8. dfandufhj3748fa8ewjf8a thank you so much.<3 you all are always so sweet. *group hug* hahahaha
  9. <3 Not yet, but eventually I will be. But I don't really believe you can learn how to take a good photograph, quality wise...sure, but that's about it. But thank you so much,again.
  10. wow. you have no idea how much that means, thank you SO so much.<3
  11. Hahaha yes, like that! and thank you very much love, you always have kind things to say about my photos. Okay, I need my daily starbucks(crack) fix, peeeeacee!
  12. Hahaha. Veggie Taaaales!<3 "Where is my hairbrush?" is a favorite.
  13. So, this thread has gone nowhere. But in a month or so it's gunna be huge! EricHutchinson is the VH1 you oughtta know artist for September!! How amazing is that?! http://www.vh1.com/artists/you_oughta_know/
  14. Just some photos I took today.... I took tons of polaroids of my fellow sbux crew members at work today, that are PRICELESS. When I take them home, I'll post them. I drew a different thing on all there fingers and had them hold it up to there face like, mustache, lips, unibrow, red cheeks, tear drops, thug lyf3 on there knuckles. I love it. Anyhoo..here ya go.
  15. They have been alllll ovveerrr new york these past few days,huh?
  16. holy ****! that's insane! I hope everyone's okay!
  17. I took this photo a few months ago, I don't know if I posted it here, if I did,cool.. if not, herey ago..
  18. hehe, oh is it? *shrugs* that's just always been my motto and life, and always will be.
  19. Which part? haha i'm not sure what you're asking but nothing is a kooks reference
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