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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. Haha, for some reason,that is exactly the response I was expecting from your or Jess.
  2. HAHAHA I hate when it says 'your message is too short' i like to keep things simple
  3. Eeeh, alright,thanks. I don't know what possessed me to take somebody's hours at work tomorrow, but I'm going too. *shrugs* Immmaaa suh-viiiivaaa....
  4. I'm not dsylexic, but I can't read sheet music. If you want to add to your Mika pile, you might wanna pick up the book. But I LOVE youtube! I've learned and hand full of songs off of it, some of those people are great at breaking the songs down!
  5. Heheee, i'm alright, thanks. I have lyme disease so I currently can't move very much my neck and back are incredibly stiff, but other then that-no complaints! Think you'll be in NYC any time soon? edit: how awesome/terrifying is that smiley?
  6. P.s. I just realized that the half of a face that is blurred out in your signature is me! haha
  7. I did, that's where Lyme disease comes from, male deer ticks. I never saw the tick though, I've just felt incredibly weak with body aches and a fever the past week, and when I saw this rash, I knew it was lyme disease. The 'bulls-eye' is how you tell. I have to get blood work tomorrow.
  8. Thanks girls! :wink2:I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon after that. Look at what my side looks like, it's crazy.. Now back to The Midway State!
  9. Look how crazy my side looks right now.. ( Ignore the bra-age ) See the 'bulls-eye' ?
  10. Haha, thank you. And yeah it is pretty gross. I didn't even see the tick on me, never. I just have this 'bulls-eye' on my back. I'll take a picture of it..it's crazy!
  11. Hahahaha, I remember that! I really thought he was lying.
  12. Hey lovlies, this is off-topic.. but has anyone here had Lyme disease before? I have it now, but have yet to go to the doctor, I am dyyyyyyyyying! anyone know any remedies I could use until I get anti-biotics? Sorry to post here, I started a thread but just figured I'd ask some of you too.
  13. Thank you sooo much everyone! and thank you for all the info, it's much appreciated! I can't go to the doctor until tomorrow, I've been like this for almost a week now. It keeps getting worse and my 'bullseye' is so defined and red now. I have a fever, if I'm not freeezing I'm extremely hot. I really hope I haven't waited too long for antibiotics!
  14. Haha, I'd say tell them to get to US asap, but that may sound pushy too. *shrugs*
  15. Thanks for sharing and yeah, I feel like I could sleep for days and it still wouldn't be enough.
  16. Thank you very much everyone! and thanks for the link LadyGodiva! I just talked to some neighbors who looked at it and said that it was lyme disease right away. One of them told me they had it,and the antibiotics is for about a month and that you loose your apeitite and your stomach is week, but after a month or so of antibiotics you're good to go.
  17. So, the past few days I've felt incredibly weak, like I was hit by a bus or something... my body aches and It feel like symptoms of the flu but i don't feel 'sick,' just a headache. I noticed a bug bite on my back, but didn't think anything of it. So today my mom asked me if I had any weird bites, so I lifted up my shirt and showed her the back of my rib cage and she said it looks like the 'bulls-eye rash' that forms around a tic bite that has lyme disease. I have to wait to go to the doctor until Monday. Does anyone here have or know anything about Lyme Disease? Please let me know! thanks! jackie
  18. Know what I just rememberd? They told me that they would film the opening of the books. I hope they did! I don't want to be pushy and ask about it..
  19. I was talking to Wise about how they're playing with Missy higgins and Eric Hutchinson this month, and how jealous I was because it sounded like a great show. I said I'd hitch hike my way up there. wise said: yeah that should be a good show. all good artists.. hike your way up there! hah.. hope all's well. - wise
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