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Everything posted by Haeschen02

  1. I can try: "In einem Bächlein helle da schoss in froher Eil die launische Forelle vorüber wie ein Pfeil" And as I just found out it wasn't Goethe but Schubert.
  2. That was really a nice joke. Some insider-thing which no one else would understand. That's just how you can keep life interesting! He looked great as always and even my mom (who prevented me from going to Bremen today) had to admit that he is quite a cutie!
  3. Yeah! I felt that more than once today. I actually planned to go to Bremen today but got sick last night so I had to stay at home. Argh!
  4. That's something I expect as well although I really thought he would be interviewed. It's so boring. Today sucks!
  5. Do you mean the Goethe? At the end of Over my Shoulder.
  6. Thanks a lot! It brings back some nice memories. And there is even his Goethe on it. Love it!
  7. Definitely! Just leave the man alone when he is at home. He needs a place to rest because I think he is really working hard at the moment.
  8. Yeah! It's alright. I'm here. Where else should I go?
  9. But they also said that there will be more about him in one of the next shows. And by the way, I do not think that his face looks like a mixture of Mick Jagger and Prince . That would be awful!
  10. In this kind of TV show the guests are usually there from the beginning to the end. The hosts talk a while to every single guest and they can later get involved in some kind of discussion. So he will be there for two hours!
  11. Das war echt schade! I really like how he individualises the things he has to sign. Could you somehow take a picture of the poster? I would love to see it.
  12. Hey! Thanks a lot. Nice picture (although I look kind of strange). Now I remember you. He signed the poster on the back of your daughter didn't he? Hm, but who is the blond girl I have on one of my pictures? She might be interested in her picture as well.
  13. Are you the girl with the blond curly hair and glasses? Because my sister took one of you (if it is you) as well. It would be great if you could post it here or send me an e-mail with it.
  14. The poor girl is back. My sister somehow managed not to fall asleep and took some awesome pictures instead. I met Kata and Vally after the show. The concert was great and we had a lot of fun! Now I'm looking forward to the next time (whenever that might be).
  15. Sou ist my bad conscience. I'll leave the man and his private life alone now and go to bed (as I have to be fit for my weekend in Berlin). I wish you all nice Easter holidays and a good night / day. Haeschen
  16. Where do you live? I bet it's nice, too.
  17. War er da schonmal drin? Wenn ja: Sowas verpasse ich immer, weil ich schon lange aus dem Bravo-Alter raus bin. Ich möchte mir aber gar nicht vorstellen, wie sich unser Schatz eine Seite mit Tokio Hotel oder so teilen muss . Da läuft es mir eiskalt den Rücken runter!
  18. Hi to everyone, I know that some of you will go to the concert in Berlin next Monday. I will be there with my sister (who fell asleep when I showed her some Mika videos a few hours ago ) and wonder if it might be possible to meet before or after (or during) the gig. It would be really nice to meet and talk to some of you in person. Maybe we can have a little drink after the concert and chat a bit about our fav topic (Maybe we can even persuade Mika into having a beer with us . I can still dream, can't I?). As time is running fast it would be nice if you could answer as soon as possible because we might need to arrange some things concerning the meeting. I look forward to see you all (at least a few of you ) in Berlin. Bye, Haeschen.
  19. Das ist ja sehr cool! Habe den Deutsch-Thread gerade entdeckt und bin begeistert. Ich finde, dass ihr alle super sprecht und es ist echt wahnsinnig was ihr alle für Sprachen könnt. Ich spreche nur deutsch und englisch. Ich habe zwar mal französisch gelernt, kann das aber leider fast gar nicht mehr. Bin ich eigentlich die einzige hier, die sich 100%ig deutsch nennt (Das hört sich irgendwie blöd an. Ich hoffe, ihr wisst was ich meine)? Es ist schon interessant wie relativ uninfiziert Deutschland noch vom Mika-Wahn ist. Ich habe aber das Gefühl, dass sich das bald ändern wird !
  20. The places where you live look all really nice. I especially like those small English villages. I always look forward to see them every time I come to England. As soon as I see the chimneys I feel at home. Anyway, here are some pictures of my home-town and of the area where my boyfriend lives. My town is not too big and has some really nice buildings and places. I definitely love to live here! The photos were taken from my boyfriend's brother.
  21. I just read Martin's MySpace profile. You can find pictures of his little son (and his wife) there. The son is really cute and seems to be very lovely. So this whole Mika/Martin thing is quite absurd and they just have a lot of fun on stage together.
  22. Oh that's great!!! I just hope that my tv will work until then.
  23. That is a really cute clip. I hope you will all be able to watch it soon. In this case the German internet did not disappoint me! Oh Dear! My imagination is running wild
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