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Everything posted by JeyJen

  1. plastic bottles!!!there shouldn't be problems with them!ok hun,see ya in the morning in ferrara station!!!
  2. ahahahaha!!!the problem of everyone!!! i dunno...i think they might control them but i think they'll let you bring your camera inside...if this is what you mean....i optimistic about it!!! i have to be cause i want to take a lot of pics!!!
  3. io direi la seconda ipotesi mirti però quando arrivi manda un mex ke magari riesci ad aggregarti a noi... wohoo!!! can't wait!when will you arrive? do you have the phone number of someone of us, so we can meet?
  4. it's tomorrow it's tomorrow :woot_jump: :woot_jump:
  5. oh!my letter arrived!i'm so happy (and relaxed) now!! thank you for your job wendi
  6. heya!!! hello peeps!! what's up?? giulietta i heard that too...i heard there will be a syberian wind over italy! that means -10 degrees!!!
  7. JUST A WEEEEEEEEEK!!!! :yay: did u know it?? theblackqueen que bueno verte en el foro!!aun nos queda una semana y nos veremos realmente!! YAY
  8. ok..i can't listen to the new song damn! but i saw the album that french girls gave to mika and i have to say: it's awesome! thank you pamette for keppin us updated with everything!
  9. you're so right! last year was really a joke! i didn't see the snow here where i live...that's so bad! i want the snow!! and i want a proper winter!
  10. a gig in Nice on the same day of the one in Rimini....they prefered Nice
  11. ahahaha!!! esto no me preocupa :roftl: estoy demasiado encanta del epsañol
  12. ohhh yo tambìen mi querida!!! tengo muchisìma gana de hablar un poquito en español (yo solo te hablarè en español ) y pasar un poquito de tiempo contigo,y,claro, ver el concierto de mika juntas!!! ¡¡haremos un mogollòn!! y theblackqueen? ¿està viva? en estas ultimas semanas no la vi...
  13. ¡¡¡como siempre queenie!!! pero que malo! ¡¡¡y todo porque en italia mika no està tan conocido como en francia!!! ¡que mierda de paìs! perdona,tenìa que decirlo.. roby you're so right.no one is pushing mika here in italy!that's so bad! and i wanted to play with RDS to win the tickets+pass for rimini
  14. OMG!!!! few months ago, october seemed so far!! and now,only 2 weeks!! omg i can't believe it's so near!!! :biggrin2:
  15. yeah i hate white walls too.i wanted this color but i didn't find it so i'm gonna use a sort of "ciclamino" i hope i'll be satisfied with the result
  16. i have to paint my room this saturday *___* and now i'm move all the furniture out from my room..it's so hard!! dunno where to put all my stuff
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