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Everything posted by calicojasmine

  1. WHAT THE.......................?!?!? ARE THERE HYSTERICS IN THE HOUSE????????????
  3. Suzanne! Suzanne! You're too far away for me to perform CPR!!! LOL!
  4. I'm glad you asked........... ARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. HELLO! HELLO! I'M GOING CRAAAAAAAAAZZZZZY HERE!!!!! His Curliness is officially in North America ! And I will be at the Orpheum in Vancouver February 15th/08, his LAST stop in his North Amemrican tour. ASK ME IF I AM EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. ooops... sorry... I see it now. I think they took too much blood from me today.......
  7. I looked at it again (and again!). Last item on the list is Seattle - Feb.14th. Absolutely no mention of Vancouver. Check it again if you don't believe me.
  8. How come they're not on the list for Toronto and Vancouver? They don't sound half-bad.
  9. Greetings All! So who is opening for Mika in Vancouver on February 15th? Last year they had Sara Bareilles.... I would die and go to heaven if Sia opened for Mika here. Has anyone here heard of her? GENIUS - SHEER BRILLIANCE!!! Another one of Mr. Perez's introductions...... or how 'bout Operator Please - ???? Un-f***ing believable! Teenagers with a sense and a style (and not to forget talent, too, please...) has thrust this group in a meteoric rise to the cosmos. Anyone of these performers would be genuinely welcomed to our fair city, as well as complement and showcase our Main Man's brilliance. So Sara, Sia, Operator Please or Whomever, you are cordially invited to enjoy our beautiful, best-of-all-worlds, mountain, oceans, ski in the morning and play golf in the afternoon lifestyle and habitat. Hey! A lot of people I've known over the years come out here for 2 weeks vacation - never to be seen or heard from again.....???
  10. Where on the West Coast? I'm in North Vancouver. And yeah, it's gorgeous here this week - but cold... my fingers feel a bit numb on the old keyboard tonight... not typing quite so fast...
  11. Oh, that's sooo great! It's always so wonderful when we convert the newbies! LOL!
  12. HELLO SWEETEST FRIEND! YES! It feels fantastic to be in the land of the living once again!!!! WOW! Seattle sold out!!! Amazing!!! Not at all surprised though! I am getting SOOOOOOOOOOOO PSYCHED!!!!!!!!!!! :blush-anim- ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Oh wow, I hadn't realized you'd seen him so many times, in so many places, all over the world!!! No wonder you're staying home! I, on the other hand, have never seen him - not once! So I'm pretty excited about February 15th!!! So what's the scoop on this new album?
  14. That's friggin' Hollywood for you!!! Even though it was New York City it was definitely the Hollywood machine. It just gobbles you up and spits you out. Y'know, when I originally heard the news the first thing that jumped into my brain was, "Another one bites the dust". Sad but true. Does it even surprise you that the Associated Press has Britney Spears' obituary ready and waiting as we speak??? There are gambling pools going on right now - guess the date of Britney's death.... And as far as I'm concerned - those paps are bottom feeder scum rapists that don't even exist on the lowest rung of the food chain. What - me cynical?!?
  15. Yeah, that's what I was going to ask? I don't know - I find it kind of weird how everybody's been saying it's his "last" North American tour, etc. etc. What the feck is that all about ? The guy is 24 years old - where the hell is he going? He can't be retiring already!
  16. I had never heard of that film before today.... He would probably have been great in it, too... such a fine actor. Yes, I know how you feel about death and dying, especially in young people. I have lived my entire life on the periphery of death - you can it witness it hundreds of time and it still injures, scars and humbles you. We all have to face it eventually, some sooner than later. But we have to keep in mind and always remember - it's all about how we live our life, not how and when we meet our ultimate demise.
  17. I'll answer both you, englishrose, and Suzy at the same time.... I'm "home" meaning here in the Canadian Thread, MFC, Reality, "sanity" (if you can call it that!) LOL! OR NOT!!! I feel like I haven't been on FOREVER!!! Just have been going through some incredibly hard times (so what else is new????) but starting to feel better... got myself a new doctor and - la piece de resistence - LESS THAN 1 MONTH 'TIL MIKA!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You guys must be absolutely s****ing yourselves now at this point!!!!!
  18. Hey Girls.... I'm home! Hope everyone's doing well! I'm getting sooo excited for you guys - less than 1 week to go!!!
  19. Now THIS is bizarre: I just picked up next week's copy of "TV Week" from my mailbox and on page 3, "Star Spotting" - "See Who's Making the Scene in B.C.", there is a picture of Heath with the caption : "Heath the Man. Heath Ledger is part of an eclectic cast assembled in Vancouver for a new movie." Apparently the movie is called "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parmassus." Veteran Canadian actor Christopher Plummer and Verne "Mini Me" Troyer were to also star in this story of a strange theatre company that gives audiences more than they bargain for. Filming in Vancouver was slated for a short time only; the bulk of it being shot in London, England.
  20. Oh, I have literally TONS of stories to tell - actually, I probably shouldn't call them "stories" - they're all true... I know I have ESP in a big way - I am both sender and receiver - there are friends and family members who have it as well, so very often we just skip actual conversation and just communicate via mental telepathy. A lot of my premonitions come to me in dreams, but not necessarily all of them. Earlier in this thread I spoke of a recurring premonition of how I heard about my father's death. I had this vision hundreds of times prior to his death and never once was I asleep and/or dreaming. I will also add that at the very moment on the day that my father died - he was 3,000 miles away in Montreal while I was in Vancouver - I became violently ill and mentally distraught. I was completely aware that something horrendous was occurring somewhere, just not entirely sure what it was...... Often times I will dream something that seems to make zero sense - then a week or two will go by and some event will transpire which I will realize was actually what the dream was foreboding.... Two men were shot and killed in Downtown Vancouver shortly after a dream I had about this... And I don't laugh at the thought of ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, etc. I've had too many strange, inexplicable events to try and rationalize all that stuff away. I know I have been in contact with the dead - many of my dreams consist of actually seeing dearly departed family members......... and there's an element to these meetings that goes 'way, 'way beyond slumber, dreams and REM sleep! I've spent a lot of my life in hospitals - both personally and professionally - and there is no better haunting ground for spirits than a building which houses the sick and the dying. Hell, it's even got it's own morgue.......
  21. Hey Guys, your resident Looney is home.... A few weeks ago I had a really vivid nightmare that there were dozens of emergency vehicles (ambulances, firetrucks and police cars) outside my apartment, just beneath my window. It was soooooo realistic! I sat up in a cold sweat... and was incredibly relieved to realize it was only a dream.... I went back to sleep, only to awaken an hour or so later - with dozens of ambulances, police cars and firetrucks, etc. outside my apartment. My building manager, also a dear friend, had suffered a heart attack and they had arrived to administer aid..... BTW - she did survive - thank god - and we'll never, ever forget my premonition....
  22. Hey Everybody!!! It's me - CJ!!! How is everyone??? It's getting close to MIKA TIME!!!!!! Is everybody getting as stoked as I am?????? What is it - 1 week until Montreal touch down??????????? ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow: :thumb_yello: :wub2:
  23. bookwurm - hi - I don't believe we have been formally introduced... I'm calicojasmine, one of the resident crazies! I so look forward to meeting you in person on February 15th!!! Now what was going so horribly wrong in that nightmare of your's last night? It helps to talk about it - and the superstition goes: if you talk about it, it won't come true........ Do tell......
  24. So whaddya think???? Wanna hear more scary, crazy stuff? There's much, MUCH more where this came from........ MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA:naughty: :insane:
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