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Everything posted by calicojasmine

  1. Hey Caz, Aw, it sucks so bad what you're going through - I'm sorry to hear about it. Hope you're starting to see a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel (that is not an oncoming train! LOL!) As you can see, I use humor a lot in these "dark" times (pun intended!) - I did not have the experience of my parents splitting up but perhaps that should have happened because our household was about as dysfunctional as it could get. My mother was a crazed, abusive lunatic, whereas my father, the most caring, generous and hardworking person on the planet would literally give the shirt off his back to a complete stranger. So obviously this was a disturbing situation. It kind of mimics scenarios where feuding couples agree to "stay together because of the kids". HUH??? Like what kind of rationale is that? So as hard as it is to wrap your mind around the fact that your parents are separating, keep in mind that it will be a hell of a lot healthier than living in a war zone. Shellshock, landmines and nuclear reactors can be hazardous to one's health. Another thing to remember, Caz, is not to own any of this - this is your parents' schtick, not your's - and yet, it always seems the kids are the ones carrying around the lion's share of the guilt. Do not accept any of it. In fact, from bad things come the good. Things happen for a reason. I don't believe in coincidences. You are eighteen years old and it is definitely your time to grow up and move on... This could very well be the beginning of a whole new, exciting chapter in your life. Accept it. Don't fight it. And do not ever be afraid to embrace your emotions. Cry if you must. It is the most beautiful thing - it cleanses your body and soul of all the toxins and imperfections - when it's finally over you feel like a July afternoon following a sudden, fierce thunderstorm - the sun returns, the smell is heavenly, the birds are singing and there's even a rainbow. Dare to believe for a pot of gold at the end of said rainbow?? Hey, you can always dream....... And in the same way that you give yourself permission to face the grief and tears, you must allow yourself to be happy, rejoice, return to the land of the living, be crazy, have fun, do the kinds of things you've always wanted to do but felt too reserved to do. Dress up in crazy costumes, go to different shows/parties/clubs, listen to (MIKA!) music!, find new hobbies, try new sports, create new clubs..... the possibilities are endless...... It's no secret that I am having an extremely turbulent life (that's gotta be the understatement of the millennium! ) No, it isn't easy - every day is a struggle. But every day is a fight and I believe that now every day is a bit of a victory. I'm not down and out yet. The fight goes on. And a large part of my survival hinges on helping others in similar situations. I've devoted my entire life to helping those less fortunate than me (both two-footed and four-footed varieties - yes, even the underdogs! haha! pun intended!) We can all make it - if we help each other and we continue the fight...... Caz, if you ever want to talk and share, please PM me. You are a sweetie and I share your pain. cj xoxo
  2. WOW! REALLY????? That is most def my kinda guy!! And check out that Harrison Ford - still going strong - and boy! could he teach some of those young 'uns in Hollywood!!
  3. The little things in life don't bother me too much. It's the bigger stuff. Like Life.
  4. Sorry, I didn't read the whole thread - you too Freddie??????? Awwwwwww....
  5. Wow, this is amazing! Ever since I was a little kid I wanted to be an archeologist when I grew up. Studying past civilizations and finding remnants of their existence was not only educational and informative it was damn exciting too! The thrill of possibly discovering a whole new civilization - the discovery of fossils and bones which could actually shed new light on the history of Mankind - how absolutely phenomenal is that ?!?!? For years and years I collected stones, fossils, created new theories, went to museums, read anything I could get my hands on.... in college my curriculum always included social sciences, anthropology and archeology. I was a shoo-in for Honours Anthropology - no doubt about it.... Until that fateful day I realized I was horrendously, traumatically and irreversibly CLAUSTROPHOBIC!!! Yes, you read that right.Me becoming an archeologist would be about as far-fetched as someone with a fear of water and inability to swim signing up to be a deep-sea diver. My dreams were dashed to smithereens before I could say "sucks - big time!!!" I was horribly disappointed, but me being the chameleon that I am went back to the drawing board, did a few revisions and came up with a Plan B. So Social Work became the alternative, which really was not a far cry at all. It still is the study of Man, albeit a different time and space - but the same study of Homo Sapiens, in a modern setting, his habits, trials and tribulations, and whatever else we can document on TMZ or Perez Hilton! LOL! There sure is a lot going on out there, I guess at this point it really does depend on how much more we really are ready to put up with.........
  6. I'm still rattling around.... How was everybody's Easter? Didja eat lotsa chocolate??
  7. Is that the social worker you were telling me about? You are going to have SO MUCH FUN GIRRRRRLLLLLLLL!!! I SOOOOOOO wish I could be there!!! Why am I not surprised?????? It's very YOU, Kelzy!!! Just don't go putting your fingers in any electrical outlets! hehehehehe
  9. I wish I could be there.....!!!!!!!! But I will be there in SPIRITS..... ****hic**** and I will try to drink a green beer too for St. Paddy's Day...... Do you have a green wig?????? Like the pink one with horns???????? Would be simply AWESOME!!!! Mika would LUV LUV LUV IT!!! So would I!!!!!
  10. You may want to re-think that, Suz... they are adorable, but they are actually not the cleanest of animals..... if they live outside, that's okay, but inside.....- ewwwwwwwwwww...... plus they CHEW!!! I'm a poet and didn't even know it!!!!! Boy, can I tell you some HORROR STORIES!!!! hehehehehe pretty funny actually!!! hahahahahahahahahahahha
  11. Yeah, you SO DO!!!! And don't you forget it!!! And I know all you guys are here for me too! Believe me, it's REALLY REALLY helping me! I having exactly been having a party lately myself, as you probably know....
  12. My brother Dave, who lives in North Carolina has 2 pet bunnies. - That's his whole family... He's had bunnies for the last 20 or so years...... unbelievable..... they just run around loose in his condo.... different strokes....
  14. LOL CATS! LOL CATS! LOVE 'EM!!!! CAN'T GET ENOUGH!!!! HYSTERICAL!!! BAILEYS - YUMMMY YUMMMMY YUMMMMMY YUMM YUMMM YUMMM YUMMM YUUUMMMMMMMMMMM I better shut up now, my oral fixation is starting to show.............ooooooopsie....hehehehehe ohhhhhhhhhh, I'm gettin' strange here.... Yesss yessss, better eat, tho' I'm really not hungry - but my doctor would kill me if she knew..... my problem is I don't know what I can eat anymore... sad but true.... so I drink instead.... LOL!!!! hehehehehehe:wink2:
  15. HELLO!!! AND YOU ARE AT #4,000 POSTS!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOVE THE ICANHASCHEEZBURGERCATZ!!! I also have them on FaceBook. And the shot glasses are ggggrrrrreeeeaaaatttt... I'm into the wine. Great combo - wine and whine.................that's ALWAYS THE ANSWER!!!!! So you're a BAILEY'S GIRRRRRRLLLLL????????????? Sorry, it's getting late and I haven't eaten yet.... and YESSSS, I ABUSE MYSELF - A LOT!!!!!
  17. Awwwwwwwwww.......... yuck is right...... it never rains but it pours.... So sorry...... But I'm the Queen of that. It doesn't rain for me - it floods - hurricanes, monsoons..... tidal waves...... you know......... Anyways.... don't put too much pressure on yourself..... you'll figure out what you want to do when you figure it out..... what will be will be.....
  18. Wooooo Hooooo! Can't wait! So funny..... it's like we're in a paralel universe again - I was REALLY, REALLY BAD all week, then it shifted today...... ohhhh, your e-mail's here..
  19. Yeah? Better??? I'm SO GLAD!!!!! Me too - in some ways!!!! WE NEED TO TALK, GIRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, yes! Much better perspective! For me too! I'll tell you about Ulrich..... and other stuff....
  20. I'm majorly sleep-disordered. And that's the LEAST of my problems......
  21. Oh boy do I love your siggie!!!!!! Jealous is the understatement of the millennium!!!
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