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Everything posted by kjoshi

  1. Is it near time time sq by anychance...that area up to 30th st is the part of new york i know like the back of my hand...other than that i'm in the dark...maybe there'll be a McDonalds we can all go eat at close by!
  2. Haha...I would totally take a road trip!!!!!!!!!! Don't live with the rents so they wouldn't notice if I was gone for a while, I just wouldn't be able to afford the hotels... Would just stay in my car but I'd need a shower and i'd be pretty smelly:blink: lol
  3. That's going to cost some serious money...i'd do it if had any:blink:
  4. I hope so...I have my fingers crossed for you! Well off to class for me, see you ladies later!
  5. hahahahaa...yeah MFC people are the imp. ones... Well off to class see you guys later!
  6. haha...I'm thinking my adrenaline will be kicked up in full gear in the que and at the concert, it's the drive that worries me
  7. Come on tootch...I think you could convince him...I believe in you...haha and what's in a day or two of school missed...they won't miss much, it's not really that important
  8. Yay!!!! I am so unbelievable excited Ugh I'm going to be so tired that day...coming home from Italy the night before:boxed:
  9. hello!!! You know what you could do...You could make a "family trip" out of it. Go to Philly since that isn't far, then drive up to NYC the next day, get some rest time or tour time (has you daughter seen NYC it would be fun for her!) Then go to a NYC concert, rest the rest of that night and then return home on Sun. Come on tell me that doesn't sound amazing, you'd get to go to 2 gigs and turn it into family time!
  10. Oh yeah you could do Philly, isn't about 3 hours closer than NYC Hehe...by the way, hey all of you! i totally just butted in! But I won't be in Philly
  11. Come on!! It's on a Saturday and we could have a D.C reunion!
  12. Hey hey hey...I'm in my second year of college and I was allowed to go to the D.C gig myself, but I had to stay the night in NYC so my mom came with me...NYC is not a place you want to be by yourself for the first time, luckily i "proved" that i could handle going places by myself now but she still might come cause I got her hooked on him
  13. Come on...you know you want to...imagine how much fun it would be *trys to get into your guys heads*
  14. New York!!!!!!! We'll have a huge MFC meet up!
  15. Keep at it...maybe you'll annoy him enough to get him to give in! New York is on a sat...so you wouldn't miss any school or anything!
  16. How could I forget the Italian MFC representative in when I go to Italy?! lol, we really should meet up, I'll let you all know where I'll be after I get my itinerary
  17. That was hilarious!!!!!! I almost felt embarrased for him!!! I feel really bad for the interviewer
  18. I think those times are the times that the tickets are going on sale I'm sorry you all in the south!!!
  19. :woot_jump: AHHHH!!!! So excited!!!!! So I'll be coming back from Italy the night before...wonder how that's going to turn out... NYC meet up!!!!!!
  20. Looks awesome!!!! Anyone have links to the other books, I've only seen Cherise's????????
  21. I miss you all!!! This was a great thing to see as a sticky when I haven't been here for awhile!!! Can't wait till schools over to talk to you all:) Thanks for the pic! I can see my winnie the pooh patch!
  22. Haven't been here for a while but it was nice to come back to seeing the quilt on there!!! Thanks for putting the picture up! I see my winnie the pooh pj's! Thanks guys! I miss you all!!!!!
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