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Everything posted by kjoshi

  1. OH my gosh!! I love him!!! He's so funny! He came to my school...but I didn't know he was coming till the tickets were sold out!
  2. Never got a chance to go to many concerts...Went to see NSYNC when i was in 5th grade...that was like 8 years ago...going to see Hellogoodbye, rocket summer, and boys like girls in May...then MIKA IN JUNE WOOOO!!!!
  3. ha...I love Indian tea!! It's really spicy ANd i love iced teas!!!
  4. Yeah it's University of Delaware...I think that's what you meant. Umm yeah I'm going to finish out this semester, which ends in like 3 weeks, and next year because I've already paid for my housing on campus. But after next year (I'm a freshman this year) i'll transfer...so I'll be a junior when I transfer. Yeah it's exciting...I kinda need to get away from my home town and just experiance life. Then after that I'm going to teach highschool English in LONDON!!!! Hopefully!
  5. Ha...if I lived in New York I'd take you guys...I'm supposed to transfer to NYU soon...but unfortunetly not soon enough...sorry..I tried to think of a way for you guys to come. Unless there was a train you guys could take.
  6. OUch the D.C show is on June 12th
  7. OOO...I see... Oh no!! Wait how were you going to get to Bosten then...can't you use that same way to get to D.C instead?
  8. ooooo ok... can you guys go to D.C... Is that too far of a drive...it can't be more than 3 hours...right?
  9. Haha...Yeah I've heard about those.. we used to have those in highschool too but they were called DSTP's...they suck...as do all tests. Trust me, from experiance... none of them help with college So does that mean you guys can't go to the concert at all????
  10. Agreed!!! Me and my sister are going to both...cause I live in DE and I go to the University of DE so me and my sister are going to be able to go to both... since I live so close to home. But yea D.C is like 2 hours away and NY is like 3 and 1/2 hours away...So..... "Why not":biggrin2:
  11. That's what I'm doing!! Ah...never thought of it being selfish though...whoops
  12. Oh that's hard...I got lucky I don't have class till 1:30 One of the perks of being in college!
  13. Cool thanks!!! ha! My sister's only 5 but I'm 5' 8" so we'll get their early for her. Wait there's no age limit right cause I'm 19 but my sister's 17
  14. You know when you're obbessed when you spend all night on MFC downloading videos and audio files and then realize that it's 6:00 in the MORNING and realize you have an hour to sleep before you have to wake up again... Oh dear...It is now 6:06 in the morning and I'm not off the computer Something is wrong with me Good night all!
  15. I love this thread I think she's an amazing drummer! And I love the way she has her eye makeup!!
  16. I Got My Tickets In The Mail Today!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Can't Wait!!!!! Yay!!!!!!
  17. Love it!! I'm so down with beating that guys face in! Let's jump him! Although I'll need someone to point me in the right direction cause this is the first time I've heard of him
  18. Yay!! He didn't throw his groupie away!! Does that mean he'll keep us forever and forever!?
  19. Question...Why do we have to get there early?? And how early is early?
  20. Same thing happened with me!!!
  21. kjoshi

    Nail Thread

    Haha!! This thread is sweet!
  22. Ha...i got it!! Yeah the first one didn't work for me either... But that was rather enjoyable to watch!
  23. any one know how listen to them if theu aren't on the cd??
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