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Everything posted by ThatRadFreak

  1. Englands crap, uniforms, and stuff xD they were cute when your little but i think, if i found them white socks in a big enough size, and colourful, i may wear them again He flipping better, or i may er hurt him It really has Mika must be right chuffed!
  2. I got china states japan korea I THINK i cant remember New Zealand and Australia
  3. Ima PM you now =D I remember them at school with the little checked school dresses [mine were blue xD] and then the white socks with shiny black shoes oh those where the days xD
  4. with like the lace bits, that were white and folded down? cos we have them in england xD my mums been great shes told me what to do for all of it xD without her, itd probably be totally rubbish right now xD
  5. WHAT?! lol no...xD english socks are just like american socks xD :roftl:
  6. I'm known for my socks at school. Teachers will come up to me and be like, "What socks are you wearing today?" xD WOW!! thats right cute! i'll send you some english socks if you like xDDDDD
  7. How many socks do you have? =D i could go 5 weeks wearing a new pair of socks each day, and not needing to wash any socks xD
  8. i know and i know this is nothing compared to some of the bigger projects, but alot of time went into it =] i gave up my whole half term for this quilt, and i dont even get to keep it xD You'll love the socks i have for doncaster rainbow toe socks with a yellow smiley face in the middle and little smiley faces on the toes If you just swim accross that little ocean between america and england, you can see it upclose xD
  9. he better xD its a picture with Mikas face lol xD its quite clever LOL! thanks xD I have them in pink too
  10. hopefully, me xD Be proud of yourself people! its all your work! =D =D its all your work thank you everyone for your patches =]
  11. thats if it works i hope i manage to get it to mika thats the biggest thing im worrieing about now..
  12. Its finished!! LOL! that sounds very funny xD it does im so proud of it -hugs the quilt- i'm doing that now =] not pictures of each patch yet, but i'll do them tomorrow when i get home from school. Hopefully, at the Doncaster gig this saturday, im going to have to give my mobile to every MFCer so if they see mika they can phone me and i'll run over xD finished =D Hopefully at Donny, but it may not work out =[ i think if i couldnt give it to him at doncaster, i might be really selfish and give it to him at the next gig i go to Two Minutes =]
  13. I'm uploading some pictures onto photobucket now =]
  14. I'll be the person handing out smiley face stickers with flashing hearts and a smiley face bandana Say hi
  15. I've had my doncaster tickets booked since the 1st of June!! how can they leave it this long?!?! Doncaster is 5 days away, and if i dont have my tickets i'm going to severly hurt the people at seetickets
  16. I want to put the first picture up when its COMPLETELY finished i just have to sew up a bottom patch becuase we did the thing where you turn it inside out, sew it, then turn it the right way. tomorrow, i'll do it now, whilst watching MIKA on VH1
  17. Check your shoes! Every time i loose something, it ends up in a shoe...xD Im sorry for your loss -hugs- but through the power of Mikaness it will be found =]
  18. I dont know what your on about Coursework? Unlucky -hugs- Got to go now Lunch time =] byeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  19. i might have got them yesterday but no one was home, so i have to go to the post office after school- they may be the tickets for 4/12 though =/ I'll post here when i find out UPDATE: wasnt the tickets =[
  20. Shup man Im in ICT With straight hair =] what you doing blud?
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