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Everything posted by ThatRadFreak

  1. Thanks guys was like the best night of my life and i keep forgetting everything xD
  2. The lady in front of my found it! she gave it to me!! im wearing it now!
  3. I forgot to say Sparkly1 gave me a flashing smiley!! that was the cherry on top for me =] thank you!!
  4. i know! wicked placing =] really?! i kept like chucking the quilt up so he could see it xD he is so much more beautiful in real life and the singing is just WOW you can never really know unless your there...
  5. LOL! thats rather cool =] Giving him the quilt and seeing his face it was just he totally loved it! im so proud!!! Still got a few more vids to come He said it was incredable the idea i came up with was incredable -faints happily- YES! i really couldnt remember a scarf! its cos he didnt have one xD
  6. I would love Grace Kelly at my funeral, stuff sad songs, this song has my nameall over it, the second one would be Happy Ending played anwhere, but with my two friends Kallum and Ashley with me, cos we always sing it together xD
  7. He said it was nice to meet me yep, i cant really remember much, it was all just so brilliant
  8. Uploading the vids now your gonna have to exscuse my AWFUL singing/shouting -feels like a fool for singing so loud-
  9. The Skeleton thingy bit with all the 'snow' was right beautiful brought a tear to my eye
  10. mika got the quilt he loved it its on camera still a bit shocked xD only just got back from donny about 15 minuts ago
  11. So me and my mum left thetford around 10:30 and we got to the hotel at 2:30 so yeah, not that much of a long drive... we went to see where the dome was and the que and stuff, and then cos my mum was hungry we went back to the Campanile or whatever its called. we officially started queing around 4ish and i was armed with the quilt in a sleeping bag bag xD and then when Andy the cameraman came out, i took it out, i best be on t.v now! He filmed the quilt, but i didnt really talk about it much. At about 6 i couldnt see the end of the que, and when it was time to go in, the que had like spiralled round the dome xD At 7, i made a made dash for the middle front, and i got the second row, right infront of the drums, yay! Palladium was GREAT they were all quite cute too After the gig i got everyones autograph cept for the singer guy, peter i think is name was xD And then MIKA came on. Saranayde came on through this big old blue bubble type thing, and mika just sort of ran on xD The music was AMAZING i recorded all the songs except Grace Kelly and Lollipop- so im real sorry Lauren but i didnt get you on tape =[ I waved the quilt round madly through out. After the gig, i found my mum because she had gone to the back of the hall cos of the heat, and we were talking to some MFCers and i got a grey mika top. We found out he would be signing and we made a mad dash for the 4th fire exit door We got in and we put the quilt over the railing things so he could see it. He said it was 'acutally incredable' and he proper loved it. my mum videoed it so you can all see it when my phone is charged up! He signed my grey mika top. And i dont really know what else to say- but the gig was just Im a very happy girlie now!
  12. It hasnt happened yet but... WHERE?-------Doncaster Dome WHEN?--------November 24th 2007 DRESS UP?----yep =] WHAT AS?-----a smiley face person, with a smiley face bandana, bracelet, earings, bag, and stickers =D
  13. I am going to Doncaster on Saturday with those tickets or without i'll print out all the information if i have to i payed for them tickets and if i dont get to see Mika, im not gonna be a very happy bunny ME! i ordered mine 31st May at 15:05, and i dont have them yet. its just NOT FAIR!
  14. What kind of stuff have you guys sent? Im thinking like tree decorations and christmas choccies, but im not really sure =/ what have you sent? if you dont want to post here, can you email me? on my profile page thing just do the send email, my PM box is nearly full and i dont know what messages to delete xD
  15. Mika, look for me at Doncaster! i have a beautiful patch work quilt to hand you =D I'll have lots of smiley face items, and be handing out stickers =]
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