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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. Yeah, like you girls said, there are unwritten rules of certain flowers for certain occasions. I didn't know that until I opened my flower shop though :blush-anim-cl: However, there are many customers who don't care and just want something that looks good to them which is cool. :)

    The only thing that bugs me a bit is that some customers feel that you can't give pink or purple flowers to men because it's not "manly" enough; Totally ridicilous of course.

  2. I think Celebrate was a great single but the video stunk terribly (imo); It stripped Mika off his unique personality and looks dry and dull; In fact, I think most of that director's music videos are terribly boring and uninspired. Why be a music video director if all of your videos turn out the same? Some artist walking down the street and your camera following him; So boring(!) :aah: Now someone like Jonas Åkerlund; That's a good music video director.

  3. Indeed. :hug:

    I actually hope there will be some mfciers so nice to help me. I'm not scared about meeting people, I'm scared about jumping on the wrong train, missing a flight, being alone and lost in the street by night...

    I have to take it easy when it comes to gig reports, since then I get too impatient. But it will come handy when I'll look for a kick to get brave and leave.

    How do we get the tickets? I've never been to a gig before...


    Hi, and btw, I love MJ too :) About your fears; A lot of my friends feel the same way and are stunned that I dare to travel by myself so confidently outside of Sweden as often as I do, being a woman. The best advice I could give you is to prepare the best you possibly can before you go on your trip; Look up time tables and print them out and the most important thing to do: Check out the streets of the city/cities you're going to on Google Maps. Use the yellow figure and put him anywhere on the map you want and you can "walk around" and learn the streets so you can feel confident that you won't get lost. Also; Don't walk around places where there's hardly any people late at night by yourself; Take a cab back to your hotel :aah:

    However, if you don't feel confident and are frightened then you shouldn't travel by yourself in my opinion. If you're too young maybe you should go with a parent or sibling?

    And also; Meet up with MFCers when you're there :)

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