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Everything posted by Monshi

  1. sounds like fun =D thanx =D aww, you're making me blush thank you =D what??? how? huh? O.o
  2. *hugs back* I'm seeing wierd flashes and I have a headache (I think that's why I'm seeing the flashes) and that's why I'm leaving for a moment. I'll be back *hugs*
  3. heeeeeeeeeeeeey Laura!! how are you?? *hugs hugs* I'll be back to speak to you in a little while
  4. Oh yay!! I didn't notice thanks for telling me. then I have to get it before I leave
  5. guess he is... (if I'm right) I'd better leave for a while. my eyes are weird...
  6. bubi luv *hugs* see you later ohhh germany! how fun! what are you going to do?? aww, don't worry. *hugs* we'll miss you though
  7. well that's good. isn't like 80% of the people with CP spastic?? (think I read that somewhere) seems like a good job. I would probably like it too oki I will
  8. Darling!! how are you?? missed you, it's been a while last night?? where you off to??
  9. *pussar och kramar* oh, he's not...? well, I'm very curious when it comes to medicin and stuff like that... waaaazzuuupp C! I'm fine how are you doing? My mum worked with that for some years, here in sweden. she liked it alot. but she got severe back pain after a couple of years, so she had to change careers
  10. is he spastic? (if you don't mind me asking) Hey luv *kraaaaaam* oki
  11. talking about cerebral palsy?? :blink: in all the things to discuss....
  12. shooooooooop people! I'm back! what's the topic?
  13. God that's confusing lol "little bit of this, little bit of that" (sorry) wiiie, I think it's fun that you're such a mutt me, myself, 100% iranian (what I know of:mf_rosetinted: with my father.... who knows...) Lara, I am very happy that you are Ok! Good luck with the packing and moving hun
  14. aww, I love you too (and more for that matter) I'm fine - if you don't count my feet (been shopping hehe) Älskar dig so am I! and I'm happy that you are happy oh yeah loads and loads of clothes. but it's okay, I don't feel guilty, I haven't bought anything for months Anyway girls! I'm off for a little while - haven't eaten anything since 12am Love you all! (I'll be back )
  15. SHERRY!!! MYYYYY LUUUUUUUV Have I missed you or what?! how are you?? *kraaaaaam*
  16. Yaaaaaaaaay!! *high fives back* (only a day later )
  17. Hello Vanessa! Jag mår bra, tack hur mår du?? oohhh, Swedish is becoming the official lingo of this thread who doesn't love shopping?! gaaah, bought alot. I don't really buy that much (usually I don't buy anything - which is the reason to why I have so much money (usually)) nooooooooo see you later hunny bunny *huggles* bye
  18. hi hun *huggles* how are you? wooohooo! I'm going to OotP tomorrow!!! yaaaaay!! uhh, I bought sooo much. too much. lol
  19. Agreeing as much as possible!!! Marie, you are amazing!! you are really, really good!! and my God! you play the guitar aswell!!! And excellently if I might add wiiiiiiiiiie!!
  20. Hellooooooooo girls! *hugs hugs* how are you?? my feet are killing me been out all day, shopping (waaaay too much) with not-so-good-to-the-feet shoes
  21. YOU ARE THE BEST MARIE!!! Your Relax is bloody amazing!! Wow!! you're really really really really *breaths* really GOOD!
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