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Everything posted by Monshi

  1. I'm so stupid going out on a windy day with damp hair, but my hair takes like forever to dry... I will, I probably won't go to school tomorrow... Mika always help!!
  2. not so cool, relaxing because of a fever
  3. yup! hi there! what's going on?
  4. It's horrible to not be able to sing with him You have a good night too and sleep well. We might see eachother tomorrow... Don't study too hard xx nightynight
  5. oh! lol! oki, but sounds interesting! I've gotta go sleep now, it's 12.30 pm, now and i think i've got laryngitis or something, which is killing me cuz I can't sing along when I listen to Mika
  6. Monshi


    hold on!!! wait just a sec!! Mika likes BWO???
  7. sounds interesting, what a course... *impressed*
  8. me too soooo baaaaad, hating school this term
  9. you said it! lovely culture and history aswell
  10. 2 teams, 1 goalkeeper on each team. 1 ball, sticks...
  11. Now I can say, happy 1 of May!!!
  12. btw, sweden is cold, Italy on the other hand seems like such a lovely place!
  13. haha, I knew you wouldn't know about it (nothing personal, just, it seems like no other country know about it) similar to regular bandy but indoor, another kind of ball and not on ice
  14. well italy and football does go together lol handball is really common here. most popular sports here are: football, handball, hockey and indoor bandy and sweden was really good at handball during the 90s I think...
  15. byebye Brenda!! c ya later
  16. well I'm a very proud iranian and usually a pretty proud swede too yes sweden used to be a good country I know handball, yes, even have it in PE!!
  17. we have something else in common too I'm so bloody scared of sharks, and i have never gone swimming anywhere but in a pool! I think NY is one of the only places in America where you can compare the wheater with sweden. But I live in north of Sweden to so it's even colder here. I live on the red dot
  18. being interested in politics I have pretty clear opinions in almost everything. from elections in america to france to congo, I usually have opinions
  19. born here, but parents are iranian. so I hardly belong here, or in Iran, I'm usually very confused regarding my nationality sweden is not that awesome... cold
  20. Oh, funny, having both opinions in the family!! you don't have an opinion?! i think you should get one!! I've got one
  21. and then america hasn't got the best history aswell... thinking of all the wars... but i've been in America several times. my father used to live there, and my relatives from my fathers side have been living there for ages the people aren't bad. but I must say I love Jay Lenos "Jay Walking" sort of playing with the way others see americans
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