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Everything posted by Matt1984

  1. From Barbra, where else? lol and from Mike Myers when he played Linda Richman on Coffee Talk...
  2. it played me just one song and then it stopped!!! :° can u tell me more about this... band I suppose?
  3. oh! jewish music! sounds like buttah!!! It's so melancholic it's getting me all verklempt!
  4. nope, last night I was here at home... no one wanted to go with me, my friends say he's way too depressing! lol I love him so much... I think I will listen to the Meet The Robinsons soundtrack now!
  5. well, it's still an interpretation, we may be wrong... I mean, it could also be about pursuing a musical career instead of a safer job, couldn't it? I guess lots of people can identify with this song in many ways.
  6. Another little : Madonnatribe.com reports that in the new Madonna album there will be, at this point, 5 songs produced by Timberlake and Timbaland and I quote: There are five final songs that are produced by Justin Timberlake and Timbaland and that had their final mixing at "Hit Studios Miami" last week. From what we have been told there's a song called "4 minutes to save the world" and it's an upbeat and very catchy hip-hop Madonna/Justin Timberlake duet. Another song is called "Across The Sky". It has lots of acoustic guitars, the flow is very much like "The Power Of Goodbye" and sounds like a real hit. Madonna is hiting really high notes there while Justin Timberlake is on back vocals. The third song is titled "Dance Tonight", a funky mid-tempo tune, yet another Madonna/Justin duet, think "Rock Your Body" by Justin with the claps and everything, this apparently has the same structure as well. "Even the devil wouldn't recognise you" is a fourth song. Amazing ballad, very "Cry Me A River" by Justin Timberlake in it's structure and Justin on back vocals on this one too. The fifth song is named "Miles Away" and we have been told this is the THE BEST of the whole bunch. A hit written all over it. Full of acoustic guitars, beautiful uptempo song ad Justin on back vocals again. The song structure may recall "Love Profusion", but it's much better. Madonnatribe.com also quotes an interview with Stewart Price (the producer of her previous album), who was said at one point to have a role in this one too: He also explains why he has not been involved on the production of the new album: "She is doing a new album, but she wants to do an urban record this time that's not really kind of what I do, so she's hooked up with Pharrell and Timbaland and is doing that record at the moment which I think comes out next year." Finally, Madonnatribe.com reveals that: From what we have been told, the total number of tracks currently making the album is 13. It is interesting to note this reprises a "Madonna tradition" started exactly 10 years prior this new release, with the Ray Of Light album in March 1998. Once again, these are still rumors, even if they come from a trustworthy website. In the last few weeks Madonna was in LA working with Pharrell Williams again, so maybe the 8 remaining tracks of the album will be produced by him. But the slight chance that Mika may be involved is still there...
  7. I guess it's my turn to say goodnight to u all... sweet dreams!
  8. Oh by the way... and this is the trailer for The Children's Hour!!! http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=FyQsfr-8un8
  9. What a gay, gay movie... http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=vWbYVblHYBY
  10. naaa, I don't think so... I mean, "Hello gorgeous" is a famous quote from the movie Funny Girl, but he must have been so tired that he probably thought I was just plain creepy! lol
  11. I'm pretty sure he had to conceal his contempt! lol "who's this sad crazy person?"
  12. yes, but DiCo non piacciono to the italian bishops and to the italian catholic politicians... lol
  13. yes we should! there's the ikea trip before christmas, if we can make it, right avoca?
  14. lol he had been signing autographs outside the venue in bologna for over half an hour already, so I decided to queue and get an autograph too... As the girl in front of me was getting her autograph, the security guys told each other "this was the last one!" and I thought: "yay, just my luck!"... but then Mr. M looked at me and told the bodyguards to let me (and the few people behind me) thru. I had planned with avoca to ask him something like "Would you like to marry me? How about a civil partnership?" but as I was right in front of him I was totally starstruck... I couldn't look into his eyes while I muttered: "great show tonight, huh?" and gave him my ticket which he signed while saying "thank you". He gave me back the ticket and I thanked him in return (without raising up my eyes that is) and walked away... then I had the brilliant idea to turn back to him and he looked at me again while he was signing the next girl's autograph... so I went "Hello gorgeous!" and run to avoca laughing!
  15. why don't you like me, why don't you like me without making me try?
  16. This is my interpretation and I doooooon't... don't make sense...
  17. I already made an arse of myself once... there's not going to be a next time! :°D Next time he's signing autographs, I will stay far and away watching him from a distance...
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