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Everything posted by BonjourMika1990

  1. I forgot to mention... the associated press stopped me when I was walking downtown today haha and I had that t-shirt on. They asked me to do a photoshoot for em' and I did! It was a cool, night time shot with the traffic zooming behind me... everyone in chicago is sooo hyped for tomorrow's rally! watch tv, and look for me:punk:
  2. In case you were wondering who I was gonna vote for... I look pretty thrilled haha:roftl: GO VOTE!
  3. you guys would be surprised at the strength that comes out of you to kick some a$$ in persuit of this man. Like, you're up for anything suddenly I'm glad I stalked such a nice celebrity haha...I think someone like Shia Labeouf would have been mean but I love him too! johnny's exceptional:wub2:
  4. lol ha! I was insane that day. My hip still creaks when I lift it above my waist! It's cuz I jumped all of those barricades to get to him
  5. My memory was conjured up in the yearbook thread *sigh and I realized that it's been 7 months since that cold day in March:wub2: Since I've started college, I've told that story atleast 3 dozen times. I am re-assured of what a huge flippin deal it really was. and if he plays the riddler in batman, well you know they've gotta bring him to chicago again:naughty: and I'll be waiting. if ya'll are smart, you'll want to follow me to the barricades haha
  6. So, i'm probably going to that final rally here in Chicago on Tuesday BUT the better part is this: Barack is gonna actually be in Indiana before then, like TOMORROW! and I'm sooooo gonna be there! I'm really excited about this lol
  7. But the current plot that was foiled was done by Neo Natzis:shocked: It's obvious that his haters that want to actually kill him are racist jerks... There's just a higher threat for him than McCain.
  8. Yes, but the assination would be for his race. That's the difference.
  9. yeah, well that's why I found the forward interesting. Because I knew I was voting for barack from the start...and my vote was based purley on politics last year...with this though, I can see how if people considered their characteristics reversed the obvious choice would not be obama. It's not right, but I feel like its pretty accurate.
  10. #1. Barack doesn't have the same personal background. And what they've brought up in the fight is either completely false or not even bad. #2. I take into consideration every ounce of their personal lives that is available to me. I just think it has every bit of significance in how they run the country. Keeping it political anyway, to me Obama's ideas are clearer and better. OF course you wouldn't feel the same. The background of my future president matters alot to me. So I guess that's why I think it's totally fine and necessary to discover things that aren't so great...about both candidates. Other than that, we've got one week left and I am so ready for this. I'm voting early:naughty:
  11. Oooh by the way, if ya'll happen to be in chicago or near by and are supporters of Barack come to the rally on election night. It will be interesting! We miss him, and want him in the windy city with us again:wub2: It's in Grant Park:thumb_yello:
  12. yes, that would be amazing!!! Have you heard the chinese democracy song on their myspace yet? I have mixed feelings, but I think it works
  14. I've never heard Barack endorse his race beyond what it is... he's never said, "I'm going to be the first african american president in history..." He's addressed the change, and even what it means for America but he's DEFINATLEY NOT "Vote for me, because you havn't had a black pres yet." The fact remains to me that this is really a huge deal. McCain's white, yes. Barack Obama is Black, yes... but do you really think that the majority of prejudice here in the united states is aimed at whites? Of course not. It's always been the minority, and it will always be the minority. Do you think McCain has the same danger to face if elected president? No he doesn't. People want to kill obama because he's black. Plain and simple. And yet, he's running to be our president and most certainly risking his life. Do you not think he knows that people hate him and want him dead for the color of his skin? So we shouldn't talk about that? I'm asking why not. It's a testament to how much this country hasn't changed and how much we need to change. My post was to address the racism that still exists. IT has nothing to do with me hating McCain. IT's got to do with me hating the situation. If I wanted to bash McCain I could do so here...but it would get ugly. My forward was pretty factual, and not too nasty:naughty: I'm voting for Obama because I believe everyone will benefit, not because he's black and I think it'd be cool.
  15. I'm angry beyond belief. I'm definatley not ignorant of the racism that still exists in America, but to the degree it is in some places amongst some subcultures scares me to death. The feds busted up a plot to assasinate Obama.... it was from the Neo Natzis who also wanted to kill over a hundred African Americans as well. I'm just really angry that this issue still exists and that people are so consumed by the color of a person's skin. Consider this: yes it's a forward that I got haha, but it really made me think Someone recently raised an interesting point regarding the two candidates for the presidency of the U.S. with respect to still common racist sentiments in our country. Upon serious reflection, it was really eye opening. The question emerged - "What if things were switched around?" To wit: What if the Obamas had paraded five children across the stage following the debate, including a three month-old infant and an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter? How do you suppose your average midwesterner would've reacted to THAT? What if John McCain was a former president of the Harvard Law Review? Do you think he would be making a big thing of it? What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his college graduating class like McCain did? Would anyone look at that any differently? What if McCain had only married once and Obama was the one who was divorced instead? What if Obama had met his second wife in a bar and had a long affair while he was still married? McCain skates on this one too, but can you imagine the treatment Obama would get over THAT? What if Michelle Obama was the wife who not only became addicted to pain killers but also acquired them illegally through her charitable organization? What if Obama, instead of McCain, had been a member of the Keating Five? (The Keating Five were United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s.) What if Obama was the one who had military experience that included discipline problems and a record of crashing four planes? Think that might come up or would we just talk about his years in a POW camp? What if Obama was the one who was known to publicly display a serious anger management problem? What if Michelle Obama's family had made their money from beer distribution? This is the SHORT list. If the tables were turned, do you really believe the poll numbers would be what they are now? Eye opening with respect to how we still think about race, isn't it? This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes qualities in one and emphasizes negative characteristics in another. And, think of this - the candidates' educational backgrounds: Barack Obama: Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization innternational Relations. Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude Joseph Biden: University of Delaware - B.A. in History and B.A. in Political Science. , Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.) John McCain: United States Naval Academy - Class academic rank: 894 out of 899 Sarah Palin:, Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism Education may not be everything, but there's a bit of sensitivity regarding this given that our president for the past 8 years is also academically "challenged."
  16. Oh! yay! You're gonna freak for sure! My throat is still sore, from screaming so much! here's the second vid I was gonna post http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q100/melaniebg1990/?action=view&current=newkids1.flv and some piccies lol us before the gig the cone headed dog is olivia haha...too adorable! Joey's my favorite!!!
  17. I'm shooting to answer and update everything tomorrow...but this is INSANE...ITS ALOT... I keep getting tons of pms :(


    please be patient guys! I just got back from the new kids on the block show and I'm still *sigh...in love.


    and I've got lots of papers to write and projects to do.. so don't panic please I will let you know about everything in good time...just ease up on the pms

  18. last night rocked my life! DONNIE, JOEY AND JORDAN ALL LOOOOOOKED AT ME!! So here's the spoiler... half way through, they pop out in the center of the crowd on a revolving platform and sing like 5 songs on there! SOOO at that point I was flipping close! AH! my myspace album has everything! check it out! Here's a vid, i'll post the other later http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q100/melaniebg1990/?action=view&current=newkids2.flv
  19. CLICK! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1891191&postcount=1281:naughty:
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