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Everything posted by BonjourMika1990

  1. so, I was watching clueless the other night lol and Cher was like totally buggin:roftl: and she said, " I was surfing the crimson wave!" and that's code for your period:naughty: So, I've been saying all day, "As if! I'm surfiing the crimson wave!" and boy oh boy, have I got the cramps or what! Not that you need to know lol, but I just feel like complaining.
  2. I'll check on that... I'll need to do that tomorrow though. Just in case, send it in again if you can please =) Oh really? hmmmm that's weird! I'll add you now =) sorry about that!
  3. THE CLOCK IS TICKING PEOPLE! If we are serious about this, I'm gonna need alot more submissions. I only have one so far. It wouldn't be fair to say "This is done" just because 30 of you havn't submitted your shiz:naughty: You have less than 2 weeks to get this done. This is going to be spectacular, if you all follow through. If I have to move up the deadline, it won't be very good...that's just more work for the tech team.
  4. Honestly, write what you want...but its really not as big of a deal as it may seem. I mean obviously we don't "love" mika in THAT special way. But we do agree that we love his music...and to me, that covers it...a simple "I love you" And guys, the reason why THAT specific phrase was intended for the autograph section, was because the theme is "How much do we love you?" Get it?! I'm definatley not trying to "speak for everyone" and force people to tell him that they love him. I just find it hard to believe that its not just said you know, "I love Mika..." Whatever that entails to you, I don't know. But for me, its the music because that's who he is to me, my favorite singer...not my lover:wink2:
  5. I did, but you need to sign up in the official thread which is listed in the first post of this thread...
  6. I'm glad someone let me know, because I was ignorant of that rule... but I was kinda in shock... I think people will be offended no matter what, but I guess when you're trying to spread a positive message (atleast you think its positive) its a little mind boggling. Me personally, would never think it outrageous to post a pic of Jesus, but I'm a Catholic. I guess one would have to be kind of neutral on here about everything to remain out of the line of fire. For me that's difficult, but eh...no harm done. I wasn't planning on having obama in my sig forever lol...Audrey's prettier:mf_rosetinted:
  7. yeah, I had a quote of his too...and "Barack the vote" So, I guess there's something in the FAQ about not putting your religious or political beliefs (something like that) in your sig. or avi. Sooo, say hello to Audrey!
  8. so, I had to change my siggy:naughty: I've never been in "trouble" before:shocked: wow... actually, the mod who shall remain nameless was veeeerrry kind:blush-anim-cl: Though I didn't know I couldn't state that kind of a thing in a sig. wow... imagine that. Is the MFC a democracy?
  9. Politics is ugly...but I feel that McCain is uglier:naughty: I don't trust him one bit...and Sarah Palin, forget it...I trust her even less. I've said it before, I'm partial to Obama for many many reasons...but I've witnessed first hand what he's done for my community. I think he's an amazing person... Bottom line for me is that I don't want anyone in office who agreed with Bush 90% of the time...and i don't want a lady in there who wants homosexuals coverted. They say McCain has a 1 in 3 chance of even surviving his first term if he's elected. Palin as president, tragic. Obama has had his faults, but I've always been on his side... So, its obvious who's got my vote lol...I talk about it all the time. I just think its important for everybody who can vote, to vote... it does make a difference.
  10. Yeah Well according to this: http://zennie2005.blogspot.com/2008/09/sarah-palins-church-hosts-anti-gay.html Who knows how reliable this is, but I wouldn't hold it against her to try and indeed "save" people:naughty:
  11. HA! I totally saw that snl skit:naughty: She hit it on the nail man:punk: and its true, Palin tried to hold a prayer service or something like that to "save homosexuals" you be the judge... Quite frankly, I can't stand the woman:thumbdown:
  12. I guess they're like groups of people in different cities all over the country & Canada who promote Midway...pass things out, spread the word...that kinda thing:naughty: They had asked a bunch of us if we wanted to do it, and of course I think everyone said yes... but I was bad and didn't do my homework:blush-anim-cl: I got in goooood with the teachers though lol
  13. hi there! 1. I got kicked out of the street team:naughty: Cuz I'm a bad A$$... Na, it was because I didn't complete the bootcamp session thingy... Well, I was realllly busy:boxed: Luckily, the guys assured me that my place was pretty much set:wub2: They're so sweeeeeeeet... haha, i think that's probably an automated thing that the street team system does.. SO SORRY! don't mind that stupid computer system. i'll let mr. street team know that one of our most beloved friends/fans/streetteamers has been stupidly kicked off the team and we'll have you straightened right out. sorry about that! - mike What a relief!
  14. just droppin in here for a sec tonight to announce my segment to open up the member montage... IF YOU GUYS GET YOUR STUFF IN:naughty: Well, this scene in love actually always grabbed me:wub2: So I'm stealing the idea and making some cards to get things rolling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m2T5yfgsZ0
  15. Just watched the VMA's Russel is a flippin insane genius... What he said about JB may have gone a bit overboard the 3rd time he mentioned it, but it did make me laugh...eh, whatever! I love his hair
  16. Well, I have been a fan for only about a month and I'm seeing them in less than one month:mf_lustslow: I am excited, for obvious reasons other than there freakin awesome music! and my favorite song is Kids:thumb_yello:
  17. haha yeah a few people have said they didn't want to say "I love you!" Which makes sense since you don't know him...but maybe American culture is different in a way... I was walking down the street one day and a guy told a lady that her ipod was hanging from out of bag, she let out a huge gasp and sigh of relief and said, " Oh My God! I loooove you!!!!" I hear it everyday, all day... I guess it is used loosley, especially by me:naughty: I use it if I like a celebrity too... I never finish a sentence about natalie portman for example without saying, "I love her!" I'm weird:naughty:
  18. We are kinda insanely wonderful haha Aww how sweet, thank you:blush-anim-cl: For those wondering, each member got a book...though in the video they pass around one lol
  19. haha, that was what made me giggle for like 20 minutes after I saw this...like! You did participate haha, I remember your message:thumb_yello:
  20. Nathan, Mike Wise, Mike Kirsh and Daenen of The Midway State have a special thank you to the Mika fans who seemed to have left an impression on them. As many might know, months ago I started a project for Midway to document their time with Mika: messages, pictures etc. They recieved the book in June, and recorded this shortly after: a video in which they thank us, and reveal that in fact "The tour with Mika was the best..." they'd ever been on. They had done tours with the likes of LIFEHOUSE and DAUGHTRY prior to joining the lollipop circus:naughty: Their album is currently available on Amazon, and if you're not a fan of them already, become one! I can definatley tell you from experience that these guys are the sweetest rockers maybe...ever. I thought it appropriate to share this with everyone, since many who were not involved with the project met them at shows and have stayed in touch with them thus also leaving a mark. Here's the video link, they are the cutest! http://themidwaystate.com/greeting/mika/ If I do say so myself, it seems we really showed our stuff with this project:naughty:
  21. What do they look like? sound like? what do they say? I'm so mad lol anyways yeah I messaged them and mike got back to me saying he had the same problem but downloaded some quicktime thing...which I did and it still doesn't budge. UPDATE: They sent me a message saying their video guy would put it in another format...and they would prefer if we didn't transfer anything to youtube...good thing I asked
  22. new blog update rocks my life a bit:naughty: He's so random and wonderful
  23. I wrote this during the summer for class, the story must resume though and I can't wait to pick up where I left off. I'm only posting a bit, because you never know what story writers would lurke here and steal it:naughty: It was the eve of the rebirth of summer. The moon sparkled in the onyx sky, which cradled it in its dusty abyss. The people below slept soundly ,tangled between their Egyptian cotton sheets. Peacefully they dreamt with their eyes closed. All but one, her name was Camilla and she preferred to do her dreaming awake. The night had always been good to her, it prolonged the dawn. This night marked the year long anniversary of what she considered to be her own rebirth. He had told her to meet him at the beach behind her parent’s home. At half past three in the morning, she escaped the confines of the bars. Located in the heart of The Hamptons, her house was her prison. She spent three months out of the year here, the other nine were spent at a boarding school abroad. Shipped away for her rebellious nature, tonight was classic “Camilla”. She glided past the sand, nearly floating off of her feet. She wore nothing but a pale pink nightgown, which caressed the soft grains beneath her. The night was soundless, except for the collision of the waves to the wind. The rough softness was the chiming of water against the clean air. The sea came up to kiss her. The fabric from her gown caressed the water’s cheek, as the moonlight illuminated its own reflection. She smiled softly at the water, folding her arms across her waist. This was the pinnacle of content, the feeling that he was nearby. Her beauty was at its most dangerous in the night. She was summer’s child, kissed by the sun with cheeks eternally stained with the rosy flush of her youth. She was meant to have her mother’s pearly pale skin, as both of her sisters did. Instead, she was nurtured by mother earth, the only guardian to never abandon her. Her caramel skin was the symbol of her defiance. And the one she loved was her happiness personified. His name was Gabriel and he might as well have been called the universe. But his name suited him, he was an angel. A year had passed since their first encounter. She remembered that evening fondly. Camilla had just turned seventeen, and on this night she celebrated her own way by sleeping on the beach to witness her favorite artist paint the sky with light. It had become her annual tradition. After having had experienced the frigid dinner party thrown by her mother, she longed to retreat into her own mind. Her mother was a passionless woman, someone whose only happiness in life was money and stale friendships. Her greatest pleasure was her pursuit of finding Camilla a companion. Her sisters had married wealthy business men and bore perfect children. But, her mother displayed Camilla as a porcelain doll. She recognized her beauty as something fierce to behold and useful. She would do everything in her power to find a man who could tame her daughter. Camilla would oblige to the absurdity of conversing with these dreadful, boring men. No sooner did she frighten them away with her talk of her plans for marriage. “Yeah, I don’t really want to get married. I’d be a horrible wife. I don’t cook. I could if I wanted to, but I won’t be doing it for a man simply because I’m a woman.” The suitors would casually sip their martinis, planning their escape from the dangerous beauty with the sharp wit. She humored her mother, simply to avoid her. Her love came to her on swift wings, her angel indeed. No sooner had she turned from the sea to find Gabriel walking toward her. She tilted her head and folded her hands behind her back. She swayed with the wind, as he began admiring her from affair. She did the same. Gabriel was an exceptional boy: His twenty years had engraved within his eyes the adventures of his past. His hair was tamed only by a string he tied at the nape of his neck. Hi hair was dark brown, his eyes drenched in the color of honey with flecks of emerald scattered. His face was strong, the bone structure chiseled and boyish at the same time. His nose was straight and slightly pointed at the end. He had a cleft in the center of his chin, and his lips were a dusty rose color. His eye lashes were the gateway to his sweetness, they went on forever, touching the bridge of his brow. His walk was not a strut, but simply a romantic roughness. He was lean, and muscular without being threatening. He was beautiful. For a moment he stopped to look at her, the darkness may have tricked his eyes. This was her, and he couldn’t believe this was the girl he met a year ago. She had become a woman overnight, her curves caressing the sheer silk that flowed in the crisp air. He went to her, smiling for miles. He had a small overbite that betrayed his manly jaw. His smile revealed the boy in him, it was completely uninhibited. Especially around her. They waste no time, embracing each other as the stars watched above. Camilla collapsed into his chest, and there were no words to say. His cheek rested softly over her head, and they stood in silence until the rhythm of their breath matched. Their pulse was one, and their hair collided in the wind, waves of raven and chestnut locks floating together. “Happy Birthday Cami” She sighed contently, “Thank you…” He was always tickled by her exaggerated sighs “How are you?” She looked up at him, one brow raised with a sarcastic smirk displayed on her small face. “That bad huh?” “ I leave tomorrow.” “ I know the plan, we won’t be apart for long.” “ But Gabriel, when you meet me, you can’t be seen.” “I’ll be careful, I promise.” Somehow she trusted him, she allowed herself to feel safe. “ I wish my parents didn’t hate you so much, I wish they’d just leave me alone.” “ They want money Cami and I can’t offer you that. They just love you I guess.” At this she laughed hysterically, “No, they love what I could have been.” “I love what you are, and that’s all that matters.” To this, she had nothing left to say. He was the only man to ever make her smile and mean it. She held his hand and walked the shore. She knew their time was limited, and lingered in the little moments in which she felt the warmth of his hand collide with her golden skin. They talked about many things, keeping an eye on the horizon which seemed to chase their friend, the moon away. Time passed and it became their enemy. Her gaze became increasingly sad, and she could no longer prolong the goodbye. It was time to leave him, and a surge of fear released him from her. She had hoped with everything she had in that final embrace that he would be able to find her. Camilla walked somberly away from him, her hands viciously wiping the tears from her face. He stood back, hands in his pockets and his eyes to the sky unable to look at her. His eyes gleamed with dewy love at the blanket of clouds above him. He found the moon and the sun on opposite ends of the violent tinted abyss. The two forces eternally admiring one another in the sky, never to exist together except for those rare winks when the day ends and the night begins. With every great love, comes a great battle that must be fought. For every warrior, there is a means by which he finds his strength. It resides within his very heart. The masterpiece had been painted; he stood in front of the canvas drenched in pure light. He gathered the strength to call out to her one last time. “Someday that artist up there will give us our happy ending.”
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