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Everything posted by BonjourMika1990

  1. that's definatley not MY defination of it. that's why it's in quotes...but to alot of Catholics and other Christians it is "killing your infant" It's considered murder. I'm pro-life in case anyone was wondering.
  2. Just read this on Perez... A Catholic priest in the south said this... "Our nation has chosen for its chief executive the most radical pro-abortion politician ever to serve in the United States Senate or to run for president. Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exists constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ's Church and under the judgment of divine law. Persons in this condition should not receive Holy Communion until and unless they are reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Penance, lest they eat and drink their own condemnation." Unbelievable. "pro-abortion"??? Who the hell is "pro-abortion"??? No one is "pro- get pregnant and kill your infant" it's the same as "gays shouldn't receive communion. Divorced people can't receive communion." I'm Catholic, and this is just another bogus thing that I'm completely shaking my head over. The Catholic church is turning me offfffff. But whatever, Jesus loves me.
  3. hey yeah! that was the pic I saw in the tribune Ya'll this video is really great! IT takes you behind the scenes at the convention.barack is sooo funny. He had a bet going with one of his daughters over her favorite jonas brother edit: forgot the link haha
  4. They have such a nice family. This past weekend, they got snapped here downtown eating out... michelle looked so cheeeezy next to her man:wub2: damn. I would be too. The Chicago Tribune has dubbed her Michelle O. at first I was like...wait they can't make her the next Jackie O. but I guess the way she dresses is quite nice. in time I think I'll embrace her style more.
  5. oh my god oh my god...he commented me back...what a sweet heart!!!ah! I feel like such a cheese head:wub2:
  6. so, I don't have the best reputation for loving bands with so so looking leads:blush-anim-cl: and this won't help that much:naughty: Brian Mikasa requested me on myspace when he saw me on mgmt's page and... oh my freakin goodness. I was like "hey, yeah man whatever...who is this guy *click*" LIFE CHANGING. um, just...look at his pictures...ummmm whoa. But than after I looked at those pictures lol:wub2: I listened to his music and it turns out he's got a freakin amazing voice. I love his style too, the SHIRTLESSNESS is...done right. http://www.myspace.com/bmikasa
  7. just checked my myspace...lol I have to share this comment I got from an old high school friend of mine haha Melanie i am sorry for making fun of you and Mika for so many years...i just heard one his songs(relax take it easy) and it was great. Oh and i know Mikas cousin indirectly. He is my good friends friend who goes to Purdue. And just to clear things up i didnt want to listen to it...someone put it on in my room and i liked the beat...and when they said it was Mika i just started laughing. ttyl
  8. Well, I went back to school today and all my friends happened to have been in grant park when the action happened lol So my buddy had a press pass, and got RIGHT UP FRONT...LIKE RIGHT THERE, IN FRONT OF OBAMA. he says his little girls were twirling their dresses around and around up there haha. He saw oprah, jesse Jackson, and get this BRAD PITT AND ANGELINA JOLIE! So my other friends were around the vacinity because the ball park was impossible to get to if you didn't have a ticket and they said that when it was announced that EVERYONE screamed and there was hardly anyone NOT CRYING! My buddy Sam said that he hugged people he didn't even know and that everyone was doing the same going "we did it man! we did it!" so amazing! and today, there's a smile on everyone's face over here lol
  9. The whole world really was watching:blush-anim-cl: my favorite pic was the paris reaction lol http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/worldnews/3384518/People-around-the-world-celebrate-Barack-Obamas-election-win.html
  10. Well, I think he always knew the change he wanted to see in this country. And I think all of those books, voting statistics etc were genuine of him. But I think for him it was a matter of "being the change you want to see" and running for president had been his dream, as I hear. So of course, every move prior and within this election was strategic.
  11. I don't know the full story. Nobody does. I believe Barack Obama when he says that the reverand's beliefs are not his. And I believe him when he says that what the man preached was not preached when he was a member of his church (I do not know when he was a member or for how long prior to the campaign he was) But forcusing on the positive here...because I'm in a really great mood this morning: I think he will be an outstanding president. I believe in him 100%. I was in this city the night he was announced to be our next president, apart of history and forever altered by this man. He has ignited within me some sparks, and passion to be proud that I am an American. There was always pride, but never like this. For him to have inspired 14 million NEW votes is astonishing. To have brought the youth up, and shifted a generational stigma...That is something to be proud of. This is not just a Christian nation as he has said. He has always been tolerant and respectful of all creeds. WE need someone like that. and we have someone like that.
  12. From my understanding, he had stopped going to that church before he was campaigning, and when he did go it was once or twice a month. I mention muslims, because it's a common misconception In other words, I moved to make that point because it related to the church issue (religion, beliefs etc) there's that.
  13. Like someone said in the other thread, it kind of make sense that religion shouldn't play a major role in politics, because not everyone has a religion. Part of being a Christian is being religiously tolerant:boxed: So why were people all jazzed up about the word "Muslim"??? I just don't get it.
  14. Firstly I love you:wink2: but not enough said. That preacher didn't start his teaching until Barack Obama stopped going to that church. Why are his beliefs Obama's beliefs? He didn't follow anyone's teaching's but God's as far as he's concerned. Just because you go to a church doesn't mean you like your pastor. I know I don't. and obama's name is Kenyan. He's not Muslim, and so what if he were? There are no muslims in this country all of a sudden? and further more there shouldn't be?
  15. That's right, alot of people are still ignorant of that. But all of his pictures basically (from his youth) are taken with his white family members who he was raised by. Hawaii, Chicago, Kenya etc... I think that makes him who he is. He is not soley representing African Americans. To me he represents the minority in general and progressivness. That's one of the things that attracted me to him...I felt like he could go to other countries, not embarass us and communicate well because he's been all over the world. *sigh I woke up this morning, and things had already changed.
  16. I'm going to bed, happy as I had hoped. please try and Keep this thread up, so that the others just getting up can see this... I'm sure the majority have this as their homepage rather than cnn ahaha
  17. People who fall in love should be able to get married. period. Everyday, straight couples collapse into turmoil... marriage isn't as sacred of a thing as people have turned it. Most who get married just do it...they just do it. But I can say for homosexuals, its the fight, the struggle and the longing to show their love without fear that unites a couple. That's why they want to share in this right. To be married used to mean the world to people. Maybe it still does. Maybe we just wanted it to mean MORE again. This being denied to my fellow man is extremely unfortunate. You fall in love, and you want it to mean something. I'm Catholic. I don't agree with what they teach about homosexuality. So what? I don't think God put people on this earth to choose to be gay so that they can be ridiculed and treated this way. he put them on this earth so that THEY could teach us something about LOVE, love that conquers everything. It won't stop them from loving though, not this proposition. Marriage is "sacred"... to the 1 in however many couples stay together.
  18. Damn Chicago knows how to party!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Olympics 2016?!!!! hmm the odds are quite good:naughty:
  19. His speech made me cry!!!! awww he was so humble!!!! I can tell he's sad that his grandma couldn't see this...she was so fundamental in his up bringing...awwwww I LOVE HIM!
  20. I'm at my sister's apartment, it was too crazy down there by the loop man! but oh god I'll never forget this!
  21. LOL turn on cnn!!! i see so many of my liberal classmates there haahaaa!!!!! they camped out damn it!!!
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