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Everything posted by Becks

  1. That guy was horrible! The least he could've done was play the music right.....
  2. *hugs back* Aww...thanks. Let's never speak of this again:naughty:
  3. OMG!!! I'm so sorry!!! I was only kidding!! Oh boy... I didn't mean to cause anything here. *feeling really silly now:sorry: *
  4. Well you can just continue to be jealous as long as you laugh at where I'm from!!! :roftl:
  5. Well I'm off to bed. You should go to Jassisa (if you're still there) although, it's probably time for you to be getting up soon:naughty: Goodnight!!!
  6. Hmmmm....I think I may have to change my location..... :roftl: I'm thinking the UK (yeah right, my mom would never speak to me again:naughty: )
  7. Oh boy....them's fightin words!!!! :roftl: I'm kidding....I can't even get calicojasmine on my side, she's from Montreal right? *suddenly feels very alone:sweatdrop: *
  8. You are going to have an unforgettable weekend Sivan!!! I can't wait for the pics!!!
  9. Night Sunshine!!!! Good luck trying to sleep tonight!!!
  10. *does a happy dance with Vero* You are so incredibly lucky and I am so incredibly jealous!!!! I swear if he comes to Montreal, I am flying there so you can introduce me to your new best friend Mika!!!! Okay, now I'm being silly. Seriously though, HAVE A SUPER INCREDIBLE TIME!!!!
  11. Where did this thread come from? Who's calling Mika a perv? They are rediculous....it's just music!!
  12. Psshh....tell me about it. And they complain that we never talk to each other anymore.....well the next time I phone you, don't make some lame excuse up about having to watch a TV show!!! ......okay, now I'm going to start ranting and that's not good. Thanks for your help Holy Johnny.....I think I should go now before I offend someone....
  13. Are you speaking to me? If you are, then no, they didn't phone. If you aren't speaking to me, please disregard this:bleh:
  14. Hey I have that watch too!!! Everyone comments on it... I love it!!
  15. WOW!!!! The stories, the pics.....just amazing!!! So happy to hear everyone had such a great time!!!
  16. Hello Holy Johnny....I have something to confess....I had a Facebook account and got so sick of my friends trying to make plans to do something with me through Facebook that I closed my account....I don't know if it will work but all I'm asking for is a simple phone call from them. Is that asking too much? I know this is a really weird confession but I need to tell someone. Facebook is so impersonal (is that a word even?). I guess I'm trying to teach them something, like, I don't know, pick up the phone?
  17. Thanks for doing that!!! I loved it!!
  18. I have to agree. There really isn't any color he doesn't look great in!!!
  19. No worries!! My height came in handy when I played volleyball but now, not so much. I only have two girl-friends that are taller than me. The rest are all shorter than me by quite a bit. I tend to crouch down in pics because it looks so funny:roftl: My absolute bestest friend is only 5'2" so when we are walking down the street somewhere, I fee like a giant....I blame it all on my dad. He's 5'11", that's where i got my super long legs from.....
  20. You are so right Jassisa!!! I am 5'10" and it is actually very hard to find someone that is quite a bit taller than me. I know some guys who are 6'0" and 6'1" and I actually find them short. If I can look them directly in the eye, I tend to think of them as short.....I really should not be so picky....Sorry to jump in there girls. I just had to!!!
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