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Everything posted by RosinaKiwi

  1. what an interesting conversation! I think your lucky...Im only a mix of the generic irish scotish english and french muttness is cool! your muttness is more interesting than mine! I find it weird...sorta unrelated but that most of the guys I seem to be attracted to are black...or dark! what can I say Jimmy hendrix was one hot Dude!
  2. I bought my tickets to sydney gig! I must now save for plane tickets and passport and I still dont know where im going to stay! thats about it with me right now! Dont even get me started! *sister drama* (dont you just love school holidays? [/sarcasm] URHG!
  3. according to the ticketek Resale is illegal, and I still want to go, and Its my money, and its MY ticket! I had to get my dad to email them so I can talk to them through him! FFS it shouldnt be that hard. since when was It illegal for me to use my fathers credit card with full consent and get a ticket? WTF!! Im sorry I was really really happy now im really really pissed off! ill give it a shot! but it shouldnt be this hard! all I wanted was a ticket! maybe its easier within australia though...IDK!
  4. NOTE: NOW im pissed! aparently ticketek will no longer talk to me about MY ticket because it was my fathers credit card that was used! OMFG how had does this have to be? they changed the delivery to Pick up at the venue but they wont let ME pick it up and dads cant fly over here just to get a ticket so I can go to mika! OH MY !"!%$"$£^$*U^$£%"!$%$£^£%$^*U&%^$£%"&&%^%$£"£$"%£^&$%^$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. who knows I might end up staying shorter time too...depends how the money goes. so...what? they were going to charge you over $50 commission for the use of their services! thats a bit over the top! I would be irritated to, all they do is basically the same as I did and then charge you for them doing it! (I wanted to be a travel agent when I was a kid...can you tell) but booking on website or directly off the airline is so much cheeper than using an agent! its weird that you should have to go through brisbane to get to sidney though! Im think im going to need a camera! I have my video camera I mean a snapshot camera! I might just buy a disposable waterproof camera! [/brainfart] Next thing on to do list...PASSPORT!
  6. so it would appear indeed the only airlines servicing the well-syd is AirNZ, Quantas and Pacific Blue! they were correct in this. $600 though? im not sure where theyre getting the $600 from. on pacific blue website it says that Return from wellington will cost you $546.00 tax included so, unless flight center want to charge you mega bucks for the fact they click a little butten instead of you I dont see where the rest of the money goes! the odd thing about pacific blue is I dont understand why but you have a stop over in brisbane! dont ask me why it seems kind a pointless but whatevers! you change over at brisbane on the way in! it might depend on the dates you want to travel! so search for your dates here http://www.flypacificblue.co.nz/?CMP=KNC-gbrandnz&HBX_PK=pacific+blue+nz&HBX_OU=50 and here http://www.houseoftravel.co.nz/home.htm Im a master with google, and I guess saving money comes from being a tight ass lol! (i live on a benifit...im poor)
  7. LUCKY! Im the same height as I was when I was 13 so...I wish I was the same weight but ya we all know how that goes! Ill see if I can change it, and If I can ill be grateful if I could send it to you! exactly
  8. 3 hours actually...daylight savings! the food is unbelevably expencive...thats why they allow you to bring our own food, provided you eat it on the plane and dispose of it before getting out!
  9. Im not sure what to do now I clicked the best sounding delivery option which aparently is not reccomended for overseas delivery. but I cant do the pick up option thing either because my father is the one who has brought the tickets and he cant affort to fly out to get the tickets and they wont give them to me because its his name on the credit card! this is so complicated! im emailing them to see if they will change the way its sent or to where it is sent but yeah...crossing fingers!
  10. a stop over means that sometimes you catch a plane from wellington and land in auckland before you travel to sidney! depends on the days your looking at, im looking at the 22nd to the 27th but I dont know how long you want/can stay! I found out about jetstar from house of travel http://www.houseoftravel.co.nz/home.htm and its jet star which is this one http://www.jetstar.com/nz/en/index.aspx NOTE it doenst have in flight entertainment and no free food but its cheaper than the rest! air New Zealand here https://flightbookings.airnewzealand.co.nz/isbook_en_NZ/book/searchForFlights.do?utm_source=Air+NZ+Fare+Finder&utm_medium=Fare+Finder&utm_campaign=airnewzealand.co.nz& thats my search and for that week! by far the cheepest has been jetstar and I dont mind brining my own sandwages as long as I get there and back! Im a master of google! thats all i can say...google did the rest!
  11. Flight center sucks! I prefer to do it myself! ive looked on different airline sites and air nz right now Flights return from auckland is $458.90 including stupid charges! jet star is a no frills bring your sandweges kinda thing but its only $361.00 return! I know your cant come from auckland but if its that price from auckland then its probably more stopover from wellington!
  12. no theyre 3 hours behind us right now! its currently 6:08am for sidney right now! I dont know how it works that he was almost arrested, my building is a security building, and cops around my area are STUPID! my dad passed a small table through the window, and then when he was bringing chairs in the front security door they got out and said "oii what do you think your doing"
  13. Im excited and nervious and ive been up for a while trying to sort out my money...I is happy cos my ticket money has finally made it into account! I know, trust the forgeners to be earlier than the citizins man! then again its only like 6.44am where they are! they should start waking up any moment now! but I guess for those who got presales its just another day! omg My dad almost got arrested for bringing me furniature... for serious! WTF?
  14. fair deal, except we all know australia crashes our parties too and for sure they would if mika came here instead of there!
  15. there are so many things that are going throught my mind and I just had to stop, slap my self in the face and say...ITS IN 2 MONTHS WOMAN! I dont even know how im going to get around while im over there...im not a huge fan of public transport, especially busses...I have a fear of them, not the busses themselves but the passingers that get on the bus, Its not a phobia cos I still use busses but I get really anxious and totally freak out when anyone sits behind me! go on...call me a freak! Lyonah I think I already told you the story of why im scared of buss passingers...the incident with the firearm in auckland scared me for life! ok I better go, my computers doing funny things not saving things I tell it too and stuff and i must get up early and check my money has cleared! its going to be so weird, being the first time out of new zealand and all! but im kinda happy that im not the onlyone from the kiwi land crashing the ausie party!
  16. dont worry im that kind of person too! Early Early Early! the rest of my family told me that she lived there! because my father talked to them because she hasnt replied! I dont even know where the rest of the ausies are staying! yes I remember that tweet! central coast:blink: say what? from what I hear dad says that its not a good idea to camp out, but Ill have to post in the ausie thread and see where they are planning to stay!
  17. I totally get what you mean! its ok! Im still kinda confused about the whole traveling to a new country thing! its kinda scary for me! kelzy birthday will do that finally...Better late than never, tried before but my internet packed a crap on me! Your lucky though. at least your aunty answered you...mine has yet to give me so much as a phonecall, and I emailed her like a couple of weeks ago! And now I find out, my aunty doenst even live near newtown, she lives in hornsby...30km from the venue let alone anything else!
  18. true true! I dont know what you can do about tickets, I still dont know about mine yet... cross popilops my money makes its way into my debit card account before 2morrow morning! I would help you out if I could ill text you if I can help but yeah...have you posted in the ausie thread? Oh it would be awesome us 3 kiwis made it over to see him! total kiwi invasion...of 3 of us! not exactly an invasion but...hmm Naa not sure where I was going with that!
  19. that tweet wasnt nice! but yay you might be able to come, air new zealand is actually quite good, there is no airport fee for auckland airport . keep an eye on grab a seat, maybe something will show up there! I dont know how fast the gig tickets will sell thought, they go on sale tomorrow 9am australian time!
  20. Up The Boo Aye Shooting Pookakies? this one? "Don't let them frighten you for they are simply parts of your nightmares and nightmares as we know end when you wake up......or do they?" I know of it!
  21. yes? up the boohai shooting pukeko's? actually the whole phrase in my location is a polite way of saying "Mind your own business" or "just wandering around". I thought it was quite apropriate
  22. hellooooo suzanne how are you this fine afternoon (or whatever time it is where your at)
  23. one could debate that we stole ALL of our national dishes...except maybe horopito which is quite discusting! and lets not forget the pav. debate Oh deary me look at my spelling! The dyslexia says hello everyone! Save me!
  24. Riverbasil ...youtube Riverbasil? Auckland and the top end of the north island WAS effected by the Red apocalypse...I mean 'dust storm' but me and Lollipop_girl live in the bottom of the north island so we werent effected! OMFG! im looking at tix from auckland to sidney for $175 on Grab a seat! DOES ANYONE KNOW WHEN TIX GO ON SALE FOR GENERAL PUBLIC? i know monday but what time monday? I need to know if I need to sleep over at my parents house and STEAL internets!
  25. Starve? no chance...if the cupboard is bare theres always the parents lol! Hehehe and after the tickets the only thing I need is the flights and passport, and then to decide whether or not to go to armageddon...probably not!
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