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Everything posted by RosinaKiwi

  1. WOAH! im gone a day and this thread expands by 2 pages! good on yall! *goes to read through thread* I do believe that would be Keith richards about Invercargill? I LOVE christchurch! Need I remind you we have also been trying to get him here since 2007! I CANT WAIT EITHER! Its ok, next time wont be far away. we are hoping that he comes here after he sees at least 2 fans fly over from new zealand to see him. and I undrstand, I have been waiting since '07 and I was totally gutted I couldnt go last time they went to australia! maybe you want to organise for one of the ausies...or one of us kiwis that are going, to give him something from you? Um...*Feels OLD!* I was 15 six years ago! Having already left school I can say is do what you want to do! I didnt know what I wanted to do till 4th term in 7th form (year 13). If you want to do acting work at it! Acting is worth it if you want it bad enough! A job that you enjoy doesnt feel so much like a job!
  2. Khayla I wouldnt mind you insulting palmi north...ive heard it all before! even john cleese the cheese said It was the town to go if you lack the courage to commit suiside cos its so boring! Id tend to agree!
  3. Haha I think I joke about australia just as I take the piss out of my friends I dont take the piss out of most people. only people I really hate OR people I really like...and theres usually a difference having said that theres not many people I hate! Its like you make your way up the friendship scale till I feel comfortable enough to take the piss out of you without you taking it the wrong way! I guess I get that from my grandma! she always used to joke about friends IN their company! Khayla I dont mind you insulting where I live...ive heard it all before!
  4. like john key said on letterman...unlike the rest of the world we still like americans! ook so maybe we send our rejects to america...I say at least they still have the death penilty! I dont know why we are more loyal to americans than we is to ausie...blame the govt. I guess its like an america canada thing...or maybe its just that its so much fun to take the piss out of eachother hehe... in the best way possible though right!
  5. but there are those rulles in place already! In the latest news letter 3 people were sued for damages done to property and 2 were sued for owning houses and not declaring it! there are almost monthly inspections, which can be annoying but also If a person is found keeping a house in a bad condition they can be evicted! and of course...you dont get your bond back and get a bad credit. And some of us, actually make it their home! take pride in it and all that! If this bill passes I might be homeless! I mean totally homeless! anyone have a couch I can live on? HOW can you guys NOT like the beach! Its awesome! But then again Ive always been a water baby! the only thing I dont like about the beach is Blue bottles! OUCH! My mate trace promiced me years ago to teach me to surf...we havent got much past paddling out with my board! I still cant stand up! I went to the beach mid winter for my 21st thats how much I love the beach! guess Im the odd one out...thats good to know!
  6. I like the country, but its a pitty its full of ****ers! I mean, I actually dont mind the green hills and all that crap, but it only goes so far... as long as I dont end up having to live in a makeshift bivawac in the middle of the new zealand bush to get privacy and the stupid government is taking affordable housing away as well as cutting the training insentive allowance and rising stupid allocation fees for university! I will die before I see the day I live on handouts and
  7. Im sure Australia could actually deal with our idiots! I actually liked being kiwi...until I realised that people were going and ruining it for the rest of us! I actually like america cos its more patriotic than the kiwi land!
  8. I actually like new zealand...I mean If all the idiots moved to australia the country would get better! but I fear...its only getting worse! have you seen the new search law theyre trying to bring in...basically allowing them to search you on the street or your home without a warrent. and now theyre trying to cut out low income housing and housing for those who need group or assisted housing! ARGH! Id be ok with america...As long as its not a fashist! I want my right to stay quiet, in my house, assisted when I fall into dificulty. I dont want to be on the streets! [/Rant]
  9. :mf_lustslow: How did I NOT know about this thread! this thread appears to make for an interesting read! *buries head in thread*
  10. Random places thread? I cant say I remember it! Elaborate... Retirement land? are you serious? you ausies have the weirdist place names! for serious!
  11. I meant ww1 not ww2! im getting my World wars muddled! does there have to be so many I wore his hat today, its so weird...he must have had on bloody small head! and the flag he flew on his boat is almost see through nowdays! it looks like it has been through the war...AND it has! Im the great granddaughter of Alex Radford and sons Engineering! I think thats pretty cool!
  12. Never knew him! He was dead WAYYY before my time! He was so different from who I am though, but in some ways the same, he was a ww2 Navy officer who hated Americans and Didnt like woman wearing pants, he even called my grandma a bitch one time cos she didnt weight on him hand and foot like she was 'supposed to' he was a product of his time I guess But at least now I know where my love of engineering comes from! he built a plane in his living room and flew it out the window! I was shocked cos you never expect to find any ralative even mildly attractive! WElCOME! come on in! yay bay of plenty! im the kiwi Rep! though any questions I cant answer im sure there will be people in this thread can do that job damn straight! thats my job...I slept in! occasionally? admit it! your almost one of us!
  13. Lol im sure I was too...shall we never mention the desart island thread! Omg Im back from the place that stinks like rotton eggs! It was fun, I never realised how much I miss my family till I see them! and the tree! I officially became a tree hugger! Sometimes I think im the only one in the family who likes/doesnt dislike gay people! I really hate the conversation! I mean nobody needs to know...It doesnt define the person does it? Is it bad of me if I saw a pic of my great grandad in war uniform and thought he was kinda cute...
  14. haha mine is actually janet, but she refuses to let me call her aunty so we just call her AJ that would be freaky! almost like meeting your twin at summercamp...(parent trap)
  15. Im only going to RotoVegas cos my family live there...and my grandmother is buried there...and we have some harlooms to rescue from my uncles place since he just split with his bitch wife and moved to china...YES china! I know I sound mean calling my aunty a bitch...but if you met her you would understand, she chose my uncle cos he was rich, and could provide, then when he lost his job recently she basically ended it. not to mention the fact she is so straight faced its not funny! Ive never seen her smile, and she has the nack for talking behind your back right in front of your face. I dont think she ever has liked me very much cos she rased her children to be seen but not heard and I was always very loud! sorry the woman just gets on my nerves! shes the kind of woman who will give you a bar of ordinary soap for christmas...not dove or anything expencive just a cheap bar of soap as if to insult you while looking caring! the best day of my life was when I was old and loud enough to give her a taste of her own medicine wow...how did I end up talking about this? I dont think I can comment on family stuff as mine is just as screwed up as anyone elses!
  16. 86...YAAAY!! ROTORUA = ROTO-vagus! your his friend cos you put up with his **** and still like him! I loved that hendrix quote though! I'm gonna wave my freak flag high might add that to my Signature...when I figure out how to do it, I cant remember lol Its been so long since I altered it! I realised that you have more posts than I have, and I almost have as many tweets as I do posts...Im slack
  17. all I can offer is an ear to listen and advice when I know something! like hendrix said
  18. Im coming in around the 22nd Im not sure yet but aj (my aunt) says that she doesnt want to drive at night, so I thought I can stay with her on the first night and stay in the hostel for the 23rd and 24th, so I dont have to wait for her to get off work to get to the gig and she doesnht have to drive at night after the gig has finished! of course Ill have to clear it with her first! Im just not sure how much sleep im gonna get at my aunts! Im short but not small enough to sleep on a very small couch! If I do take the option of the hostel for 2 nights Ill probably need to take a train or something on the 25th or something!
  19. ...who cares about spelling on twitter...ITS TWITTER! I mean its not as if your going to write essays in text form that would be stupid but twitter it doesnt matter... its just like a text! "Perhaps you should learn about YOUR FACE!" I loldat that 1! pretty much! I suck at spelling always have probably always will cos of my dyslexia I do stupid mistakes without realising! I still get my b's and D's muddled, and put letters backwards and stuff! spell check is my hero!
  20. I didnt know this thread existed! WOOOT! this kiwi will finally fly! I will go overseas for the first time I will see/meet mika for the first time I will meet mfcers for the first time! Thats right folks! its been 2 years since I tried last time...and this time it is definately happening! depending on the time my plane gets into sidney I may need someone to pick me up...my aunty may be at work!
  21. being strong willed isnt a bad thingm though! I wish I had had the balls to speak up so many times in my past when I felt something but Said nothing! I followed my parents around wherever they went! I moved schools 6 times and was upset about 4 of them! I never said anything though! I wish I had said what I felt, I still cant do that sometimes so your one up on me there! It was so weird for me cos I spent the first 8 years of my life in a small farming town, where it was ok to be different and every kid learnt that people came in different shapes and sizes! I prefer that small town or Auckland to palmi cos Palmi is smallish but still kinda big enough so you see everyone you hate! In auckland you can just be one of a crowd...not get noticed if you dont want to be and running into someone you dont want to see is less likely! I have a bit of a rant though! Why do guys automatically think im going to go snog a woman because I go to a car show and Drool over cars and like wrestling or whatever! so wait...its ok for a man to be metrosexual but its not ok for me to be a tomgirl? WTF![/rant] Katy perrys song is so totally right! In other news: AHHHHHHH My tickets arrived! I was feeling like crap today. I have hayfever with no antihistiamines (SP?) and no food in the fridge till wednesday! UNTIL that is the courier came with my tickets!
  22. I have been straight and boring before! I used to think that because I was different it would be easier to try to fit in! obviously not anymore hmm...its not ment to be a picture its ment to be a link to a picture lets try this again http://twitpic.com/jxh8e work now? I was always the girl who would put barbies in a truck not a pritzy barbie car! a tom-girl (not a tomboy cos I was very much a girly girl at the same time I also loved to do guy things!) but when I first realised I was interested in guys and guys wernt interested in me It was so much easier to fit in than to be left out! in fact in highschool I think I was a different person each year trying to fit in! at least tell him how much you wanted to be there and how much you tried...I dont think he really needs to know the rest!
  23. just remember to save for bond and rent in advance too! bond can be up to 4 weeks rent and then rent in advance can be that again! youll need to pay that at the time you sign a tennancy agreement! who knows...maybe we can persuade mika to finally come here when he sees 2 of us came from new zealand and ven that you tried! it was so almost 3! guess you could call me straight and boring...except I dont think I am! I get called it quite alot actaully...I try hard not to be! Im not a prue but I am somewhat old fashioned! in someways I am in others im not! I kinda get the whole not fitting in and misunderstood thing though! I guess Ive never really fitted in either though, Im kinda an old fashioned girl but I also like quite a few things that make guys think of me as one of the guys and girls think im gay! This picture explains exactly who I am... http://twitpic.com/jxh8e I sucked at highschool...and I somewhat suck at university but If Helen Keller can do it deaf and blind I can do it too! I think you should definately explain that you did try to come over to australia with us! maybe explain why you couldnt. maybe in less detail if you want!
  24. from what I see your mother has seen this guy and his kids as almost a ready made family! she probably feels she can go and play happy families and thinks you will be ok with your granddad! part time jobs around school are hard to come by though! I speak from experience! Im sure mika will understand! he might even feel a bit sorry!
  25. fair enough! But maybe you want to make a video or write him something that we can take to him if we meet him? I totally understand your position, im lucky I told my mums boyfriend to piss the hell off and he only visits when we are not there now! It sucks about your mother leaving you in wellington it shouldnt be that way! But just think...next year you can legally move out and live where you want and do what you want for yourself! I guess im lucky because my father always made sure my sister and I were happy with whoever he was dating before it went anywhere!
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