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Posts posted by KiteKat

  1. Thank youuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk:


    ....those bits of interviews with fans are just precious!..and Alan stood soooo close to you...


    ...and I was so happy when he has also mentioned that bit about M's expression of the face (when crowd was singing along).....yeah, once again - I really like Alans thoughtfully positive and attentive attitude to Mika....

  2. i don't know if it has been already posted

    but i had watched some u tube mika videos and i had found this CUTE "making of.."

    can't wait to see the video!!!:biggrin2:

    enjoy it!lol:thumb_yello:




    I think it's the 5th thread with this vid

    I lov it


    :thumb_yello::wub2: Thanks sooooooooo much for posting this one!!!

    ...Apparently some people do live on Mars....

    and this is the first time I see this particular video....:bleh:


    ...gives me rather a strange feeling ...dunno how to explain..maybe its Bowie "soundtrack" that does it....and all the "flying" that sets into some strange mood....and I have rewinded that flying bit a few times already :bleh: ....maybe just too much Munhausen these days.


    and Yasmine is always such a flower....

  3. btw....saw my own old post above.....I still think he is a great musician, and a supertalent etc....

    ....but after that famously infamous incident he has slammed Perez .....in most inappropriate and offensive way......I mean one can be pissed and irritated.....but replying rude is just bringing one down to the level below the "offender" .....thats just childish and stupid....and he is rather a public figure after all, which implies certain responsibilities....

  4. I think U2 are amazing , seen them twice , amazing , this is a thread for them and about them ... check this out




    Yeh for definate and amzing live :biggrin2:


    it is such a pity I've still never seen them live...the ticks sell out at speed of light....and I never know my work schedules/exams...:thumbdown: ....same with M now....:thumbdown: (although I'm happy of crse he has gone that big....M at Wembley!!! :punk: )

  5. Hi gals and guys!


    Just a quick drive by linkage from me today for you all....




    I am associated with Hottogs so yes, it is a little bit of a self promo, but I thought you may all actually be interested in Mika's latest fashion choice regardless ;)


    Yay to all!




    P.s feel free to grab a free account over at hottogs if you are interested in Fashion :)



    oh, thanks for the link!

    nice website :bleh:

    (...and nice hoodie that strange guy is wearing)

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